[2 days later]
After the entrance test to the world's largest academy failed, news portals released stories massacring the institution and its representatives.
Newspapers published their online editions with the following headline: "Was the world's largest academy attacked by villains or by Mother Nature? Or was the attack made indirectly by the institution itself?"
Fortunately, there were no deaths, and the academy was able to maintain its reputation and ranking as the best hero academy in the world.
World leaders have spoken out and sent words of support to the injured participants, and crucified the academy for choosing a location where an earthquake could occur, and consequently cause the death of the participants.
And the question is... What will happen next? Well, the academy has already prepared an individual admission test, which will be run online. Are you having doubts? I am too.
The methodology adopted for the entrance test is based on virtual reality technology, which provides a simulated and challenging environment. In this context, the candidates' participation takes place through a digitally constructed city, in which they will be evaluated on their skills and aptitudes. The use of the virtual environment offers significant benefits, such as the possibility of taking the admission test in a controlled environment, increasing the security and accuracy of the results obtained.
Furthermore, the candidates' immersion in a virtual environment provides a unique and engaging experience. By being inserted in a virtual scenario, the participant can concentrate exclusively on the proposed tasks, without any external distractions. In addition, it is possible to collect more accurate data regarding the candidates' performance throughout the test, given the possibility of recording and examining the captured information in real-time. This methodology, therefore, represents a significant advance in the way admission tests are conducted, offering an innovative, accurate, and secure alternative for talent identification.
I explained beautifully, right? Anyway, the admission test will start today, will I participate? No. The reasons? Here they are:
After I left the ruined city, the security team led by the vice principal detected the presence of mana trails in the affected perimeter and quickly collected the samples for laboratory analysis. During the autopsy of the samples, it was found that the mana traces found belonged exclusively to me, which highlighted my responsibility for the incident, and that the cause was not something natural.
Nevertheless, because my father was Connor Lothrbok and no deaths occurred during the incident, the information about my guilt was kept confidential, allowing me to be admitted to the academy instantly.
Now all I'm going to do is enjoy my day of peace by eating all day!
If there is one thing I love to do, besides driving, it is without a doubt eating food! Man, I love to eat, eating is just too good!
With Edward's phone, which had no password, I downloaded a fast food application and ordered five Hamburgers to be delivered to the Lothbrok Family building. The estimated delivery time is in 10 minutes and I? I'm sitting on the couch while watching the newspaper on TV.
I was watching television when suddenly a news report about Brazil caught my attention. It was a report on the valor academy in Rio de Janeiro, which had successfully recruited one thousand students this year. I was impressed by the number and began to wonder what made this academy so special.
While I was still pondering the news, my Aunt Ava entered my house without knocking, exuding friendliness with her greeting: "Hey, kiddo! Congratulations on getting into the academy. You did well to leave the city in ruins and show them the power of a Lothbrok!" My eyes widened and my expression betrayed my surprise and indignation. I never expected anyone in my family to know about the city incident, let alone approve of my destructive behavior.
With a mix of anger and bewilderment, I replied: "What are you talking about, Aunt? How do you know about this? And what do you mean, 'power of a Lothbrok'?"
She laughed as if she were enjoying my reaction, before answering: "Oh, dear nephew, don't play innocent. Everyone in our family knows what you're capable of. And as for the power of the Lothbroks...well, let's just say that your easy entry into the battle academy is proof enough."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could my family know about what I had done? And why in the world would they be proud of something so destructive? My mind was restless and confused in the face of this revelation.
But my Aunt Ava didn't seem to care about my reaction, as she continued to talk, this time with a more confident air: "And I have some news for you, dear. Now that you're in the battle academy, I'm sure your potential will be even more recognized and valued. You'll have the chance to show what you're capable of and bring a lot of honor to our family."
I looked at her, still a bit confused about the whole situation. Deep down, I knew that Aunt Ava was trying to encourage and motivate me, but she didn't seem to understand the consequences of what I had done.
Finally, I said: "Aunt, I don't know if what I did was right or wrong. And I don't want to feel proud of having caused so much damage. Anyway, thanks for your support and encouragement. I will do my best in the academy and honor the Lothbrok name."
Aunt Ava smiled, looking satisfied with my response, before saying goodbye and leaving my house as suddenly as she came. I stayed there, trying to process all the information and feelings that had arisen during that conversation with Aunt Ava.
On one hand, I felt a mix of shame and regret for what I had done. After all, it was not right to cause destruction and harm to other people, even if I considered it to be justified at that moment.
On the other hand, I also felt a sense of pride in my abilities and the results I had achieved so far. I knew I was not a common type of person and had skills that many others wished to have.
In the end, I concluded that I needed to find a balance between these two sides of my personality. I needed to learn to use my abilities in a more responsible and precise manner, without causing unnecessary harm to others.
With this resolution in mind, I took a deep breath and prepared myself to enter the battle academy, ready for the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead.