Chereads / She Who Was Born to Die / Chapter 10 - ۞ Nine ۞

Chapter 10 - ۞ Nine ۞

DESPITE MY ANGER FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO LAY LOW ANYMORE, thanks to what the principal is doing to me, I confess that today was probably my favorite day here since I first arrived. For once, I was able to loosen up and use a bit more of my power and strength. From talking back at Brandon and Anna, to talking back at all the assholes, to beating Devon's gang, finally allowing myself to make a friend from another race, and then using my vampire manipulation softly on the jerk before coming here… damn. It was all I've dying to do since I came here.

But I didn't because I had to lay low. Now fuck that. As long as I only use my vampire powers, my strength, and my mind, I won't need to swallow all this bullshit those fucking vampires have been feeding me with up until now.

I can be a strong vampire without getting them suspicious about me being a hybrid, a trihybrid, or a tetrahybrid. The only thing I'm concerned with now is the brain test in a month, that Gabe mentioned. That can't be good for me. Especially when two members of the Council of the Grim Reaper will be here.

Maybe I can just pass as a prodigy genius. The strongest thing that gives in a hybrid is their jeweled eyes, and they can't see mine, thanks to my pair of lens of the same color. It's still kind of strange to use them, after 6 years, to look in the middle and not see my right amethyst eye or my left emerald eye shining bright. The part I miss the most is still being able to use my wings, but that's okay. It's for my safety. I would be kind of fucked if mom wasn't half demon too, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hid them at all.

One day I hope I'll be able to be myself freely.

As I got back to my dorms dripping in blood, I waited until I healed and took three bathes on a roll to wipe of the blood out of me. Then I went to my small kitchen and began to prepare another shake with cow's blood. I'm not really a fan of animal blood like this, to be honest, but it's what I have. I can't drink other people's blood, and prove that they are right saying that hybrids are chaotic and shit.

And I put an essence on the blood to cover the smell, because I feel nauseous by the smell of cow's blood. While the smell of mine calms me down. It's terrible and I constantly avoid thinking about it not to ponder the idea of me also being a monster.

That's why I don't mind when I get hurt or when someone like Brandon hurt me enough to make me bleed, because the scent of my blood calms my nerves down. It's complicated. I don't expect you to understand.

When I was done, I laid in my bed with my phone and air pods which I got as secret present two birthdays ago, my drink on the bedside table, and put some songs I have from the unawares folks, since their songs are quite good, I have to confess. I put on Middle of the Night by an unaware called Elley Duhé, and focused on a web novel called Death in the Horizon by Tate Reeves, a famous female centaur mystery writer, who is also one of the heads of D'Angelo Boarding Academia.

But after about two hours ran down, I sensed a strong and familiar energy approaching my balcony. So, I paused the song, closed the web novel, got up and walked barefoot to the balcony. When I stepped there, I saw Gabe flying beautifully with long and huge bat black wings, about two meters from my place. "How did you know I was here already? My wings are soundless," indeed they are.

"I could feel you coming," I extended him my hand and he jumped inside. "So, are you alright? I'm sorry for leaving you there. Did Devon tried anything?"

His eyes went to my neck, "It healed already."

"That's a" tetrahybrid "vampire thing."

"I was so scared that I froze there. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you, Bella. I'm deeply sorry. That fucking jerk lost his mind to do such a barbarian thing in front of everyone like that. Just because of what? Because that stupid club!" He made me look up and analyzed my skin. "You got hurt two times today, in the same place, by the same person. When you left the building, you looked like someone who came out of a horror movie, all covered in blood."

I giggled, massaging my neck. "Don't worry too much. Worse than that happened before, but I always healed quickly. I'm stronger than I look," I winked. "Come in," I said and made a sign for him to enter my room.

He gasped, "Oh my, your bedroom is huge. You even have a small kitchen just for yourself, this is so unfair. You must be one of the only ones in school with a single bedroom, besides the Headers of each House here." Gabe snooped around, "I don't know those book titles. What are those?"

"It's human literature. I kind of enjoy how dirty they can be while writing. The entire left shelf is filled with spicy steamy books written by humans. Their perspective of things is quite interesting," I went to him, stepped over the tall chair in front of it and in my toes, I got a collection of my BL books. "You might like these. They are unaware fantasy, and all of these are BL. Boys love. It's sweet and I really like this author."

He bit his bottom lip, kind of concerned, "You are the first person I've met that enjoyed unaware culture."

"I'm weird. But it doesn't change the fact that those are good. Some one those arrogant being really are able of creating good stuff. Check those two out. It's called The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, then there's Heaven Official's Blessing. I have all the books."

Holding them in his hands, he jumped on my queen-sized bed. "They are all quite huge. I'll take sometime to finish them. How did you get these?"

"Someone I happened to meet sales them in the black market. All in good quality and new. Kind of pricy, but school pays me an fat monthly allowance, since I'm an orphan. It helps," then I took another sip of my drink.

Gabriel seemed conflicted and hid his wings again, "I'm sorry to know that. But you know nothing about them?"

I played with the piercing on my tongue, "No. My memories are very faint, I only remember whispers of their first names and of mine. "Catarina and Vincenzo. That's all I have. The rest are flashes of memories of me running in a dark forest. The psychologist who tried to help me out said I must have blocked my memories because of some trauma I wanted to forget. Then they found me starving on the forest, took me in, and when I was healthy enough, they sent be to Montanari. I'm here since."

"So, you don't know what they were?" What kind of question is that?

I scoffed, "They were vampires, Gabriel. What else would they be? I'm 100% vampire, meaning they were both vampires too. What's up with that question?"

He played with the pages of the books before looking at me again, "Nothing. I just got curious, since you said you don't remember about your parents."

"Gabriel, I hope you didn't just suggested something as absurd as me being a hybrid!" I said carefully and he flinched. How the fuck did he get to that point? "What the fuck happened while I left you there?" But he avoided my eyes. "Gabriel?"

"I signed the paper to be part of the club, despite Devon's disagreement, and tried to tell them that you only went there because Mrs. Beaumont ordered you to, and they kind of freaked out. Especially Brandon. Then," he took a sip of my drink but regretted right away and ran to my bathroom to throw up. "What kind of shit are you drinking, Bella? Disgusting!"

Not being able to hold it, I burst out laughing, "It's my special drink of oat milk, fresh fruits, and cow's blood." When he heard that, he vomited even more.

"Disgusting shit!" He yelled, trying to wash his mouth with soap, making me laugh even more.