Chapter 17 - Merlin

My father was sealed when I was little, I barely even remember the day. At first I was lost as to why this happened to my family.

I lost my mother and father in the same day, I couldn't do anything to stop it as I was weak. I had ultimate skills but I still couldn't use them properly as my age and body prevented it.

When we were first attacked buy the angels, I was in my room just test out some magic. Then my mother bursted in my room.

She quickly grabbed me and then we headed to the training grounds. My mother apparently was panicking as she was carrying me.

Then I heard the voice of the world.

{Noticed, Armageddon has been active}

Then I looked at the sky, it was filled with angels. At first it was cool, but them all of a sudden the activated there magic.

I just saw beams of light and other Magic's hit the kingdom and blow everything up. I was scared, then we arrived where Anos was.

My mom just lifted both of us and booked it, but before she could make it any further we were surrounded by angels.

My mom activated her Unique Skill [Solar], the surrounding started to heat up. Some of the angels just started to burn.

This wasn't enough though, some of the angels made it passed her magic. Me and Anos fought the ones that made it pass my mom.

Then I sense a huge amount of Magicules coming at us. It was like a bright star coming our direction, I was scared that I would die.

Then all of a sudden a wall of light appeared, it was my grandpa Unique Skill [Light Reflection]. It reflected most of the spell and we were hit by it side affects. So it wasn't anything we couldn't handle.

My grandma then appeared out of the shadows and started helping me, Anos, and my mother to escape or at least try.

It seem that the angels were coming at us nonstop, and my mom and grandparents were running low on Magicule.

"Damn it, Hannah take the kids and run!" My grandpa said

"Yes, Hannah take them! We will handle the rest of them!" My grandmother said

"What are you crazy, there no way you can handle all of them! It suicidal!" My mother said

"It might be, but we are old. We have all ready live our lives."my grandfather said

"Yes, you and the kids have a future. Make sure that you can enjoy it"my grandma said

Then all of a sudden my grandmother used her shadow magic and teleport us just a few hundred feet from were we where originally.

It wasn't far but it was enough for us to run. Then my mother took us to the castle, as there was a safe room deep down.

While we were running there, the angels noticed our presence and started to attack. It was chaotic, we just ran but people and buildings were destroyed all round us.

It was a brutal scene, but I could care much as I was helping my mother and refilling her Magicules. It seem that she should have ran out a long time ago, but due to me giving her some of mine she could still use magic.

Once we arrived at the castle, there were lots of angels waiting for us. They weren't the weak ones either, but on the level of a A+ monster.

I could handle A+ monsters, but they were mindless with no strategy. Now these guys were angels and they had skills and everything.

"Kids, run to the castle. You know where to go"my mom said

We nodded and we ran, in the castle and found my father's office. This place was made as a fortress room as it stored information about the kingdom.

So it was a safe and unbreakable place for everyone. Me and Anos looked out of the window.

[A/N: It a magic room with a barrier, so a window wouldn't make it weaker or easier to break in.]

There I saw my mom fight the angels all alone, she was losing and was out of Magicules. The angels all had weapons and gear, but my mom had nothing.

I saw her get stabbed and stabbed by swords and she was being blasted by all sorts of spells. One of them even used a spear and threw it at her.

It went straight in her back and came out of the front. She now had a hole in her heart, she then dropped to her knees.

"Any last words" a angel asked

"Yeah, you should have aim for the head" my mother said

Then all of a sudden a bunch of Magicules started to come together and form inside her. It was fast that even the angels couldn't react in time.

Then the space around them seem to have warped because of the extreme heat. Then my mother body started to disintegrate, but before she fully disintegrated she said something.

"I love you two, remember that" my mother said

Then she disappeared and turned into a bright red and orange sphere, it was like a mini sun. Then all of a sudden it exploded.

This explosion took out all the angels around her, she even seem to destroy a huge part of the castle. Luckily the room we were in was able to withstand the blast.

She had died, and she had created the opportunity for us to live at the cost of her own life. I just started to burst into tears.

Anos also seem to be crying, but it seem he was trying to hold it back. I mean we did just see our mother die.

Some time later, my dad appeared and hugged us. Then he teleported us somewhere, it was a in the middle of nowhere.

I just saw a beautiful scenery, it helps me cheer up a little. Then my dad gave me a necklace, I could tell it was a powerful item.

He told us it was so that we could teleport her, and use this world as a escape. I was happy to receive it as it was a good gift for me.

Then the world shook, then my dad told us something but I wasn't listening. I was distracted by the necklace and the world shaking.

Then he teleported us, it seem that we have arrived at a new kingdom. We were surrounded by guards but my dad released his aura and they all passed out or went to the knees.

Then a beautiful lady approached, she seem to have white or silver hair, and a blue eye and a red eye.

I overheard her conversation with my dad, and told my dad she was weird but he disagreed as he is also weird and Anos reminded me of that.

Then we were token by some guards, they seem to be showing us the place. Then I heard some noise coming from the place we were just at.

It seem to be a fight, but not a destructive one. I just head back with Anos, and saw the lady tearing a bit.

I was looking for my dad but he wasn't there, then the lady told us something. Then I fell asleep, it seem that I heard the voice of the world.

{Noticed, giving Merlin Freelance her gift}

When I woke up, I felt a massive change. My unique skill [Blessed By Magic] had evolved into Ultimate Skill [King of Denial, Ayin].

It basically allowed me to deny concepts and limitations. It was a defense type skill as it could do no damage, but could deny it.

I could even deny a person who didn't have a ultimate skill and it would be like they never existed in the world.

It was strong, but I was still needed to get stronger to bring my dad.

When I woke up, the lady started to take care of us. Her name was Luminous, and she was a rookie at parenting.

She burned food and seem to struggle at things all parents could do, but eventually she got the hang of it and me and Anos started growing up.

The world was in chaos, I tried to deny it but it wouldn't work. It was weird but it seem that it was supposed to happen.

So I tried to help people in other ways, I gave them magic. I help create spells and magic tools to help the people of the church.

They started to call me a hero and over time I was made into a important figure in there religion. I was the Goddess of Magic, Merlin.

Then years went on I had become a true hero, the second one to have ever lived besides of my dad. It seems that I had evolved my final unique skill.

Unique skill [Infinite Magical Control] evolved into Ultimate Skill [Queen of Manipulation, Ananke] it basically made me have control over anything with Magicules.

Then my brother also awakened during his travels, he was a demon lord. Then I got Unique Skill [Grimoire], it was a skill that let me make any type of magic.

Then I traveled the world but there wasn't much to see as it was only people in pain and suffering because of the world's stability. So I just stayed in the pocket dimension, that I had access to from my necklace and visited my mom.

Then some high people over heard that I was calling Luminous my mom. They assumed that she had gave birth to me, and they know that my dad was Yuta and so they connected it all together.

They had redone there whole religion because of this. Luminous turned into the Goddess of beginnings, beauty, and holy light.

While my dad was turn into another legend in the church. He was a human king called King of the End, Yuta. He was the first one to rise and to fall. The strongest human to have ever lived.

It was said that he got so powerful, that the Heavens killed him by sending the seven angels. Then after he was sealed the Era of Doomsday began.

Luckily, he had two kid with the Goddess Luminous. They were of course talking about me and Anos.

I was the Goddess of Magic and Anos the God of Strength. It was said that I inherited my father hero powers. It was true as I was a true hero.

Anos inherited the dark side, becoming a demon lord. This was also true, as he is a demon lord.

But after the Era of Doomsday, we were all consider myths and legend's because me, Anos, and mom stayed isolated from the world and dad was still sealed.

Years and years have passed, it seem that there was new people taking over the world like a certain red hair demon and a blonde king. Then I felt his presence at my mom castle, I just smiled as I felt his Magicules.


[A/N: I tried to make it match the story's timeline so far, did I miss anything?

Next chapter is about Anos adventures and less about the past.

Should Anos have his own kingdom that he secretly rules like Luminous?

Forgive me if I made some grammar mistakes and misspelled any words! Autocorrect is my enemy sometimes!

Anyways enjoy and have a great day!]