Chereads / Tensura: The Knight of Apocalypse / Chapter 19 - A Certain Demon

Chapter 19 - A Certain Demon

[A/N: There different POV in this chapter l, it will be Guys POV. Just enjoy!]


(Guy POV)

When I was first summoned, I was surrounded by lots of people. They seem to have wanted to control me.

Little did they know, that there weak magic was nothing compared to my. I mean the only reason they were able to summon me from the Demon Realm, was because they had sacrificed a whole army of people.

I mean it was just a few above average human mages, with one of them holding a Unique Skill. It wasn't even that strong of a Skill.

I mean all it could do was silent cast and use above average magic, it was nothing compared to my Unique Skill.

It was kinda pathetic to even see them try and take control of me. I mean they were trying so hard and where sacrificing there own life force.

I just laughed but they seem to have took it personally, and started sacrificing each other for more Magicules for there spells.

Then after a few minutes there was only one. He was already skin and bone, it was really pathetic.

"You! You demon , shall be under my control!"he said

"Haha, I guess you don't know who you summon to be speaking like that"I said

Then I just swiped my hand creating a shockwave and blew his hand off.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"he screamed as he was slowly dying now

"Hahaha, I don't mean to brag, but besides of the angels and those dragons, I am the strongest"I said

"You demon!!!"he said

"Now your getting it"I said

Then I just killed him, it was a simple kill. I just punched his head and it blew up.

Then I wonder what I would do next. I mean I have just been summoned, and my tour guides to the world have died.

I travel the world and it seem that there were a few interesting things that happened before I came here.

It seems that ever since the Era of Doomsday, most of magical improvements have been lost. I wasn't around when it happen but reading and visiting the Church of Luminus, tells of historical figures and events.

It seem that there were a few powerful figures that appeared and disappeared after the Era of Doomsday ended.

There was that vampire that acted like a goddess with her own religion and people wrapped a rounded here finger.

But I wasn't that interested in here as much as I was in her kids. I mean she was considered a Majin and should have greatly weakened after childbirth.

But I spied on her once but she seem to have noticed and broke the spell almost immediately.

[A/N: Guy hasn't awakened as a demon lord, and currently is weaker then Luminous Valentine. Luminous will be on the same level as Guy when they both awaken as demon lords. Making her stronger then what she was in the original.]

She was stronger then me which was a surprise, so I looked into her history with the church. She was the Goddess and ruler of the church.

She had a "lover" which I didn't believe for a second as I knew that she wasn't one to take up a man or have kids.

Which made me confused why she had kid but wasn't weak, then it hit me. They weren't her real kids but adopted ones.

And by the history of what is said in the church it must be Yuta's, "King of the End" kids. The "strongest human" to have ever lived.

Now Yuta's history is what confused me the most, I mean the "King of the End" and him being the "First to rise and fallen" didn't make sense.

I mean a hero could lose his Grace but never become a demon lord or be stronger by losing his grace like what the text said.

It didn't make sense, also apparently the 7 angels were order by the Heaven to seal him made even less sense, as Veldanava could do it himself.

His children made more sense which I was glad about. His son was apparently the first one to be a Demon Lord, the second one if you believe his dad became one which I didn't.

This made sense if he got a Majin pregnant, and it was most likely a demon as it said that he had inherited the dark side of his powers.

His daughter was the first hero, second of his dad was one. But at this point I was starting to doubt this "Yuta" existed. I mean if he was a human and breed with another human, it made sense for his daughter.

At this point I wanted to visit Luminous Valentine and asked her about it, but she would probably disintegrate my physical body.

I didn't want that as I doubt for a very long time that I would find a body on this level. So i refrained from asking her.

So I just traveled this world and just cause havoc on these pathetic humans. Then I met him while I was visiting a kingdom.

His name was Rudra, a king of his nation. Apparently he wanted to be the strongest and be a hero and ruler that brought the world to peace.

I just laughed at him as I thought that was impossible as I seen human nature of all sorts. Then I decided that he would be my next battle to the death.

I thought it would be a quick fight but I was wrong, very wrong. I had to go all out against him, he was actually my first rival in this world.

Me and him battled for days causing all sorts of destruction to the lands. At the end me and him declared to call it a tie.

On this day, our game had started. It was to prove who would reign supreme, the monster or the humans? Only time could tell now.

And that what happen, time had passed. It seem that me and him started to get noticed in the world. They called us the next demon lord and hero.

They said with us and Velgrynd birth started a new age of the world. They weren't wrong as me and Rudra started to become a impact on the world.

Rudra started to get more ambitious with world peace and started to create treaties and agreements with other kingdoms.

Apparently he was also inspired by the Era of Doomsday. He didn't believe that they existed like me, but he said that he actually wanted to be the first hero to have lived.

I just smirked and told him that I will be the first Demon Lord to have existed as I didn't believe in the legend of Yuta or his Kids, as I thought it was a ploy for Luminous to spread her religion and gain power.

I mean I have never sensed her "kids" or Yuta during my time in this world. I could ask her or the angels if they ever existed but if i caused a problem they might destroy this body.

Rudra even told me that even if there myths, he will be stronger. I just laughed at him for trying to beat a myth.

I mean it like saying that your horse will become more magical then a mythical unicorn. I mean unicorns don't exist, and comparing a horse to one is dumb.

[A/N: I know it a bad comparison, but deal with it. I'm just trying to say that Rudra is compassionate about it.]

I mean Rudra and me are friends but I some how wonder how over the years I never noticed how dumb he could be at times.

Then more years have passed. Me and Rudra now have a annual spar as we both become busy. I am busy with plots on how to defeat Rudra. He is busy at ruling and trying to defend from my ploys.

It was a good time, I mean who wouldn't be having fun in my situation? Life was great and we were closer to our goal then ever before.

Then while I was visiting Rudras castle, for our usual monthly talks. We talked about our month and what we were up too, also we played mental games to try and mess with each other.

Then his sister entered. She was also strong but compare to me and Rudra, she might as well be a weakling.

"Rudra! Oh, Guy is here too! Hi there!"she said

"Hi"I said

"What do you need?"Rudra asked

"Oh, nothing! I just wanted to see what my brother was up too!"she said

"It just my monthly meeting with Guy" Rudra said

"Oh! When is your next battle?"she asked

"In 3 months"I said

"I can't wait! It always so interesting to watch"she said

"You shouldn't be watching us batt-"Rudra was interrupted by some Magicules

Now these Magicules were the strongest they have ever felt, and only a person of at least A+ or higher could feel it.

It was divine but at the same time corrupt. It seemed to be fusing together into a pure chaotic Magicules.

It was extremely powerful, like they we're looking at a deity of chaos. It seem to be happening at Luminous castle, we're if legend was correct, Yuta was sealed.

"It couldn't be? There no way that he actually existed! Right?" Rudra asked

"But you can feel it right? His Magicules of divine like a hero and corrupt like a demon lord. Also his undeniable strength, it has to be"I said

"What are you talking about?" She asked

"Ever heard of the Wester Holy Church and there history?"Rudra asked

"Yeah! They had the goddess, Luminus, her children, Anos, the God of Strength, Merlin, Goddess of Magic"she said

"Your forgetting there father"I said

"What was his name? Yuta, right? Wasn't he made up? Like there no way a human can be stronger than Rudra, and there no way he is still alive after being killed by the angels? Even if it a myth, why do you asked?"she said

"Well it seems that he might not be a myth now, it seem that he wasn't killed and sealed away but just sealed"Rudra said

"Yeah, he has awaken now"I said

"Wait! What! But can you guys defeat him?"she asked

"Not even sure we can even look at him properly"I said

"How can he be so strong? Isn't he supposed to be dead and his body sealed away?"Rudra asked

"Wait! This mean that his children really existed! That means that we aren't the first or second now but the third!"I said

"Damn, if there father is this strong, I wonder about his children!"Rudra said

"Wait calm down guys, it not like we done anything to him"she said

"Yeah, she right"Rudra said

"But now I want to battle him"I said

"Your dumb, I can't believe you said that"Rudra said

"Well let's go and say hi"I said

"I can't believe I am agreeing"Rudra said

"Take me too!"she said

"Alright let's go!"I said


[A/N: Next chapter about Yuta and his return!

Hope you like this POV, I won't do to many of these other characters POV, but if you guys like it maybe I'll do more.

Yuta will gain 2 new unique skills because of his children awakening! What should they be?

Should Yuta stay the same after the seal or be different? Maybe less emotions or more layback?

How will Luminous react? Maybe she will jump his bone straight away or be mad at him?

Anyways, enjoy and have a great day!]