Chapter 2 - Birth

[A/N: Lots of info dumping, I apologize but some of my reader wanted me to take my time to create some background besides of time skips, please try and enjoy!]

On this day, people were just doing their daily life. On this planet, there was no things as the internet or a grocery store.

This planet was very primitive and the only thin that was different than earth was that every once in a while, you would meet a person that can use magic.

But even magic was a rare occurrence, and most spend there life without seeing it. Luckily, the people of this world were strong. They may not be able to destroy mountains, or even a tree with their bare hands but they were strong.

There usual life was simple. They create a home and if needed they fix their home. They then went to hunt animals in groups to provide food.

Now hunting was dangerous as their were monsters that would hunt them as well. They learned to avoid these monsters and hunt only the edible ones.

While they were hunting their was a group of villagers that would protect the village. There was also a group that headed to the mines and collected resources for weapons and tools.

The women of the village also had task. They were to make necessary things like clothes and foot wear. They also raised animals for eating, so that during winter they didn't starve.

Women also had the task of raising children. The children also had task like keeping the crops alive and watering them.

Every thing was a cycle and worked in perfect sync. No one complained and no one wanted changes. They were just staying alive and doing their task.

Then all of a sudden they all heard a voice. It was not the normal voice they all usually hear, but it was more like a mechanical voice.

{Noticed, The Voice Of The World has been created by Star King Dragon Veldanava}

They all were confused and wondered what it was. They called a village meeting, to see if anyone had a clue about.

No one had a clue, this made sense as the Voice of the World was just created. Then they started to wonder about the creator.

No one had heard of his name. Since no one had any information, and it seem to have no effect on them, they just let it go.

Then a few decades passed and everyone had forgotten about the Voice. There village had become something different.

It was now the first kingdom in the world. The world was created over 500 years ago but since of monster and magic, they had rapid development of society.

They had all agree to roles, in the past. There were only a small handful of people left when the Voice came into existence.

The people that started the village, now kingdom, had mostly all died, except for a handful. The people of the past had came to a decision in the past.

They created roles so they can grow. The roles depend on who can do what. Then as the village grew more people came.

They all agreed that the original inhabitants of the village should become high members of society creating nobles.

Now these nobles were split into who had more power, but since they were all the peaceful kind of people they had a vote.

This created a system of a king, 5 high rank nobles, and the rest of the original inhabitants became low ranking nobles.

This worked and they created the perfect system. The low rank nobles mange a town or city. While the high rank mange the territory of all of the low ranking nobles.

The king mange the army's and daily lives of the people. He made sure that every thing was working properly and that the kingdom had everything it needed to grow.

It worked and no one complained, the one day the king had married. She was from a low ranking noble family.

This caused confusion, they wonder if the low ranking family was now a royal family with its authority or still the same.

The king decided that only the wife will have authority and it is up to high ranking noble authority.

This calm down the people. They were scared that a family could now be as strong as the king but there fears were for nothing.

The king was a magician and came from a family that also used magic. That made them special but not to the point we're it would have made his ancestors a king.

The 5 high rank nobles, are also ancestors of mages but what made his magic different was that his was magic of light.

It was never seen before and very powerful. This led his ancestors to become king. The current king had also inherited this magic making him king.

His wife was also a magician. The reason she wasn't a high ranking magician like the other one was because of her ancestors Magic.

It was Dark magic, this scared the others. So in the past it was decided to not cause havoc, that this family should be a low ranking noble.

She had inherited it and was the head of the family. Well she was the last descended of her family as it seem that others avoid them.

The only person alive in her family besides her, was her grandmother. She couldn't take the place, so she was forced to be the head.

The king and her meet at a party in the castle. It seem like a force was connecting them. They felt a connection, and they started to talk.

Over time, it became more then just talking. It was turned into love. Then they soon got married, everything was going just right.

Then one day she found out she was pregnant, she told the king and he was happy. He wondered if it would be a boy or girl. Or if the baby would inherit one of their magics.

They started to prepare and the news spread all over the kingdom. Time just flew for them and she was soon giving birth.

After an hour she had finally given birth to a boy. She was tired but nothing she couldn't handle.

She then at her boy. He had the same black hair and black eyes as her. He had fair skin and was a beautiful looking baby.

"I will name you, Yuta"she said

"Yuta Freelance, huh what an interesting name"he said

Then all of a sudden Yuta started glowing. His mana was powerful enough to cause an earthquake.

{Noticed, due to Yuta Freelance, Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] Authority and being born of Light and Darkness. He has changed his race into [Chaos Human]}

{Noticed, Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] has requests skills for the unique skill [Death], [Destruction], [Pestilence], [Famine], and [Soul Sword]}

{Request has been denied}

{Error, Error, Error}

{Noticed, due to Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] authority request can not be denied}

{Noticed, Yuta Freelance has been granted unique skill [Death], [Destruction], [Pestilence], [Famine], and [Soul Sword]}

{Noticed, due to excessive Magicules, Yuta Freelance has evolved into [Chaos High Human]}

{Noticed, due to Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] authority, Yuta Freelance has been granted the first hero egg and first demon lord seed}

{Noticed, due to the Hero Egg and Demon Lord Seed, Yuta Freelance will evolve into [Chaos Spirit Saint]}

{Noticed, Unique skill [Death], [Destruction], [Pestilence], and [Famine] are resonating with Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic]}

{Noticed, Unique skill [Death], [Destruction], [Pestilence],and [Famine] can not be copy, taken, borrowed and can't be destroyed}

People were panicking, not because of the Voice Of The World, but during the announcement Yuta mana kept leaking and causing an earthquake.

It seem to be affecting at least half of the continent. It seems that Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] power wasn't like a normal Ultimate Skill.

It could even make demands to the Voice Of The World. Well it makes sense since it a Skill not created by the Voice of the World.

The kingdom was slowly being destroyed but it seem that after the announcement finished, Yuta mana was being sucked back into him.

Then like if it was never there the Magicules return to normal. Now if not for the mass destruction of buildings and the earthquake, it would have seemed like a normal day.

On this day, a legend would be born. It would go something like "The King of Light and the Queen of Darkness of the first kingdom in history had created a child born of darkness but created by light. The King of the End, Yuta Freelance."

Of course he will have different names in the future and throughout time, but all of them had one thing in common. He represented the End of everything.


[A/N: His Ultimate Skill [Lord Of The End, Apocalyptic] is going to be stronger or the same strength of the Voice of the World.

It still need to think of what type of abilities the skills are going have, so recommendations are always welcome for skills.

I also want him to be a sword user, so recommendations of swords would be nice.

The timeline is different as the Angels or the Primordial Demons don't exist yet.

Veldanava has yet to descend and get rid of his Omni-powers or god powers.

He is the prince of the first kingdom ever built.

What do y'all think?

Anyways, as always enjoy and have a nice day!]