While Ray was focusing on completing his spell, the commotion he was causing made a few other people a bit concerned.
Sitting in her office on the top floor of one of the tallest buildings in the city, Fey Lotus was doing some paperwork when one of her many subordinates rushed in and yelled something at her, leaving just as quickly.
"Type 1 Emergence Ma'am. We are in need of your assistance." Before she could get angry at this clear sign of disrespect, she realized how severe the emergence was. Type 1 meant that a previously undetected gate was in the process of opening.
As the master of the nearby guild, it was her legal responsibility to properly detect gates before they start to open and clear them before they start to overflow. A previously undetected gate so close to opening and so close to her guild was a huge slip up.
While it would take some time before a gate would start to overflow, there was no telling how long that would be. It could be anywhere between a few minutes to over a year, either way it was best to clear it immediately.
Not even using the elevator, she opened her window and jumped out.
"Gordon, send me the information on the gate, and find out who was responsible for overseeing that part of the city." A document was sent to her PC immediately and it was as if he was waiting for her to ask.
"Quick as always." Before she fell to her death, splattering on the sidewalk, two fiery red, scaly wings grew out of her back and she started to glide sideways. With a single flap she rocketed in the direction she felt the mana being disturbed the most.
Flying at blinding speeds, she looked at the information he sent her and was a bit taken aback. "Isn't that where Hart lives? If a gate opened so close to where he lives then he would contact me first. What is going on?"
She had given him her contact information so that he could get her directly in case something went wrong but didn't see any message from him.
It might seem strange for a Guild Master to give one of her members her personal number, but he was more than just some random member. He was being especially trained, for reasons only known to her, and if something went wrong and he died then it would take a long time to find someone else as perfect as he was.
Feeling a bit more urgent, she increased her flying speed. "Don't you dare die on me. I still need you."
While the guild was rushing to his location, Ray was none the wiser. He was about to finish creating the spell and progress was slow. The inventory skill was rather complex and it was just as complex as a spell, if not more.
When he finally reached the end of the book, the crack was taller than he was and was pulsating. As the final words got activated and their effect mimicked, the crack suddenly expanded into a circle and started to madly absorb the surrounding mana.
The objects got pulled in and the tornado collapsed as the pull of the portal was too great, but he stayed stable. So much of his mana was being pulled into the black portal that his tattoos had long disappeared, leaving only his eyes glowing blue.
Now the pull was so strong that the building itself was being pulled into it, it was an old building on the verge of collapse and with such a strong gravitational force pulling it in it quickly crumbled. Thankfully he choose a period of time where there was no one in the building. That weekend was a special holiday and all of his neighbors should have left to go see family, and with a quick check he detected no life signatures so he knew that there was no one around.
Before the portal could fully stabilize itself, a person came flying through the floating debris of the 10 story building and hovered next to Ray.
"What the f*ck is he doing." Being powerful herself, she was strong enough to resist the pull of the portal and before she could answer herself she heard someone next to her.
"I don't know but that doesn't look like a gate. Gates are green, this is clearly black. Looks similar though."
Without even having to turn around she knew exactly who it was. Not many people had that kind of a deep hoarse voice.
"I thought that you went back already."
"I did but someone informed me in the new world, I figured that I would come and help out my little sister. But seeing that Hart is the cause of this, I may not need to."
Floating next to her was John, the strongest of Ray's former instructors. It was difficult to imagine how someone so large could be flying so easily, but at his level, flight in the old world with its thin mana was trivial.
"I don't know exactly what he's doing, but it's pulling a lot of mana into it. I've been here for a little bit and everything in a 500 meter radius is being pulled in. I've never seen a spell so mana hungry."
Fey was shocked at what John told her, he mainly lived in the old world so events of this scale should be commonplace to him. If even he had never seen something like this then there was no way of knowing what was going on.
"Have you tried to stop him? If this goes on for too long people might get more affected than they already are."
"No, I haven't. That portal is releasing special spatial waves. If I stop it prematurely then even I won't be able to deal with the aftermath. He and everyone else in this city would die in an explosion if I destabilized it now."
He looked at the worried look on her face and tried to comfort her. "Don't worry though, I've set up a barrier just outside its range of influence so nothing beyond 500 meters should get pulled in. And if anything unexpected, well any more unexpected happens then I've already called father."
The anxiety immediately left her body as she looked at the youth not that far away from her. If her father can't handle this then no one can.
"If we can't stop this then how do we prevent it from exploding anyway? The mana in the old world is very thin and it might run out."
If this was happening in the old world, then she wouldn't care as much. The mana there was many times more dense than here and if something went wrong then Ray and his portal could be moved somewhere with no people rather easily.
"The only thing that I could think of is to supply it with more mana, the faster it stabilizes the less damage it can cause."
"Like what? Mana stones?" When mana is compressed it turns into a liquid and then it eventually crystalizes into a solid. The solid version was called mana stones and could be used to quickly increase the ambient mana or slowly absorbed to increase one's capacity. The could also be used as a form of energy generation, as mana quickly converts to electricity in certain conditions.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've already thrown a few high grade crystals in but that only weakened the pull by a little bit." He smiled and looked in her direction. "And I happen to know a person that can get a lot of mana stones easily."