The story unfolds years ago, during their childhood. After witnessing a younger kid triumph in a street gladiator match, Jack and his gang decide to follow his footsteps. There's a specific reason why Jack is intrigued. When his gaze meets Zeyn in the arena, he senses something extraordinary. The sharp, ruby-red eyes convey an unfaltering defiance towards death. Beyond that, he can feel the kid's spirit, hungry for battle and blood.
"Boss, what should we do now?" one of his friends asks.
"Alright. You guys try to sneak up on him from behind and gang up on him quietly. Let's see how strong this peculiar kid really is," Jack replies with arrogance.
"But... I don't know. He looks like an ordinary person, very innocent. I'd feel guilty hitting him," another one hesitates.
"Hey! Don't forget that he managed to defeat Paijo, the gladiator champion for several years. Don't underestimate him, or you'll be the ones getting defeated by him!"