In a universe filled with mystery and unpredictable technology, unfolds an era where light not only serves as radiance but also as a guide to hidden truths. Within its dualistic gaze, light leads humanity into a new dimension, where dualism becomes the manifestation of the essence of the universe. In this world, it's as if light possesses a conflicting personality, and with it, a tale unfolds across the vast expanse of the universe.
The light referred to is not a simple illumination with two properties but rather a complex array of properties. This light also underlies all matter and energy, forming a structured order and possessing consciousness.
"That's what I call... soul. Soul is a constant thing within the human body capable of supporting the entirety of matter within, and it is possessed by everyone," mumbled the Professor in his private space. He seemed to be monologuing in a giant glass room filled with documents and peculiar tools he had developed.