Caesar twists his neck to the side as he feels the release of tiny cracks moving down his spine. A cruel smile passes over his lips as the scent of brimstone fills his nostrils as the creature move forward.
The hint of smoldering fire at the edges of her hair highlights her delicate features of the soft gray ash soaking, staining her flesh. Sliding his fingers out of Lily's mouth slowly as her teeth cling to his fingertips. The last movement travels the final moments as he feels a smile spread across her lips.
"Do you see your friend, girl?"
"Yes," Lily whispers, "Sera looks so lovely."
"Yes, she does," Caesar answers as the demonic mimic walks forward, her skin pale and taunt against her emaciated frame revealing her ribs and firm breasts. The claws of her hands hold a diseased heart in her hands as it oozes vile sickness from her grip. The creature in any other setting, cleaned and washed, would look delicious to the soul.