Opening his eyes, he saw that everything around him felt so bright and it was not easy to breathe.
Then he heard a voice saying, "A Perfect Humanculus. We have done it!", a man with a Panama hat covering his face.
Marc confused about what was happening took a look around where he was and saw that it was a pod with water in it with him. The pod was in a slanted position.
Ses appeared from the side, "You might feel difficulty in your breathing. Don't worry about that, It is your first time. You have gills through your chest next to your lungs. You will eventually get it about now!"
Immediately Marc felt fine as he stopped trying to breathe from his nose and his gills started to breathe in and out.
Marc asked himself in his mind, "What am I?"
Ses answered for him saying, "You are not a human, you are what is called an artificial human, Homunculus. The first of your kind in this world, unfortunately. This world. It is not like Earth. I was supposed to teach Earth to grow in understanding but they took the easy way out and ate the fruit of wisdom"
Marc, "Earth? This world? How?"
Ses sighed, "I know you have your questions to ask but I cannot answer that for you now. But I promise I will answer them on the way", and then he snapped his fingers and teleported away.
Marc's pod was drained of its water from it and the pod opened for him to get out of it. Marc stepped off his and could now see more.
He saw behind the man there were 7 holographic screens through which 7 others were watching him.
The man, "Child, do you understand what I say?"
Marc nodded, "Yes I do"
The man, "Fine!" and was relieved to hear that.
Then the man continued, "I am Rasvol that is Sir Rasvol to you"
Marc, "Okay, Sir Rasvol! What is this place called?"
Rasvol was confused by his asking a question and stuttered while saying, "T-That, This world is Sunrise and the other side of the world is known as Nightstrive"
Marc, "Other side?"
Rasvol didn't feel comfortable as Marc asked the question but he kept answering it as the others were watching intrigued.
Rasvol, "This part of the world is where the Sun shines and the other side is filled by darkness"
Marc then kept quiet to process all that he heard by visualising it.
Inside his head, Ses, "I will show you how the world looks", Everything around Marc just vanished and now he was in space floating. He then saw it.
The Planet was next to a Star that was the size of the moon and on the other side nothing else.
Marc, "This planet was abandoned wasn't it?"
Ses, "No, It was saved from imminent destruction. The sun that it used to revolve around died and turned into a black hole. Then I saw no other choice but to move it far away from here"
Marc, "I see", Then Ses brought Marc back to where he was.
Marc, "I have decided"
Rasvol, "What is it again?"
Marc looked at him with a smile, "I want to see the world"
Rasvol, "And how exactly do you mean? Travelling?", Rasvol laughed and then continued, "Child you are a Humanculus and the first one and probably the only one too. You don't know how much you are worth"
Rasvol faced the 7 screens, "This here is an auction place and you are the one they are here for"
Marc didn't look surprised, "And What happens after I am sold?"
The person on the far right screen behind Rasvol, "We will be the ones to decide what to do then. Can we just get it on with?"
Rasvol turned around, "Of Course!", then lifted both his hand and started moving them around like a conductor in an orchestra. Then the music started to play along with him conducting the tempo.
Rasvol in a musical tune, "The bid will be starting soon and before it does. The price, the price starts at 2 Million Orz. 5 minutes before it starts", the music kept going.
The screens then went off. Marc was confused and amazed at how nice everything around him looked.
Rasvol in a musical tune, "Before the auction starts I want you to be seated there", he said as he looked behind Marc. Marc looked back and saw the pod was gone and a throne-like chair was put there in place of it.
Marc went back and sat on it and Rasvol's servants came to him. There were 3 of them.
The only female servant[Servant 1], "What is it that you want for eating? Saffron Fish, Turkey Grilled or a Steak Grilled"
Marc took his time to think, "Steak Grilled sounds good", Then Servant 1 moved back as the Dwarf Servant[Servant 2], "To Drink we've got Lemon, Apple and Pineapple Juices and also Wine. Which one would you like?"
Marc, "Apple Juice", Servant 2 and Servant 1 left to prepare.
The 3rd Servant just went on his hands and knees, "If you could put your legs over me"
Marc didn't like what Servant 3 did, "No, I won't"
Servant 3, "Why- Why is that, sir?"
Marc, "Why do you want me to do that?"
Servant 3, "That is how people like us make a living here in Sunrise"
Marc felt this was going to turn into a nightmare like his previous life.
Ses, "Oh! You were worried about that!", As that time came to a still, and everything and everyone paused.
Marc, "Why?"
Ses, "Because you are the only one to lead everyone here to a path that you see fit. This World is strange for the others from Earth. Sunrise is supposed to be a place full of life in theory but it is the opposite of Nightstrive. Nightstrive is the place they call heaven"
Marc, "So, you are telling me to change the world"
Ses, "Child, That is something you will have to worry about in the future. I want you to fix the world as you are. This auction will be stopped soon. They are not going to get you!", Then everything around started to move again.
Marc, "I see"
Servant 3, "So, can I ask you again to place your feet over me?"
Marc looked at Servant 3, "If only you answer my question"
Servant 3, "Of Course! Anything to serve"
Marc, "This world, they said it was called Sunrise, but they also said the other side was called Nightstrive too. Why do you want to divide yourselves? What was the reason to divide?"
Servant 3 kept silent.
Servant 1 arrived, "Your Lunch is served", they brought him a table to serve the food on.
Marc started to have his lunch, "How do you know what time it is?"
Servant 1, "It is mostly the Sun helping us with it. You just look up at the sun with sunglasses. The Sun does move in circles"
Marc, "In Circles? So, it goes to the Nightstrive side?"
Servant 1, "No, not around in circles, but circles in the sky"
Marc, "Oh!"
Marc was thinking, "So, the sun represents the hour hand, How would they know the exact time, like minute and second?"
Everything paused and Ses, "They see the North as 12'O Clock and South as 6, East as 3 and West as 9. This world does not know the value of time but they know how to use it well"
Marc, "So, there is no exact time"
Ses, "Exactly, This is Sunrise", and everything reverted back and started to move again.