Out of the 3 portals came 3 human-like demons with 1 maroon horn in the middle of their forehead, even their wings. One of them was a female, while the other 2 were male.
They looked around first to see where they were and then looked down at the port, where they saw Henry, Eta, Pit and Leon looking back at them.
Pit, "I don't understand! Why are we out here without a weapon?"
Leon, "Quiet! You know Chief and Henry. They would risk their lives for us no matter the reason!"
Eta giggled, "No matter the reason!"
Leon, "And you are here because they want you to use your gift for the others inside. I am here because I wanted to watch them!"
Henry got out of his wheelchair and started to float in the air. Eta and the others kept their focus on the 3 demons.
Leon took his wheelchair under his care.
As Henry reached the same height as the female Demon he asked, "What are you here for?"
The female Demon in a melodic but ominous tone, "What belongs to us!"
The male Demon on her right continued rumbling, "Belongs to us!"
The male Demon on her left folded his hands, staring at Henry intimidatingly.
Henry looked back at Eta and nodded, Eta nodded back at him, understanding what to do next.
Pit, "Yo, Pass the wheelchair"
Leon let Pit hold onto it. Pit then reshaped it into 2 guns.
Leon believed Pit.
Pit, "They are stronger than I expected. The Aura they hold. Eminence, that is all you need to know. The one that's not joining with the others is by far the strongest!"
Pit, "I will shield the Base, I will need your help till it is done!"
Eta, "Just say the words, and I will do it"
Pit, "When the 3rd one joins the fray you should go help Henry, Leave us be, we could take care of this on our own, I hope"
Leon, "We will!"
Eta, "Forget about that, we will talk about it later on, let's deal with the others that are coming through!"
Meanwhile inside their base, as they were evacuating Persis came across a window through which he could see everything happening. He saw that Henry was floating in the air about to have a conflict with the demons.
Persis was thinking, "Is that a gift?", expecting Ses would answer that.
As Persis stayed there for a while waiting for Ses's reply another kid said, "Persis, Rhea is counting to see if we all are there!"
Persis was worried and a bit afraid, like a child would be when he was sent to a school for the first time since Ses left him.
They both then got in a room with a lot of kids, and Rhea counted them by headcount. Rhea was worried about the others outside and wanted to help them in any way possible. She then saw Persis standing there tense like her, so she went to check on him.
Rhea, "Hey! You okay?", Persis didn't hear Rhea.
Rhea then tapped on his shoulder, "Hey!"
Persis noticed her then.
Persis, "I want to help"
Rhea, "Help? Like?"
Persis, "I can help you fight those things"
Rhea thought he was joking and giggled. She saw that he didn't even crack.
Rhea looked straight and his eyes for a few seconds, "Come with me then!"
Rhea then held onto Persis's right hand and went back the way they came. She stopped midway, "Stay here! I will be back. Right now. I guess!?"
Then headed back the way to the kids, "Juno! Could you tell Big Sis Alia that I forgot to close the balcony door, please"
Juno was the twin brother of Alia.
Juno, "She will not like this when hears this you know, right?", Rhea nodded yes and left as she closed the door.
Juno sighed thinking, "She hasn't changed since then! Why do I have to be the one to deal with her always?!"
Rhea then immediately rushed over to Persis. She didn't see him where she had left him. So, she went to the top to see if he was there. And he wasn't there either.
The topmost floor of the Golden Valley is where they use it as a turret spot against enemy attacks and it is also a spot to get an all-around view of the Golden Valley.
She then looked around and saw the portals around them brought a lot of demons and that a barrier was being formed around the Golden Valley. She looked down at Pit, knowing full well that it was his gift being used here. She also saw Persis coming out of the building to join Eta and the others.
Rhea felt that it might be someone else, so she ignored that.
Meanwhile at the top Henry didn't move an inch after the demons released even more demons after the others.
Eta was confused about what was happening with Henry, "Is this all, Henry?"
Then Persis tapped on his waist and looked around not expecting it to be him.
Eta, "What are you doing here kid?"
Persis, "Hold my hand and believe in me!"
Eta grabbed his hand without a single thought. Persis then closed his eyes pausing the time around them both.
Eta was surprised by the stop in time.
Eta, "Is this a gift?"
Persis, "Yes it is and I want you to use it for yourself"
Eta didn't like how Persis offered it to him, "Hey, kid! You know what if I decided this was a dangerous gift and take you out instead?" He bent down and patted Persis's head.
Persis remained silent.
Eta, "Luckily, I trust you!"
Persis had a lot of emotions rushing at him altogether and started to cry like a baby.
Eta hugged him and giggled, "Now, now, I need your help, so stay strong for me till then"
Persis wiped away his tears, Eta also helped him to wipe away his tears, "*Sniff* Y-yes *sniff* I will!"
Eta held Persis over his left shoulder and moved quickly to the male demon that was next to the female demon and sliced its head.
Eta then dropped to the ground safely with Persis on his shoulder.
Eta, "So, you have to close your eyes to use your gift, huh?"
Persis, "Yes!"
Eta, "The God that gave you the gift never told you did he?"
Persis, "About what?"
Eta, "This world is under the Devil's watch"
Persis didn't say anything to that and remained silent as Eta helped Persis down.
Persis, "So, you know what I am?"
Eta looked at Persis, who still had his eyes shut, "A homunculus. And a Rein!"
Persis smiled, then put his right index finger on his lips, "Secret?"
Eta giggled, "Sure! Just remember to do the same and not tell anyone about your gift until it is necessary for them to know!"
Persis nodded yes, "Yes, sir!"
Then he opened his eyes, It was too bright at first, but it eventually got better. He then heard something drop from about, and right after that, a headless demon dropped.
He looked and saw the female demon enraged by seeing that one of them was slain. The other male demon finally intervened after seeing that one of them was killed, "Kill them and bring it to me!", all the demons finally started to attack.
Leon and Pit didn't look happy.
Leon, "I will buy you some time, try to finish it before then!"
Pit, "I don't think you can help me alone!"
Leon, "Chief, just a few minutes, please!"
Eta said, "OK."
All the demons around them got caught in multiple bubbles that they couldn't break out of.
Eta shouted, "Do your thing, Rhea!", They heard a shot and then demons died in a line above them.