Chereads / Jaxon Stars, The Dimensions / Chapter 5 - The Erasematic

Chapter 5 - The Erasematic

As they entered this weird but normal planet, Ethan felt weak and slipped. 'Ethan, are you okay?' asked Aries but no reply. Scott then picked him up and headed for the closest house that they could relax in. Just as they were about to enter this weird house, some people pulled them into this huge house.

'Hey, what the heck?' 'You must be new.' 'What?' 'Do you even know where you are?' 'No, but I know where I can put you.' said Aries as she held a fist. 'Ha, ha, ha, she's joking, please, tell me where we are?' 'This is Errormas, this planet is sick, whilst you are walking, anybody can kidnap you plus the most powerful thief here is Dulshe, he is swift as sound, he can steal from you without you knowing.' 'So, what's the damn reason why you brang us here?' 'Can you stop being so rude?' 'I don't know, can I?' 'I swear Aries, there's never a stop button on you.' said Clementine as she left.

As they got into this huge room which had about eight beds, Aries quickly ran and jumped on one of them, as Clementine sighed. As Scott dropped Ethan on one of the beds, Thomas quickly pulled Scott's arm as they headed for the balcony.

'What's wrong?' 'What do you think happened with Ethan?' 'I guess he's going through a lot.' 'I hope he wakes up.' 'Why did you really bring me here?' 'Well, I wanted to ask you something important?' 'Really?, I wanted to ask you something too.' 'Okay, I'll go first, Will you be... Able to ask Clementine if she has feelings for me?' asked Thomas. After hearing that, Scott got upset and accidentally made a tree grow in the middle of the house. Scott then quickly ran straight to the bedroom while the owners of the house were yelling.

'Are you sure we should let them live here?' 'They'll die if they go out there, it's not like they have superpowers or anything.' 'Urgh, whatever.' said the owner's wife as she walked away, while he looked up with regret.

While they were sleeping, Ethan had another vision, and once again it was about THE END. He then woke up and started breathing hard, as everyone woke up. 'Ethan are you okay?' 'No, I just need to take a breather, I'm going outside.' said Ethan as he walked to the backyard and just stood there. 'He needs someone to talk to him.' 'Hey, Aries, why don't you go?' 'Uh, no.' 'Urgh fine, I'll go.' said Clementine as she stood up and left.

When she got there, she saw Ethan crying. 'Ethan, what's wrong?' 'My new powers a curse.' 'What do you mean?' 'Let's say you can see what's going to happen right, but, you see something you don't want to see.' 'Is that how you knew the roof was going to collapse?' 'Yes.' 'May I ask, what did you see?' 'Uh...' Ethan began to freeze, as once again he saw another part of the end. When the vision ended, he stood up and ran to the bedroom while Clementine yelled out his name calling out for him.

As a new day approached them, Ethan was once again, out. The others soon got ready as the owners of the house, told them if they wanted to stay they had to do what the owners asked. 'Are you sure you'll survive out there, you know you can just order food?' 'No it's fine, the four of us will get the things required, right guys?' 'Yeah.' the three of them said.

While the four of them were walking, Scott and Thomas got distracted by a play and they left the rest of the group. 'Hey, where are Scott and Thomas?' 'I don't know and I don't care, they have superpowers.' 'Mmmm, you're right, let's keep on moving.' said Clementine.

While they were walking, Clementine saw a sign which said:


After reading the sign, Clementine realised that someone was trying to search her bags. When she turned, there he was, Dulshe. He quickly grabbed Clementine's bag and started jumping roof from the roof and ran quickly whilst Clementine yelled 'THEIF!'

Soon Aries called Thomas and Scott's name, as they arrived at where they were, Aries told Thomas to chase after him while they came up with a plan. You see, no one in this world had powers so it was hard to catch him, but he didn't know that he was messing with the second-fastest person in the universe.

As Thomas got ahead of him, he tripped Dulshe, and he fell from roof to roof when he finally hit the ground, Scott commanded the roots to surround him. When they arrived, Dulshe managed to get out of the roots and when he tried to run, Aries blasted him not from her hands but her eyes, a new ability was unlocked. As they fell, Clementine made his eyes only see darkness, and he started screaming.

'What's wrong, not a fan of the dark?' said Clementine as the four of the Dimensions laughed. When she took the darkness away, he saw himself hanging, whilst the other people who lived in this world came to see, and believe me they were shocked. 'How did you do it?' someone asked. Remember that the Dimensions as superheroes should keep their identity hidden, so they lied and said they were siblings with the same name but with different first letters. 'I'm Anna, she's Sanna, his Danna, and his Wanna.' 'Yep, that's us.' 'Thank you guys so much, you are the very first people to catch Dulshe, not even the police from the other planets could stop him.' 'It was nothing sir, we would just like to know where the Visher store is?' 'Why do you want to go there?' 'For some reason, do you know where it is?' 'Uh yes, down the road, you'll see an abandoned house, and behind it is a shack, that's where he lives.' 'Oh, wow, thank you sir.' said Clementine as she left with the other dimensions.

While they were walking, Thomas wanted to ask Scott desperately to ask Clementine if she has feelings for him. 'Hey Scott, did you ask her?' 'No, and I'm not going too.' 'B-But why not?' 'First of all, why don't you ask her yourself, I'm not your walkie-talkie.' 'I never said you were.' 'So then, go yourself and ask her if she has feelings for her.' 'What's wrong?' 'Nothing.' 'Somethings up, if you don't tell me, I'll break my knee again.' 'Actually, do it, I'd love to break it apart more.' said Scott as he walked away leaving Thomas in Silence. Before Thomas could speak, Clementine yelled 'WE'RE HERE!' 'Uh, why are we here?' 'Let's just go inside.' 'Urgh, fine.' sighed Aries.

When they entered the place, there was no one. 'Hello?, is there anybody here?' 'I don't think so.' 'Uh, should we go home?' 'Wait, there seems to be a tunnel leading down to an underground area.' 'I'm so going there.' said Aries as she jumped through the hole and the rest of the Dimensions followed her.

When they got there, they saw so many papers and booklets and a weird glass of blue smoke, as Clementine went further, she was pushed by someone who swung through this cave. As Aries saw that, she blasted the rope he was swinging on with her eyes and he fell. Before he could hit the ground, Thomas caught him.

'Who are you people and what are you doing here?' 'Popper.' said Clementine. The man stood in shock and told them to follow him.

He led to another cave but bigger, where there was this huge creature behind cages. 'Do you remember the condition you have to do when you want to make a wish, well, I need you guys to fight this monster.' 'Sure we can do this.' 'Yeah, I'm so in the need to fight a monster.' 'Oh yeah and also, when you're done, please will you give me one of his teeth.' 'Uh, Sure.' said Clementine as they prepared.

As the cage opened, the monster moved slowly out and to their surprise, it was very tall. 'Lady's and gentlemen, I give you, THE ERASEMATIC.' Said the guy.

The creature then turned to downsize as he made the dimensions fly across the room. 'This is going to be tough, but we got this guys.' said Clementine as she made the eyes of the creature dark. As Aries jumped high, preparing a huge ball of fire, she somehow felt as if she were losing her powers. As she blasted the creature, it moved a step back as Scott commanded the roots to tie around its neck and force it tall fall down. When Clementine tried to jump on it, aiming a ball of black smoke, it somehow disappeared and the monster managed to grab hold of clementine and throw her across the room. When Aries tried blasting a fireball, the creature held the roots and caught her while it made her hit Thomas and they both aimed for the wall as they both went through it. As Scott tried his best to make a tree grow in the middle of the creature, it took a minute for a new part of the root to grow as the creature held him by his neck and started choking him. Then threw him into the cage bars where he broke his arm. 'AAHH!' cried Scott.

Hearing Scott's cry, Ethan suddenly woke up. 'Are you okay?' asked the owner of the house. 'My friends, where are they?' 'They left out for the store, but I'm sure by now they're dead.' 'No, they can't be dead.' said Ethan as he ran out of the house and headed for his friend's.

When Ethan arrived, there he saw them lying down and the creature was about to step on Aries. Ethan quickly formed his light sword as he shined a huge amount of light into the eyes of the creature leaving for it to start roaming around the room. As it got closer to the wall, Ethan quickly jumped as he cut one of its eyes out and slid down cutting through his stomach and in between his legs.

While the creature was roaring, Ethan told the rest of the Dimensions to get up and as he was about to say the most important word, he gave a little smile and said 'DIMENSIONS ASSEMBLE!' Yelled Ethan. Out of nowhere, each of the Dimensions powers came back, and soon Aries headed at the creature as she sat her fire lasers from her eyes at the creature's face, leaving for it to explode. As the creature was about to fall, Thomas quickly took Ethan's sword and started cutting through it, leaving it into pieces as he grabbed two teeth from the creature.

When it was all over, Ethan then fainted once again, but fear not, because Clementine's plan was about to take place. As she gave the teeth to the guy, he squeezed them where a weird red spit fell in the blue bottle of smoke and turned it white. 'Here you go, whatever you wish for will happen.' 'OMG, why didn't you say so, I have so many things I'd like to wish for.' 'Wait, I actually would like to know something, I think I should have the wish.' 'First of all, none of us is getting the wish, but Ethan.' 'Urgh, why him?' 'Well, Ethan's new power is kinda scary, I realised that he-' before she could finish, Ethan interrupted her. 'I saw how everything was going to end, meaning the Flippin end.' said Ethan as the rest of the Dimensions gasped. 'Woah, I'm kinda scared.' 'But that's why Ethan has been weak, so when I found this guy, I knew that he would want to forget that vision so, Ethan, make the wish.' said Clementine as she gave him the bottle of orange smoke.

As Ethan held the bottle, he knew once he destroyed this bottle and made his wish, he will never remember how it ends, so yeah, he held the glass in the air as he said 'I wish for the visions I've been having these days to fade away.' said Ethan as he dropped the glass. As the glass broke, Ethan's head faced the roof as a huge beam of light reflected on the ceiling. You see what was reflecting, was the end but luckily it was too much light so no one could see it. When the last part of the vision was over, the whole room exploded and the Dimensions and the guy flew into the air and luckily the Dimensions landed safely but the guy didn't, may he R.I.P.

As Ethan stood straight, he felt better. 'So, are you okay?' 'Yep.' said Ethan as the portal opened up. 'Hey look, the next portal.' 'Wait, let's give the people who really help us their products back.' said Clementine.

'Thank you so much for everything, we hope to see you again.' 'Who are you guys really?' 'Just some teens balancing life and power, we better get going, till we meet again.' 'Goodbye.' 'Goodbye.' said Clementine as she and the rest of the Dimensions went through the portal and it closed.