Chereads / Jaxon Stars, The Dimensions / Chapter 6 - The Importance of Ethan

Chapter 6 - The Importance of Ethan

As the dimensions entered their new planet, the portal had left them in mid-air, where they started falling. 'We're going to die.' 'No, we're not.' 'What do you mean.' 'We can't fly.' 'But Scott can help us.' 'Really.' 'Yes, π˜Ώπ™„π™ˆπ™€π™‰π™Žπ™„π™Šπ™‰π™Ž π˜Όπ™Žπ™Žπ™€π™ˆπ˜½π™‡π™€!' Yelled Ethan. Scott then made a tree grow as it produced vines for them to use to land down.

As they entered an abandoned house, everyone settled as Ethan called Aries and Thomas. 'What do you want from us.' 'I need you guys to practise something, I've been studying you guys and I think you guys can create something wonderful.' 'I'm sorry no, I'm not doing this.' 'You have to.' 'Come on, Aries, let's do it.' 'What if I don't want to.' 'Well you have to, I'm the leader and it's a command.' 'Command my ass, bitch.' said Aries as she left. 'I'll leave.' said Thomas.

As Thomas was waking, he then bumped into Scott. 'Oh, hey, I'm sorry.' 'Urgh!' 'What did I ever do to you?' 'Just leave me, the fuck, alone.' said Scott as walked away, while Clementine was heading Thomas's way. 'Oh, Hey Thomas.' 'Hey, Clementine.' 'How are you?' 'I'm great, and you.' 'I'm sad.' 'Oh dear, what's wrong.' 'It's fine.' 'Okay, I better get going, Ethan's calling us.' said Clementine as she left leaving for Thomas's facial expression to be sad.

As Everyone sat down, Aries was pissed. 'Why the fuck did you call this meeting when I was busy.' 'Just wanted to let you know that the next portal is two-hundred and fifty-five kilometres from here.' 'The fuck, that's too far.' 'I know, but that's why I need you and Thomas to do as I say.' 'Why should we be listening to you, no one made you the leader.' 'But I surely know what to do, and you guys need me.' 'The fuck we do.' 'Yes, you do.' 'You know what, fuck off Ethan, go somewhere else while we'll go to the next portal.' 'Only the rest of the group can decide!' 'Sorry Ethan, I think you should go, you don't even know what problems we have.' 'Yeah, you're just bossing us around.' 'You're too vile.' said the Dimensions. 'Ok then, Goodbye.' said Ethan as he left, giving one stare at his friends and left.

As the dimensions were on their way, Aries's hands started to feel hot. 'Wow, my hands are so hot.' 'What do you mean, your powers are fire, you're supposed to be immune to fire.' 'I don't know, it's soo hot.' 'Uh guys, you have to see this.' 'What?' said Clementine. As she, Aries and Scott turned around, they saw dogs which had three heads on one body.



'Whatever you do, do not move.' 'That's going to be a problem.' 'What do you mean.' 'I have a Fart and I can't hold it.' 'Oh shit.' said Aries as Scott farted. The dogs then moved their heads facing the direction of the Fart and soon saw Aries and the rest of the Dimensions. 'ROAR!' The dogs roared as they ran towards the Dimensions. 'RUN!' Yelled Aries. As Scott, Clementine and Thomas got to cover, Aries got ready to blast them. 'Wait, Aries, don't do that.' said Clementine however she was late as Aries blasted a huge fireball aiming at the dogs. Before the fireball could reach the dogs, the dogs opened their mouths as they let the fireball enter their stomachs. They then prepared to blast Aries, as She stood there shocked. Before the dogs' blasts could reach Aries, Thomas grabbed her and Scott made the ground open apart and the dogs fell in growling. 'Are you stupid, you could get yourself killed.' 'I-I'm sorry.' 'Urgh, Let's go.' said Clementine.

While they were walking, Aries screamed for her life as she caught fire. 'Ahhh, please someone, get water.' 'I'll try.' said Scott. 'What's happening, Aries.' 'I don't know, my whole arm is on fire.' 'Just breath.' 'I can't, it's getting hotter.' 'Hold on.' 'I CAN'T' Yelled Aries as she let a huge amount of fire blast from her mouth while Clementine jumped back in fear.

The fire kept on blasting out of Aries's mouth for about fifty minutes, and Scott was still trying to get water from the ground. 'We should've never let Ethan go, we really need him.' 'No, shhhhut up, we don't neeeeeeed him.' said Aries as she was trying to speak while the fire was blasting from her mouth. 'We have a problem.' 'What is it?' 'My powers are gone.' 'WHAT!' Yelled Clementine.

Soon the ground started to shake as Aries fire went out of her mouth to an area in front of them. As the dimensions stood up, they saw Aries fire grow into a huge and powerful dangerous monster combining from the ground to the clouds, causing thunderstorms and lightning, as it roared and the whole planed had shaken. 'What the fuck is happening!' Yelled Clementine.



As it roared, fire came blasting from its mouth heading straight to Aries as she started to float while the fire was burning on her. Clementine then started to get scared and immediately made the whole planet dark and only the monster and Aries we providing light. 'I miss Ethan, this is all trash.' tearfully said, Scott. 'Yeah I know, ETHAN!' Yelled Clementine.

As they began to look. Aries started to burn so much that her legs and arms started to dust away. 'No, Aries, NO!' Yelled Clementine as Scott held her back from her running to Aries. Before Aries was left with only her face, Ethan appeared and he then blasted a huge light beam at the monster as its head burst off leaving Aries's body parts to appear and for Clementine to make the darkness disappear. 'It's time for some real action, π˜Ώπ™„π™ˆπ™€π™‰π™Žπ™„π™Šπ™‰π™Ž π˜Όπ™Žπ™Žπ™€π™ˆπ˜½π™‡π™€!' Yelled Ethan. Soon Scott's powers appeared as water burst from the dirt and went straight to the fire monster as he began to burn away, but they couldn't stop him. As everyone's powers came back, Ethan took Aries and Thomas and said, 'Listen, I need you guys to do as I say.' 'Fine, please just get this monster away from us.' 'You guys have to hold hands.' 'No way.' 'Are you being stubborn?' 'Sorry.' said Thomas as he held Aries's hand.

Ethan then told them to force all of their powers in between the circle of their hands. As they let go of their hands, their powers combined, in a circular motion.



As their powers finally became one, they both pushed it to the sky at high speed then it burst into this beautiful bird that had half of Thomas and Aries's powers. 'Wow, that is beautiful.' said Aries.



'FIREED, GET THAT BEAST!' Yelled Ethan as the bird-headed straight to the monster folding its wings in the image of a huge powerful ball. Before it could hit the creature, Ethan told Scott to form a shield over them as the bird headed into the creature, causing a huge explosion destroying half of the planet, while Aries's hand created a fire egg.

'What the fuck is that?' 'I think it's an egg, with something inside of it.' 'Woah, that's crazy.' said Thomas, as the egg started to move. 'Open the shield, Scott.' said Ethan as Scott opened the shield.

'We're really sorry Ethan, it's all our fault.' 'It's okay, at least now you know how important I am to you guys, I am the only one who can activate your powers.' said Ethan. As Everyone headed to the next portal, Aries fire-egg started to go crazy. 'Uh guy, I think it's opening, Ahhhh!' Yelled Aries.