Chereads / Jaxon Stars, The Dimensions / Chapter 9 - The Five Portals

Chapter 9 - The Five Portals

'The only way for us is to go through each portal.' 'So are you saying we have to split up?' 'Yes, that way we can tell each other which of us found the right portal.' 'Are you sure Ethan, we don't know what lies in these Portals?' 'Neither do I, but it will take longer if we through one by one.' 'I'm in.' said Aries. 'I'm in too.' said Scott. 'Me too.' said Thomas. It was just Clementine left as the rest of the Dimensions left. 'See you on the other side.' said Ethan as he jumped.

And soon so did Clementine.


While Thomas was walking, he'd seen himself in a big wide forest. He then speeded around hoping to find a way out just as he bumped into someone. 'I'm sorry.' 'What are you doing here?' 'I'm investigating.' 'You need to leave.' 'Why.' 'YOU NEED TO LEAVE!' Yelled the person as they ran away. Thomas began to panic as the forest had a weird sound waving around him.

When he looked up, he saw the tallest creature as it looked at him with hunger.


Thomas ran for his life as the creature flew and hit his head. When he looked up, the creature used his tail to grab him as it flew away.


As Ethan jumped onto land, he saw weird creatures running away from the other direction. While he walked, someone bumped into him. 'It's almost here.' 'What's almost here?' 'It.' The guy said as he ran.

As Ethan turned around, he saw a huge creature looking at him as it blew so hard Ethan went flying across the deserted land.


'Who are you, foul peasant?' 'I'm Ethan and I am not a peasant.' 'Well then, I'll have you for dinner.' 'Over my dead body.' 'That can be arranged.' Said the godlike creature as Ethan ran so fast he tripped and fell. While falling, he saw a weird creature look at him as he hopped onto it and he rode off to who knows where.


When Aries landed in wet mud, she suddenly stood in shock as she saw her reflection. 'We love Ethan but he will never love us, we are pathetic.' 'Who are you?' 'I'm you, son of a bitch.' 'Oh gosh, I'm dreaming aren't I, I knew this day would come, yeah, I should just wake up.' Said Aries.

All of a sudden, her reflection screamed as Aries went flying across the mud. 'What the hell?' 'Don't you see, I'm you, actually, I'm a better you.' 'I'm fucked up.' Said Aries.


Meanwhile, Clementine was sitting down as she waited for everyone to come. 'This sucks.' She sighed.


As Thomas opened his eyes, he saw a billion creatures headed his way and he panicked. 'I told you guys I'd find the wizard.' 'Now we can get anything we want.' 'Um hello?' 'Ah, it speaks.' 'Of course, I speak, weirdos.' 'Do you do magic, my great wizard?' 'I'm not a wizard, and I will never be.' 'Well, that's, disappointing.' 'Well then, let's eat him.' 'Indeed!' The creature said as Thomas gulped.

Before they could grab Thomas, he jumped off the tangled rope and beat up as many creatures as he could but there were too many, so he did the only thing he could do. He quickly ran into a circle forming a tornado that had lightning striking in it. When the creatures went in it, they were all shocked that they turned into dust while Thomas made a run for it.

When he got outside, there were more creatures than there were in the room.


Aries and her replica fought back-to-back until Aires started bleeding from her nose and mouth. 'I told you, I'm better than you.' 'No, this can't be happening.' 'Oh I'm sorry, but it is.' Said her replica, as Aries summoned TEACS and they combined as she blasted her replica into dust. 'I've never hated myself this much.' Cried, Aries.

Before she knew it, all the replicas appeared into a billion of them. 'What have I done wrong?' Cried Aries, as TEACS was shot and got injured. Soon all the replicas appeared in front of her as they all said, 'We are your biggest enemy!' and Aries screamed.


Ethan then stopped as he looked the godlike creature in the eye. 'What do you want from me?' 'Not you, but your powers and your friend's powers.' 'What?' 'Indeed, Don't you know it's me, the reason why all your friends are suffering, I took their fears and brought them to life.' 'What?' 'And I had to see you, otherwise you would've helped them as destroyed them.' 'And still am now.' Said Ethan as he activated his powers.

Soon Ethan blasted his beam as the godlike creature threw a little light ball that destroyed a hundred meters of land. 'Give it up Ethan, there's no hope for you destroying me.' 'Think again.' Said Ethan, as he flew to the godlike creature and blasted him as the creature caught the blast and in a flash, the godlike creature's hand exploded. Ethan then ran and scream as he held the beam sword and cut open the throat of the godlike creature, whilst the blood poured over him.

Ethan then held the necklace the godlike creature was wearing and destroyed it.

All of a sudden, Thomas, Aries, Clementine, and Scott appeared where Ethan was and all five portals disappeared and turned into one as a new one appeared.

'I feel sick,' said Clementine as she threw up on Thomas. 'It could've been worse,' Thomas said.

As they entered the new portal, the dimensions were shot

And Ethan was taken away from the rest of the dimensions, whilst they went underground.