Chapter 2 - Chapter Two: Killer

Mercedes rushed inside her apartment that she shared with her best friend, Christy. She was panting. Her red dress was torn and her hair was disheveled.

"What is it?" Christy, a beautiful blonde lady with ocean blue eyes, long lashes, cute button nose, high cheekbones and full lips, asked as she entered the living room to find a panting Mercedes.

"Ronnie he-" Mercedes started but continued panting.

"What happened? Why are you looking like that? We're you robbed? Where's Ronnie?" Christy asked in concern as she walked closer to Mercedes.

"Ronnie-" Mercedes started again.

"What happened to Ronnie?" Christy cut in worriedly.

"He-" Mercedes's cries interrupted her statement.

"Why are you crying?" Christy asked worriedly. Mercedes started crying harder.

"Breathe. Calm down. Take deep breaths." Christy said slowly. She breathed slowly, for Mercedes to follow which enabled Mercedes to start breathing normally.

"Now what happened?" Christy asked after Mercedes had calmed down.

"Ronnie's dead." Mercedes spilled the news, looking at her best friend dead in the eye as she started crying.


"Naive bitch." The man with the leather jacket said and walked away. Mercedes scoffed in disbelief.

"Did he just - de he just call me a naive bitch?" She asked her friend, Ronnie in disbelief.

"He did." Ronnie mumbled.

"He's lucky he left. I would've shown him how naive bitches act. Misogynistic bastard." She yelled which made people give her looks.

"Calm down Cedes." Ronnie pleaded.

"I'm annoyed." She said and downed her tequila, dropping the glass on the table with force which caused a loud bang. She sighed and facepalmed.

"I know just the thing that'll calm you down and make you happy." Ronnie said in a mischievous voice.

She looked at him. "What is it?"

"You'll enjoy it, don't worry." He smirked.

"It better be good." She said with an eye roll.

Ronnie chuckled. "Trust me, it's good." He called the bartender and paid for their drinks.

"Let's go." He said and left the club with Mercedes.

"There's a cab." Mercedes spoke looking at the yellow car that drove past them.

"We won't need a cab. Come on." Ronnie said and continued walking, more like stumbling.

"Aren't we going home?" Mercedes questioned.

"Not yet. Come on, I want to show you something." Ronnie said and Mercedes followed him. Mercedes stopped walking when they reached an alley.

"Ronnie, this alley looks dangerous, we could get robbed."

"No we won't. Come on." He said confidently and shot her his million dollar smile. She smiled back and followed him and they entered the alley. Ronnie stopped walking abruptly.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I think we entered the wrong alley." He said , slowly taking some steps backwards.

"What are you talking about?" She was confused.

"Ayo blondie, what's up?" She heard a deep voice ask loudly. She stared ahead and saw two dark figures walking towards her. She

"They're robbers, Cedes." Ronnie whispered, sounding scared.

"Fuck. I told you it was a wrong idea to pass this alley." She blamed Ronnie. She just stood there, scared and not knowing what to do. The two figures reached where she was and she saw that they were two men. One of the men walked to her and held her chin.

"You a fine little thang, girl." He spoke, his voice deep and raspy. She couldn't see his face, only his eyes and mouth as he was wearing a ski mask.

"You can take whatever you want, please don't hurt me." She said in a shaky voice.

"We just need the bag and the Rollie on your wrist." The other man said. He was also wearing a ski mask.

"Fine. Take them." She said and hurriedly removed the Rolex watch from her wrist and the Chanel handbag she held and gave them to the men in black. They took it and walked away. She heaved a sign of relief, thankful that nothing happened to her.

"You can't just give them the Rolex like that. Your dad gave that to you before he died." She heard Ronnie say from behind her which startled her. She wondered where he hid when the robbers attacked her.

She turned to look at him. "Are you insane? Didn't you see the guns they had on them? Do you want me to die?" She whisper-yelled.

"Yes." He said angrily which caught her off guard and surprised her.

"What?" She was confused.

"Hey, Houston." He called out loudly.

"What are you doing? Who are you calling?" She asked as his actions confused her and gave her creeps. She heard footsteps coming behind her making her turn. The men that just robbed her were walking towards them.

'What is going on?" She wondered.

"What do you want white boy?" The man with the raspy voice asked, sounding annoyed.

"I want you to finish the job." Ronnie spoke.

"What job?'"Mercedes asked but they ignored her.

"She gave us the Rollie and the handbag, so we didn't need to kill her." The other man spoke.

"What is he saying, Ronnie?" She questioned her friend.

"I thought she'd put up a fight." Ronnie said to the men.

"But she didn't." The man with the raspy voice said.

"Kill her." Ronnie ordered.

"What?" Mercedes was confused. She wasn't sure of what she was hearing her friend say.

"You'd pay us more to do that." The raspy voiced man said.

"I don't have money for that." Ronnie said.

"That's not my business." The raspy voiced man said. "Let's go, J." He said to his partner and the two men turned to leave.

"Fucking bastard." Ronnie growled and brought out a pistol from his waist and shot two men and the both fell on the ground.

Mercedes screamed in fear."What did you just do? How the fuck do you have a gun?" She yelled.

Ronnie looked at her. His eyes had some emotions she had never seen before. It was like she was looking at a stranger.

"I killed them and I'll kill you too." He smirked and pointed the gun at her.

She felt the burning in her eyes as tears started falling off them. Her knees felt weak and she could hardly speak.

"Why, Ronnie?" She croaked out. "We've been friends for eight years. Why'd you want to kill me? Why'd you set me up?" She screamed.

"I never liked you Cedes. I only pitied your broke ass that's why I became your friend." He said with an evil smile. He looked so much like a psychopath.

"So it was all fake?" She managed to ask.

Ronnie looked at her like she was stupid. "Are you deaf? Of course it was fake." He said and laughed so wickedly. "I never liked you and I don't even know why my parents liked you when you just a broke cheap hoe." He spat bitterly.

"You know what I do to things I don't like?" He smirked. "I throw them away but in this case, I'll be killing you." He said and cocked the gun.

"Goodbye Mercedes." He pulled the trigger and she closed her eyes expecting to die.

"Fuck, it's empty." Ronnie groaned in anger and threw the gun on the floor, causing a loud thud, making Mercedes open her eyes. She touched her body checking for blood or any injury but there was none.

"I'm alive." She screamed happily. Ronnie looked at her, his eyes bloodshot with anger.

"Oh oh." She said and started running.

"You're dying today. Come here." He yelled as he chased her. She was reaching the exit of the alley when she stumbled on a stone which caused her to fall, causing her to yell in pain. He hovered on top her and started choking her.

""Ronnie...w-we can t-talk about this." She forced out as her hands searched the ground for a brick or rod.

"You'll rot in hell." He said as he tightened his grip on her neck, choking her more. She finally felt a brick. She used all the strength in her to pick it up and she smashed her assaulter's head with it and he fell off her. She laid on the ground panting, trying to catch her breath. She looked at the body beside her and saw blood oozing out of its head.

She immediately started panicking and got up from the ground. She kicked his stomach and there was no reaction.

"Ronnie? Are you dead?" She asked in a scared voice. She bent down and raised his hand but it just fell.

"I killed him." She cried.

Flashback ended.

"It was self defense, okay?" Christy said to a crying Mercedes as they both sat on the carpeted floor.

"I'm gonna go to prison." Mercedes cried.

Christy felt bad and hugged her best friend. "No, you're not. Now, we're gonna to the station and report what happened."

Mercedes immediately pulled out of Christy's embrace. "What? Chris, I can't." She had a scared look on her face.

"We have to. It's the only way we can get out of this mess. Trust me." Christy said.

After moments of silence, Mercedes spoke. "I trust you."