
Frank looked at the notification and sneered.

"It is about time!" He said to himself.

Besides him, Noel smiled.

"You have greatly advanced my Love! I see you are about to be a secondary evolver!" she said holding his hands.

"I find it strange though!" He confessed. "Yes I am now at an advanced stage but am still an ordinary subject. You see that doesn't make sense because here we are the rulers! Isn't that above ordinary?" he asked.

Noel looked away towards the people for a while before turning to him. They were still on the thrones enjoying the view of their subjects as they made merry. The people were excited after the rebirth process that had just taken place and transformed their lives. As much as it was a new thing yet to some extent they felt like they already knew about the new era. All in all, the system display in their consciousness was something incredible that they could not stop talking about it.

"But my king, despite being an ordinary subject advanced rank, you are far above any other Primary 3 evolvers! None of them at this level can summon even a beast weapon! Yet you can use both the weapon and the beast himself! Furthermore, you already have three spirit stones in your SpiritCube! Isn't that a great fete?"

Frank smiled at the compliment from Noel. He was about to say how he felt amazed by his high rate of advancing when something clicked in his mind.

"Wait! You know even what I have in my SpiritCube! How?"

"Come on! We are now.."

Before she finished her statement Frank exclaimed, the truth dawning on him. The two were now one. Part of Noel's soul was eternally embedded in him and she could thus know what he knows and see what he sees!

It was also the same with Frank! Now he could see the stats of Noel as his own. Not only that but even her emotions and feelings and thoughts! But perhaps the greatest gift was that which he received from Noel's blood line.

Being the daughter of the once most powerful and wise king of Amarkale, a lot of hidden treasures were passed down to her. These were not just material wealth but included spiritual gifts, ancient knowledge and wisdom, the history of Amarkale, the various experiences of the king, various skills and abilities and powers! And all these were now at the disposal of Frank, having been integrated with her majesty the queen into one being in spirit!

These gifts would however, constantly demand his upgrading from certain levels to others to be able to use them effectively. Some would be available to him right from the start yet others would be unlocked as he evolved further. More so, he had Noel whom he could consult at any moment wherever he would be!

"Furthermore," Noel lovingly went on explaining to him, "You are already a leader here! That means Secondary evolution is not out of your reach. You are special!" she emphasised on the words so much that Frank felt really lucky.

This! This was the privilege of being the destined ruler.


{Status: Successful}

{Rewards: 1 Spirit Stone, awaiting activation, 10,000 Credit Points}

[New Ability unlocked]

{Confirm to view Stats}

"No need," Frank replied. He was satisfied as he already knew that he was a primary 3 evolver, ordinary subject Advanced rank. Nevertheless, he had a lot of questions which he wanted to find out answers as soon as possible.

"Let us go inside," he beckoned the queen and the two rose from their golden thrones.

The guards and maidservants immediately came by their side and others behind them. They waved to the crowd as they departed.

The celebrations would go on for a number of days. Some people were curious to look at the departing majesties.

"Look the king and the queen are going in!" someone said.

"Yea! I recall my grandfather telling me that once we get a new King he would be very different. Always busy with uniting our kingdom. Maybe that is why he is not drinking too much with us in the celebrations!" another replied.

"Do you believe he would unite the whole world as the legend goes?"

"Brother! Do you still doubt after witnessing the integration and coronation ceremony! I tell you these two rulers were divinely crowned! Don't underestimate what they can achieve!"

"But right now we are at peace, right? There is no more war or threats!" another optimistic citizen replied.

The king and the queen entered their chambers and the knights on duty stood guard at their respective posts.

As soon as they were inside the chamber a great radiance hit them on the face! The whole room was instantly lit with dazzling lights.

"What's going on?" Frank asked, shielding his eyes. He was not afraid but startled. He soon removed his hands from eyes when Noel rushed to the side of the ward robe. That seemed to be the origin point of the light. She pulled open the wardrobes!

There on the middle shelf sat the brown golden streaked box! It was the one emitting all the radiance!

"Why is it glowing just now?" Frank asked as he got closer. Noel stood dazed and looking intently into the box. She them turned to Frank.

"My Love! Am afraid the time has already come!"

"Time for what? No! Don't tell me I am needed back on earth just now!"

"If you don't rush back right now, the Dark Lord might just be successful in his attempt to bewitch the golden spectre! This is an alarm warning us of what he's doing!"

Before Frank could say something else Noel rushed to him and hugged him tightly. Then the two kissed deeply though hurriedly.

"My king I would be waiting for you. Remember, you must get that spectre from him before he finds a way of getting to me here!" she touched her tummy, Frank followed her hands. "We all count for you to save us!" she said.

Go now! Go!

Frank grabbed his golden kingly staff and went to the box. He glanced back at his love for the last time then placed his hands in the box. Suddenly a force so powerful grabbed him and pulled him inside through the box!


The lights vanished!

The king vanished!

The queen stood there. Her hands slightly trembled and she hugged herself as two lines of tears streaked down her cheek.