Frank alighted from his Eagle.
To his surprise, two bewildered young ladies were outside his house, staring at him.
They were Linda and Claire.
He knew why they looked so stunned but didn't understand why they were in front of his house.
"Hi Ladies!" he greeted them.
The response was timid and reluctant.
He welcomed them and the three entered his house.
Frank was happy to be back in this is house.
It was hard to imagine that he had been gone for only three days.
In Amarkale a lot had happened in those few days.
"Thanks Frank!" Linda said after she had been ushered to a seat by her host.
"Welcome to my humble abode!"
"A nice place you have here!"
Frank brought in some drinks for the three of them. As he served them he noticed how peculiar they were staring at him.
"Is anything the matter?" finally he brought himself to ask.
"Ah nothing!" Linda quickly answered.
"Frank, you appear changed!" Claire said straight.
Frank didn't know what to say.
"Ha!Ha!Ha!" He laughed it off, "really, I didn't notice!" He tried to play it off.
This guy!
"Frank, we have been coming here for the last three days to look for you," Linda began.
"All these days you were not seen around here! We kind of got worried!" Claire spoke again.
"Yea! You know following Muro's encounter with that thing!"
"Muro! What thing?" Frank's curiosity suddenly piqued.
The two girls looked at each other.
Frank realized he would end up being needed to offer a lot of explanations for his ignorance. He raked up his brain and came up with a quick lie.
"Ah you know this three days I went out hunting. Yea, hunting deep into the caves up North. So I don't know what transpired!"
"Well, that explains it!"
They bought the lie and went on to explain the information they had received regarding the sudden disappearance of Muro while they had been on a mission.
"And I think the same was sent to your communication device. Still the incident has been widely shared on the NURONET!" Claire explained.
"A crisis is coming Frank!" Linda summed it all up.
Frank stood up.
After looking at his laptop for a while he asked
"How could this be?"
"We have since learnt that the agent reappeared to Muro and dragged him with her to the hideouts of the Dark Lord!" Linda explained.
"It seems they are not happy with him, because it was through him that the authorities realized of this presence!" Claire added.
Frank processed this information deeply. He wondered if he should worry about Muro's involvement with the Dark Lord. He personally knew what Linda and the rest didn't, that he had already met some terrible agents of the Dark Lord! Muro was definitely going to be one of the agents, he was sure of this fact.
But his heart was on the people.
"Now that the general population has been warned of the presence of the dark lord, are there any plans that the government has instituted to deal with it?"
"That is the sad part, Frank. We are told that each one of the subjects has to fight for himself. Since the Dark Lord mostly kidnaps the weak ones, the only way is for people to level up.Frank looked at the thread posted on NURONET again, titled, 'The Dark Lord's Army amongst Humans'The article simply explained that a mysterious being who has evolved through magic and technology wants to turn himself into a deity and to rule over all the races. To achieve his goal he has established an army which the government has learnt that it has already infiltrated the human society. The government now calls upon all citizens to work on their personal evolution so as to stand better chances of defeating the mysterious being.Frank found upsetting the fact that there was too insufficient information shared by the government. There were a lot of questions arising but with no one to answer them. For instance, the soldiers of this army; how do they look like, how can they be identified, in which areas or zones or clusters are they based? How can an ordinary citizen fight this army? Isn't it the government's obligation to protect the lives of its citizens?Frank wanted to talk to his mate, Noel, and utilize her wide understanding of matters. But he could not do it in the presence of his guests. He would have to wait. He decided to find out their abilities and level of improvement since three days ago when they had completed the mission.To his surprise, Linda was still at Primary 2 Evolution, as an intermediate Ordinary Subject. Her attributes stood at 110, the same one Frank had before going to Amarkale. Claire was still at Primary 1 evolution with 90 points, 10 less to break through.Yet he, in a span of only three days, had advanced not only past intermediate and Advance stages, but was well into the secondary evolution! He was done with Primary 1 which required a mere 100 points of attribute. He swum through Primary to as an intermediate from 110 points all the way to 500 points where he broke through! He silently entered Primary 3 evolution as an advance subject while in Amarkale! Through his encounters with the python monster at the Crystal of Light Springs, then fighting the enemy soldiers who ambushed him while in Amarkale, killing the mighty army of the Dark Lord, not once but twice, and eventual destroying of the chief agent of the Dark Lord in that ancient kingdom, Frank not only garnered more than the 1000 attribute points but also earned himself three spirit stones! He was now in essence a secondary evolver with the rank of Acting Representative Leader!But he needed this to be confirmed by the government at least that is what he thought, since his wristband had not displayed a change in his attributes! Neither had the notification popped up in his mind of entering secondary evolution."Or could it be that my improvement in Amarkale has nothing to do with Earth?" he wondered."You seem to be very far in thoughts, Frank. What are you planning?" Linda asked."Oh well! I have just been wondering what we can do to help as many people as possible to advance faster in their attributes!" he said after quick calculations.This was indeed what he wanted. It had just occurred to him how this could be the most important thing he did on earth."That is why we came to see you Frank," Claire opened up. "You see, we were surprised at your ability to summon that Falcon vehicle. After reading through the NURONET we found that that was an ability only for those in Primary 2 evolution! Yet you did it while you were still at Primary 1. Then today again, you seem to have a personal beast for a vehicle! That is even higher evolution!" she spoke like someone in a trance. Linda was also moving along with her in every word as though she was the one saying them.Frank felt awkward and tried to find something to substantiate these occurrences."Well, I was equally surprised. It just so happened!" he said.The two ladies looked at one another again and turned to him, in one voice they said;"Then you are Special Frank!""Me! Aaah No! It's just…""Haven't you read the legend of the Destined Ruler?" Claire cut him short."Destined Ruler? A legend?" "Yes, it is a story someone published in the NURONET, but which we believe it is a true story, a kind of prophecy!""Are you not just being too modest?"As unbelievable as it sounded to the girls, sincerely speaking, he had not read about it. After all, immediately after initiating the new age he began his mission and it was just on the second one that he vanished into the ancient world. Now he was back and a lot of information was flowing around in the NURONET. He had not had time to go through it properly and extensively.However, Frank knew what they were talking about. It is that he did not know the prophecy about him could actually be known by someone who had the guts to post it on the NURONET."I will check it out then, but what has it to do with us?""Frank, truly speaking, after being with you in that mission and witnessing your arrival even today, we feel you are that special prophesied legend!" Linda came out straight, speaking while looking him in the eyes.Frank didn't try to lie, or say anything, he just stared at the girls.Smart, that is the word that rung in his mind as he stared at the two young ladies."Please, help the two of us to be as strong as you are. Help us to advance speedily please so that we don't get ourselves kidnapped by the Dark Lord!" she pleaded.Frank was not going to refuse this request. He already had a bigger picture of what he wanted to do. But how do I make them understand my mission?Ding!All their communication devices alerted them at the same time.On the display was the government Logo. This was officially a communication from their representative leader at the Government mission center.A new mission?