At the beginning of 1982, William delegated three interns the task of locating and replanting various herbs in order to bring them back to the lab for study. They found that green herbs were the most prevalent, blue herbs were found somewhat less frequently than green herbs, red herbs were generally found in tiny groups and were uncommon, and yellow herbs were found very occasionally. After a week of searching, just 10 of these herbs were uncovered. Because there were not enough red and yellow herbs available for research, William donated money to the university so that it could build a green house. This would grow herbs and ensure that there would always be an adequate supply of herbs.
After ensuring that everything was in its proper position, William caught up with Albert, who was on his way to the black jack bar with his friend William Burkin. After a brief meeting and some greetings, Burkin starts to complain about a young researcher named Alexia, who became a chef researcher when she was only 10 years old. After drinking a few beers, Burkin became inebriated, and William and Albert started talking about Spencer's likely objective for Umbrella. After a little talk, Robert Kendo walked in, and shortly after that, Albert walked out of the room, taking Burkin with him. Robert then invited William to his wedding and asked him to be one of his groomsmen, with his brother Joseph acting as the best man.
When building the green house, William started investigating blue herbs and found out that the herb has a cleansing function. William commissioned the preparation of poisons and toxins derived from a wide variety of plants, insects, and animals in order to assess their level of potency. After months of research, William came up with two remedies for the matter. The first remedy, which consisted of anti-infection wipes and detoxification tablets, was designed for light bites and wounds caused by less potently dangerous animals and plants. The following one developed into an anti-infection spray that may solve poisons in addition to curing any usual bacteria. William made an important finding: he could heal a patient who was sick with a certain virus by mixing the virus with the second blue herb solution and injecting it into the patient. With the T-virus and Williams' own unique virus, it is possible to delay the progression of the viral infection for some time, but it is not effective enough to cure it.
In 1984, after William had grown a sufficient quantity of red herbs, he started looking into them. After conducting tests on them for a period of three months, he came to the conclusion that they lacked any apparent qualities. As a result, he decided to put the project on hold for the time being. In Williams' mind, he had previously explored mixing green and blue herbs and discovered nothing beneficial. (As a result, he didn't think of trying the red, and even if he did, he wouldn't learn how to combine herbs until much later.)
After that, William conducted research on the yellow plants, and he was most surprised to find that the yellow herbs had an enhancing effect on the human body. When inhaled as an aerosol with the mixture of chem fluid and one yellow herb, it acts similarly to an adrenaline rush. It enhances your strength and speed, as well as your reaction time, but its effects are only temporary. After being mixed with the potent chemical fluid and two yellow herbs, it developed into a strengthening injection that not only strengthened the body but also bolstered the functions of the internal organs permanently. When consumed for a significant amount of time, yellow herbs slow the aging process. This provides William with more leverage in his negotiations with Umbrella.
The year 1986 marks the birth of William Burkin's daughter. William sent his congratulations but did not go in person since an intern had searched a remote grove and found a patch of purple herbs in the middle of it all between other red and blue herbs. William conducted research on the plant and found that it produced the same result as the second powerful blue solution. A solution made up of two blue plants and a strong chemical fluid William researched the changes that took place when the blue and red herbs were cross-pollinated and found that not all portions of the red herbs were utilized. This was one of the findings of his investigation. When William attempted to recreate the effect by combining two blue herbs, one red herb, and a potent chemical fluid, he generated a more potent blue herb solution that, when injected into a T-virus patient, killed the virus but also killed the person if the illness had advanced to a certain point. When two green herbs, one red herb, and a potent chemical fluid were mixed together, a solution was produced that, when injected, had the potential to assist in the fixing of injuries that were potentially life-threatening. When two yellow and one red herb were mixed with a potent chemical fluid. The boosting effect was not only three times greater. Additionally, the combination reduced the effects of aging by 95%. William has made the decision to keep the third level of herb treatments to himself and instead opts to trade the blue and yellow solutions in exchange for the resources and support he needs to test his virus.