He had no hand in it but the circumstances around that event was his own doing. There was no way anyone would believe that he was not involved, or the mastermind even.
Kalen laughed. "And you believe I will tell you? You are not that bright, are you?"
"Vorgard," Reshi called, his gaze still fixed on Kalen.
"Yes, master."
"Help the rest. I will take him."
"You're getting it all wrong. There won't be any taking," Kalen said, raising his arms in surrender. "I admit. You're not someone I'd like to fight at this moment."
The aura that Reshi exuded was as calm as it was fearsome. It spread around that even Kalen felt it on himself like cloth on his skin. The Red Star was no fool, he assessed his prospective opponent and had come to a singular conclusion: Reshi was not one he could defeat.
He was not wrong. Master Reshi was not an average sorcerer after all, a mage and master of the Labronkath - the head-guild of Esterya. Kalen need not be told of their exploits.