Of all the days she had fought to be a strong woman, today seemed to be eating up the strength and courage she had gathered all these years.
The dark room engulfed her mind with ill thoughts. She could call darkness a great king for the wall it had built around her.
The room was cold, quiet with only a single chair in it.
Although she believed she would get through this punishment, it still made her shudder but there was no way she was going to escape this wide wall.
It takes a long time to be wise but only a second can make one foolish, maybe she was going to learn something more in here after the heat and cold had sat her down and given her a great lesson.
She was going to cry when she saw the man who had been ordered to execute the punishment on her go to the heater which was set at the wall of the room.
Through the faint light, he was kind enough to leave for her, she saw him about to press the button of the heater.