"Don't you dare hate me and don't you dare threaten me again, because the moment you do, I won't hesitate to kiss that threat off your lips"
A sudden chill ran down Roselle's spine at her boss's words. She was confused and surprised at the same time.
The room went still with a moment of silence, her boss's words repeating in her head. He had sounded like he threatened her. Yet, there was something more to his threat but she couldn't pick out what it was.
She felt her hand suddenly become cold and she looked away feeling more embarrassed, her anger had led her to do something she wished she had not done.
Despite the scar on her boss's face, it was obvious that he was a beauty to behold.
"But how will one kiss a threat out of one's lips?" She thought inwardly but she didn't know she had said these words out and it was very loud and clear to the hearing of her boss.