"You look beautiful as usual my love," Lucio spoke in a soft voice which made Tina melt at once. He moved over and brushed her cheeks with a kiss.
"I didn't know you were still going to come," Tina said. She furrowed her brows. She had waited for him for over three hours before Roselle came which had made her conclude that things will not work out between him and her.
"I'm sorry," He began to apologize. Tina turned her face away from him. He grimaced, lifting his hands in apology "Come on don't act that way, I know I shouldn't use my work as an excuse but..."
"It's okay, you're here now." She cut him short.
He moved over to her where she had held the door. Gently, he brought his lips close to hers, but she turned away from it.
Lucio heaved. "Can you let me into your humble abode?"
Tina felt embarrassed keeping him standing. But she was afraid that Roselle will come out of the kitchen at any moment.