Chereads / Wheel-kuns Picks 2023 / Chapter 15 - The relationship..?

Chapter 15 - The relationship..?

Akrhia or Renioka

The ship between Rengoku Akira and Tomioka Shi.

Shi is the younger sister to Tomioka Giyuu, who was turned into a demon at the age of four and has proceeded to grow, even though demons are meant to stop ageing when they get turned. Shi also displays no want of human flesh, however she feeds on demons like a normal demon would on humans, gaining strength that way.

Akira is the younger brother of Rengoku Kyojuro, who has been training Akira since he was small.

What happens when the boy meets the demon out in the middle of the night, face and body covered in demon blood?

Lets see how this will play out,

Shall we?

This story may have more than two act's, but it is a one-shot, it would just be two long to read if it wasn't posted as Acts.

Act one: Night fall

The sun slowly went down, fading along the snow-covered trees which surrounded the small wooden cottage they lived in, knowing no dangers that live in the world of the night a family smiled and played out the front of that small cottage, playing in the white blanket of snow. Soon enough they went back inside to feed.

They had a guest with them, a man with short, black spikey hair with calm deep red eyes which seemed to never stop glowing, this man was not that old, around seventeen to sixteen, really, he didn't want to be taking their hospitality for granted but he was here to do his job, to make sure these people are safe and out of harm's way.

What was his job?

He's a demonslayer. Demons, men eating beasts with no heart and (most) cant talk. This boy saw them as more adapted vampires, more comfortable with their abilities and environment which caused them to be extremely dangerous.

However he had one of the two ways to kill these Oni's, the first is by sunlight, something he can't control. The sun burns them, turning them into ash slowly, it's a slow and painful process (It's slow depending on the demon's rank, or at least that's what he believed). "Thank you for the food Madam!"

The second way to kill a demon is with a sword or a weapon strictly made out of a special ore which can absorb sunlight, these are called Nichirin swords/weapons. He knows that the water pillar's sister uses some sort of spiked whip, which can easily wrap around a demon's neck and slice it off. Though he had never seen the girl, people say she only trains at night.

"There's no need to thank me young man, thank you for finding my son." Earlier that week he had found a four year old boy lost in the forest, just as night fell, he had brought the child home after killing all the demons around.

With a soft smile he shook his head. "What's your name, young man?" The father of the family asked with a hum-like tone to his voice a gentle smile across his face.

"Rengoku Akira, sir!" Akria responds, a smile on his own face.


Blood flowed all over the ground, the sun had only just set and night had fallen but the taste of human blood lingered in the air, following the scent brought the girl who had been dancing among the leaves which stayed put during the winter seasons face to face with a large pool of blood, nothing else was there just enough blood for around fifteen humans.

Her face paled and she couldn't hold in her gag, turning her head away, her mich-matched Hoari was hanging off her loosely, her demon slayer uniform which was normally unbuttoned around the chest area in the warmer months was shut tightly (she was wearing her brother's top). The blood red mop of hair which was running down her back matched the painting of blood before her, the blood pool was in the shape of an eye.

She held in a scream of rage.

She needed to calm down, this was her first solo mission given to her directly from the master, a man who had known of her existence for years without asking anyone to kill her. Her purple eyes scanned the scene, watching for anything, any movement, listening for anything that could indicate that she had found the demon.

That's when she heard it, a russell in the blush below her, one look down had her seeing it all. This demon was not an uppermoon, this demon was not a lowermoon but a portental moon. She leaped, grabbing onto the branch she had narrowly missed, she had jumped the twenty feet across the clearing. The demon called out to her "Why are you playing the opposite role?"

A twisted smile formed on her face, her nails now clearly claws and fangs open to the eye, this girl was a demon "What do you think you'll taste like?" it was time for her to feed.

"What demon eats other demons!?" the black, overgrown lizard with twenty eyes cried out, all eyes wide open.

"Ones Kibutsuji Mazan has no control over." They sat there, no one moving, waiting to see if the curse of Kibutsuji would kick in. It didn't. And so the fight began.

The demon didn't win, this demon slayer was too powerful, fighting a demon-demon slayer was not what this multi-eyed demon had in mind for their courier "what is your name?"

"Tomioka Shi." The words felt like they burned as the female demon took a mouthful out of the demon's leg, an ear ripping scream sounded and bounced off the tree's. This demon never would have thought that they would've been eaten alive.

"So.. this is how the human's felt.."

Act two; Covered in blood.

Akira followed the overwhelming metallic scent of blood that filled the air, running towards it as fast as he could, about forty yards away he could hear a demonic scream, one filled with pain and fear. You could almost feel sorry for it, only, that was if you couldn't tell that it wasn't human.

Coming up to the clearing a woman stood in the middle, a decaying demon's head was laying at her feet, her long black hair and deep blue eyes stood out among the snow, she looked a lot like the water pillar, was this Tomioka Giyuu's younger sister? "Miss, are you alright?" Rengoku Akria called as he slowly walked over, a hand on his katana, ready to attack in case another demon came around.

"I'm fine." with the turn of her head you could see that she wasn't fully transformed back, one eye was purple and that side of her black hair had a faint red tint to it. She was covered in blood from head to toe, her mouth was surrounded by the red, chunky liquid which seemed to have bits of flesh in it, Akira wanted to gag.

When she spoke you could see that she had been eating the demon, the blood clung to her teeth and any other part of the mouth which it could grab onto, looking her over more you could see the blood covered clothes and the mess of blood on her hands, you would've found her beautiful if she wasn't covered in blood.

"Are you Lady Tomioka?"

"I don't like being referred to as 'lady', but yes, you could say I am."

The smile on her face sent shivers down the demon slayer's spine, cursing him to gulp and freeze up. Slowly, the thought came to mind, Tomioka Giyuu had said something about his sister going on a solo mission a few days ago, this was most likely that solo mission. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Tomioka."

Akira hadn't noticed the purple eye or the red tint to her hair, she was now back to normal, and clearly needed a bath.

"I know." The girl hummed and turned away. "I need to be going now, Rengoku Akira, enjoy your mission." WIth that the girl disappeared into thin air, as if she had never been there in the first place.

"I never told you my name..?"

Act three; Meeting with the master

Tomioka Shi was standing in front of the master's bedroom door, covered in blood and smiling happily, one of the small children who stayed around the master slowly opened the door, ignoring the demon's bloody appearance "Father, Lady Tomioka has returned."

"She has? How efficient she is." He hummed and smiled softly, having a demon with the strength of an uppermoon on their side would definitely make things easier for them. "She left two hours ago, is she hurt?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Ubuyashiki-sama. The demon was a potential lover moon but I got rid of him in a minute." The girl's tone was soft as she walked into the room "I apologise for my bloody appearance, I just thought it would be best to report back the moment I returned."

"It's perfectly fine, child. Tell me how your first solo mission went." The man took a sip of his tea, a gentle smile on his face as the demon girl nodded happily and explained every single detail, about the location, the demon, the texture of their skin, flesh and muscle and how they tasted, and about her encounter with Rengokus younger brother.

"Thank you for getting rid of the demon lady Tomioka, you may go home and rest now, the sun shall be up in an hour." The master said softly, taking yet another sip of his tea, they had been there for three hours (spending the last two hours on how the demon could have tasted better for its rank).

Shi stood and walked away with a silent bow, knowing that she had been dismissed because her brother, Tomioka Giyuu would be back soon.


Rengoku Akira walked through the forest, hunting for the demon he had been sent here for, the image of 'Lady Tomioka' still fresh in his mind, her long black hair sitting on her blood covered back and her deep blue eyes which held the same aout of emotion as the water pillars. She was someone who didn't seem like she was strong enough to take down a demon and she had no weapons on her.

"How did she do it..?"

With a sigh he started the track back to where he was staying, he had been wondering around the forest in search of the demon for three days now, sadly he couldn't find it, there was no faint scent of a demon in the air at all instead it was just that girls perfume, a mix of wisteria and Delphiniums.

A small flush laid across his cheeks at the thought of meeting the girl again.

Act four: No.

It has been four months since Shi and Akria's first meeting, now here they both were with Tomioka Giyuu standing in front of the Master. "I would like for you three to go on a mission together, It will help both Shi and Akira train and get stronger.."

"I am not Rengoku's teacher." Tomioka Giyuu said blankly, he had no need to help train the boy who was beside him (he refused to let him stand beside his sister so he was in the middle).

"Giyuu, could you please do this, Kyojiuro is out on a mission and someone needs to watch over Akira.." The master was gently ordering the eldest Tomioka to take the boy with him and his sister. It was gentle encouragement but it was also sturn, warning and an order. Giyuu didn't plan on budging.

"We'll bring flame boy along, won't we ani?"

"Fine.." Giyuu was not happy about this at all. Akria held back a smile and nodded.

The three left, Giyuu having Shi on his back, holding her up by the thighs and the girl's arms hanging limply over his shoulders, the water pillar didn't pay any mind to his sister who was dozing off during the run to their mission's location. What he did pay attention to was Akria trying to talk to his sister the whole way there.

"Lady Tomi-"


"But lady Tomiok-"


"But Tomioka-san Lady Tomioka-"




"Lady Tomioka-"

"Be silent."


"I said to be silent."