Chereads / Wheel-kuns Picks 2023 / Chapter 14 - Blood

Chapter 14 - Blood

Tomioka did not like this, he was forced along on a mission even the master said no to him being on, with two of the worst people he knew, Shinobu Kocho and Sanemi Shinazugawa why did they drag him along? He had no idea, he just knew that his younger sister would be right behind them, following in the trees using her blood demon art.

"Ara ara, Tomioka-san where's Tomioka-chan?" Shinobu asked, Giyuu's younger sister hated the woman and had left a bad impression on her their first time around, having called her a cheap, worn out version of a barbie doll. Giyuu had agreed silently.


"I just want to know if we'll need to save you from a demon~" the woman cooed, something was making Giyuu mad today and that 'thing' was Shinobu. Shi was able to hear everything so she simply jumped on ahead and smashed a branch down, which could've hit the woman if she hadn't heard the crack and shot forwards, narrowly missing the falling branch. "Tomioka-chan!" she called out, making Giyuu sigh and shake his head.

"She won't talk to you, she doesn't like you Kocho." Giyuu reminded the woman, whom didn't seem to care much about anything.

"I say the truth and then she hates me, I want to know why." The woman pouted, clearly this was the only reason Giyuu had been dragged along by Shinobu. Shinazugawa probably just wanted a show he could watch- or listen to while he ran. "I don't understand why she's so defensive, she could've killed me with that branch!"

"Maybe she was trying to?" Shinazugawa hummed, watching how he moved in between rocks and how he jumped over fallen trees from previous demon encounters and battles. "I mean did you hear what happened to a guy in a few towns over? He was getting ripped apart by a demon with red hair and purple eyes, I bet it was her!"

"Shi is quite protective of me." Giyuu indirectly gave Shinazugawa his answer, yes it was she, she had not done it for human flesh but to protect her brother. That's all the white haired man needed to put the topic at ease. "She finds joy in harming those who hurt me Kocho, you may want to be careful."

The woman just huffed out a cloud of frozen air and sped up, leaving the two men to sigh and attempt to catch up to the human sized insect.

Once they reach the mountain-top village Shinobu and Shinazugawa leave the Tomioka siblings to do their own thing (The two other hashira's thought Shi hand left after the branch falling incident was over with). Giyuu hummed and looked towards his sister, who was no longer cloaked due to her reality morphing blood demon art. "Ani, where shall we go now?" just as she said that the sound of screams erupted to their right. "To the right?"

"To the right."

Just like that both demon and demon slayer were rushing towards the scene, uppermoon six was there, eyes glaring into the souls of everyone around them (Demon before Daki and Groutryio). This demon dropped the children it had collected into its mouth and refused to let any child go, swallowing them whole.

Shi and Giyuu Tomioka took a breath and rushed the demon, Shi using her claw-like nails to slice through the thick, black flesh of the demon, her blood red hair blowing behind her in the wind, as if it was a river of blood, flesh and blood flew around the demon girl, into her hair, mouth and all over her demon slayer uniform, when the demons flesh entered her mouth she swallowed it whole.

The demon was no match compared to a demon whose strength sat around that of upper moon four.

Giyuu was attacking the other side of the demon, sadly he wasn't as fast or strong as his beloved sister, but he knew if he got hit once all hell would break loose, his blade cut through the flesh like it was butter. "A demon and a demonslayer, working together?" this demon seemed to be confused, extremely confused.

"A demon which eats other demons!?" it screeched as the female demon bit into its arm, ripping a chunk out and devouring it, starving after the two week run here. The demon slammed Giyuu into a tree while it screamed out in pain, blood spraying everywhere, blood slowly leaking out of her elder brother's head and his left arm shattered, Still the man stood and continued to fight.

Shi's eyes practically turned red as she leaped for the demon's head, growling, she really hated this demon. "How dare you!?"

The demon, now seeing her weak spot, threw Giyuu into a stone wall, his head slamming against the stone and a few ribs cracking, he was out cold.

Shi lost it.

The demon was dead in the matter of seconds, the demon sibling of the Tomioka family stood, staring at the dead, disintegrating body of a demon, the blood staining her hands, clothes, face and hair was not of that of her own but it belonged to the dead demon who wished to no longer live in this world, for he had harmed her brother.

Shi turned on her heel and walked over to her brother, carefully ripping apart her uniform and wrapping her brother's wounds, she'd have to get Nezuko in to heal him, Yanking her brother onto her back she started the long trip home, covered in demon and now human blood, she hadn't even bothered to let Shinobu or Shinazugawa know she and her brother were leaving, her brother need to be safe and that's all that came to mind.

Two days later Shi reached their estate and took her brother inside from a two week long trip to two days, hiding from the sun and from people, refusing to let her brother be hurt again. "We're home ani.." Giyuu had been out the entire trip. When she got inside, the Kakushi of the water estate instantly came running, taking Giyuu and giving him all the medical treatment he needed.

She sat down on the couch for just a moment to catch her breath, slowly standing when she heard knocking at the door. When she opened it she was met by a surprised insect hashira and a somewhat disturbed wind hashira. That was until they both could see the difference in the blood staining her clothes.

Most of it was demon blood and some was human blood.

A bloody, pissed off and full demon-formed Shi had greeted the two hashira's and the picture of this will forever be printed into their minds and the fear that shook them to the core will forever be around.

The blood on the woman just made her more terrifying.