"Hello hello is this thing on?!" A doctors static voice came on over a tv a prerecorded tape playing "Hello my name Is doctor Alexander Clint I am a doctor here at CFMA or its full name cornfield mental asylum today we will be speaking of the patients I and my team have dealt with over the years and have treated"
on the video it showed the strange man pull out multiple binders "we will have to do this in parts however due to how long these things are! But we will get through all of them.. cause I'm afraid I don't have much time left to live.." he looked around frantically as there is movement in the background
"I have locked myself in my office for the time being to buy myself time if anyone finds this please stay away from this place and keep an eye and ear out for unnatural sounds in the night.. or come and find me! If I'm still alive.." he fixed his glasses slowly as a bang could be heard on the door.
He went silently as whatever was at the door slowly walked away hissing "lets get started shall we I will start with project 6B-99 or as he called himself "cap" Cap is the first fusion and only fusion of project 6A-55 and Doctor Harley Love-hart his clothes are nothing like their counter parts and they are mute like 6A-55 was, Cap wears a grey and blue stripped lab coat with the collar flipped up, a yellow shirt with a red tie, matching pants to their coat and finally a black pair of almost knee high boots.
Cap was created by the head of medical treatment dr sunshine they were created with in the basement of cornfield mental Asylum. Caps left eye is a weird symbol of the cult that is within the hospital, and their right eye is bright green. Their hair is red and light blue from the last we saw them, they wear a Cobalt blue mask with the same symbol as the one in their eye, as well as goggles like a mad scientist would.
When they don't have their mask cap has a normal human mouth expect for the sides of their mouth is deformed and their skin had been eaten away to show off their teeth within their mouth and due to the deformation it has caused him to have holes in their tongue causing cap to be mute at one point however before the fusion he could speak.
Their current statues is: missing due to him having run off with project D23-667 or as cap called him "uno". Their personality was not out going like 6A-55 or as insane as doctor Harley love-hart, their personality is silent and deadly making them the perfect assassin and the perfect man to run a mafia.Â
Their gender unlike their counter parts is not male they are a non binary due to their mutations of the drugs they were put on from sunshine, making it impossible for them to ever make a child like a regular humanoid being.
They are barely seen as they are only ever fully active at night and when you do see them people say it's best to run because cap is never alone, as their colleague uno is always beside or close to cap making any threat disappear at the snap of caps fingers, cap is a man of very strange taste as they don't seem to find anyone attractive but seems to take interest in how the human mind works, a women once had encountered cap and cap had left her with a forced lobotomy leaving the women to die a vegetable on the cold concrete of an alleyway... he is still on the run and very dangerous.. i worry for when he will find me.." he coughed slightly covering his mouth as something walked around by his door in the background "this place has been running since 1801.. we have had many wardens come and go.. but our last one was eaten alive.."
he nodded slowly obviously remembering the incident now shivering at the thought of it "lets move on to Project D23-667 "Uno" Uno is a mutated fusion of six patients those patients are classified and their information will not be put in this file, uno wears clothes made by project A45-12 "doll" the only thing he gets from his counterparts is the the collar and shock collar, uno wears a dark red trench coat, with a purple vest, blue dress shirt and green tie, he wears black dress pants and dress shoes.
Like cap uno was created by doctor sunshine in the cornfield asylum. Project D23-667 has six eyes his top right eye is blue, his top left eye is green, his middle right is a lighter green, his middle left eye is blue and finally his two bottom eyes are brown. Uno has ginger hair and is a tanned man, his mouth is divided in three due to the mutations and his eyes are never the same size or emotion as the others due to the patients all feeling different ways about what they've become.
Uno is not one mind he is many, when project D23-667 speaks he sounds like millions of other people are trying to speak as his voice is never on the same pitch when he speaks, uno is a force to be reckon with as he does not take lightly to people coming near project 6B-99.Â
His current statues is: missing due to him having broke project 6B-99 and A45-12 or what the doctors call them "cap" and "doll" after breaking them out he devoured several doctors and half of sunshine's arm to make it out with the two and into the small town of cornfield.
Uno's gender is male but due to his mutations he is unable to breed and repopulate, but of course like cap he is not interested in anyone unless they are food. Project D23-667 is activate both day and night unlike project 6B-99 WARNING if you make contact with D23 Your only chance is to play dead or try to run only run if playing dead fails you because uno will find you no matter where you hide and if you aren't athletic he will catch you and he will devour you alive and will make you watch as he eats you from the feet up, however if you survive the encounter with D23 it is best to pack your things and leave the surrounding area and whatever you do DO NOT GO IN THE FOREST! he will find you faster because he has the scents of an animal, and will hunt you through the forest if you manage to find a cottage in the forest do not go in! That is where you will find project 6B and A45, which then it will already be too late for you, I know this from experience."
He sighed hiding his face "I have encountered all three out in the open.. i nearly escaped with my life.. the things those three did to me.. would drive a normal man to kill himself or go mad.." the door could be heard as it got kicked down in the background "hello doctor.." a man spoke as dr clint got up "n-no you shouldn't be able to.. how did you..." the strange man in the background chuckled "don't worry about it doctor.. now where is he!"
Alex stood up grabbed the camera and used the light from it to flash the man, also flashing what looked to be 6B-99 or a very close description, as the man was stunned he ran past him through the door "I need to hide somewhere i will continue if i make it out end log!" The tape then stopped and began to rewind, as the view changes from the small screen to a detective he sighed shaking his head "another tape to go.. lets see what was really going on there."