Chereads / CornField Mental Asylum / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: open-minded memories

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: open-minded memories

Moon walked them to the living room leaving them there to stare at old pictures of moon with someone but the other person in every photo was scratched out, Sean raised an eyebrow at the pictures looking at moon, "whose in the pictures alan was it?"

Alan stared back at Sean from the kitchen since there was a window to the living room to it "O-oh... You don't remember him do you?... I'm surprised you don't then again you can't see him in those since the pictures are a little damaged.." he laughed nervously, walking deeper into the kitchen than something caught the detectives eye, a small photo of a boy on a medical table, his chest wide open, as he stared at it he felt a rough pain go through the middle of his chest holding his chest he groaned "do you have any pain meds" Alan almost dropped the teapot his hands shaking "y-yes in the cupboard why are you in p-pain detective?"

Sean stepped lightly into the kitchen "yes just my usual chest pains bad heart that's all." Alan chuckled sweetly "don't lie to me, we fixed your heart years ago.." sean stared in silence 'what does he mean fixed it' he shook his head now stumbling toward the cupboards "which one is it..." alan weakly smiled before it disappeared back into a dead straight face "it's in the far left cupboard, how is patient 12 by the way?"

Sean stopped turning slightly to him "who?" alan giggled but it sounded off like as if he was trying to be happy but the emotion to him didn't exist "patient 12 you know that boy you used to play within the yard, how is he?" sean hissed not knowing what the man was talking about only needing those god damn meds to get rid of this stinging pain, he heard a distant voice "SeAn... CoMe HeRe" and suddenly he hit the floor the world going black as laughter filled his head and screams of a child followed after, moon stared down at him raising an eyebrow "seems he's gone into a shock due to pain.. or He's sleep deprived we will have to find out.."

moon picked him up and set him down on the couch "sorry Clint now tell me, where is he.."