A/N: The dots in this chapter represent switches in time and Pov just so you guys don't get confused.
the young boy looks up "it hurts.." standing up weakly he stumbles down the dark tunnel as he makes it to the end its cut off by a white light
. . .
'I dodged his hit I had to everything is a blurry, brother why you know you were always the brawn and I the brains,' I hit the floor hard as he grabbed me slamming another hard hit into my face hit after hit I watched as my blood splattered all over before finally feeling him drop me and the last thing I saw before blacking out were his ember eyes staring down at me "sunshine... please I'm sorry.."
. . .
'it's so cold... I want my mummy and daddy' young sean thought to himself as he trecked through the snow along side the train tracks he moved down his stripped pj collar scratching at the front of his neck trying to get the numbers that were tattooed on him to go away and stop burning from the cold, he had no clue where he was going all he knew and remebered was home was this way the boy remembered driving past the train tracks on his way to what he called now as the bad place.
It was only a two hour drive so the walk home should be shorter, or thats what he kept telling himself the forest looked so lovely to him at sunset with a quick skip he hopped up onto the train track 'I can make a game out of this! A balancing game' he stuck his arms wide out and began to balance on the side of it humming to himself a tune he could only remeber slightly from his loving mother.
. . .
'it burns how..how long have I been out here searching for this fucking kid?!' I walked along the train track holding my trench coat shut 'sunshine and moon better be paying me double for this I swear to fucking god..'
I looked around barely being able to see shit due to the snow beginning to fall and fall quick "For fuck sakes Kid!!! where'd you go!?! This isn't fucking funny!" I snarled and in the distance thats when I saw it the train coming as it blared its horn I heard something small and fragile get hit, a smile spread across my face as I stepped off the track walking towards what had been wiped off it by the train.
. . .
Sean groaned barely concious from the hit both his legs mangled as he weakly tried to drag his what felt like dying body away 'so close to home...' he was then roughly kicked over by someone and looking up his eyes widened in fear "hello Sean my my look at the mess you've made of yourself tsk.. lets get you back" he tried to scream in fear "g-get away f-from.. me I want to go.. h-home.."
the man picked the boy up with ease despite his weak attempts to get away "come now that's no way to talk to your good old friend Doctor love-hart now is it ..?" sean felt himself beginning to pass out from exhaustion and pain, there was now truely no escape.. as he was dragged back to the asylum all the unconcious boy could think about was being at home with his mummy and daddy and not with these monsters that called themselves doctors.