Chereads / WISHLIST / Chapter 36 - Encompassed Magic

Chapter 36 - Encompassed Magic

Alice breathed out a slow breath, and let courage muster up inside her, and a warm hand landed on her thigh and squeezed there. She was about to brush it away when she looked up at him but found that he was already staring at her, and she flicked her eyes away hoping that the flush that was working its way up her neck wasn't evident.

She was going to confront Madeline after this to try and get her to understand that if she and Noah didn't both agree to something, then she wouldn't do it. The exception was this since she got cornered into it, but she wanted to be mentally prepared rather than faking a smile despite her doing that every day.

The smooth voice continued. "Five.. four..."

What was wrong with her? She didn't have to be nervous. It wasn't anything too crazy for her to handle, and she was surrounded by lovely people which Noah obviously couldn't be accounted for. Noah leaned down, and she felt his warm breath in her ear that made her body freeze as she listened to what he had to say.

"I'm here with you. Always."

She tilted her head at him with a smirk at how his words soothed her, but she was never going to admit to him. Releasing her grip from her skirt, she smoothed the wrinkles that she made and crossed her arms, careful to not bump the microphone that she had placed on her tie since it was only a tiny clip that could come off easily.

"And we're live," Elijah said as the speaker crackled closed.

Daphne started then her opening phrases for the radio show, and Alice watched the girls intently as they got into the rhythm of the daily news that they needed to speak about firsthand. It was the usual updates on current events going on in the school along with reminders for students. She found it interesting how the radio was cut up and put into the announcements overhead too.

Alice watched as the girls were speaking to each other in a conversational matter that didn't sound too forced or stiff which was amazing at how well their synergies meshed together. The required little talk that Daphne had to do lasted about fifteen minutes, but it flew by fast with Alice listening intently to their words.

"Now, we have special guests here today," Daphne said with a smile in her voice. "Alice Marozi and Noah Park are here with us for some games to promote their carnival activity that is soon approaching!"

Daphne cued for them to speak, and Alice moved her chair closer to the large microphone that was over everyone. "Hello! This is Alice."

"And this is Noah."

Alice looked over at him, and he tipped his head down. "Yes, and Noah and I are so excited to be welcomed warmly by everyone. Let's all have fun today, shall we?"

"It's going to be a fun ride, so please join in with the QR code around the hallways for us to hear your ideas," Sharon said. "Why don't we start with Alice and Noah telling us about the carnival activity?"

"Of course," Alice agreed. "Homeroom 302 is going to have a couple matchmaking game. You heard me right. The individual coming up to our booth will be able to create a special wish list, and from there, the students of homeroom 302 will make your wish come true."

"Wow, that sounds like so much fun," Rita pipped in. "We have two months until the recruitment festival. How far along would you say your class is?"

"Maybe fifty percent considering that we are just about the half-point," Alice answered before turning to Noah. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes," Noah said. "We are about to finish the float which will encompass most of the... magic inside."

Alice snorted at his word choice, and Noah ignored her as he continued. "It's going to be a lot of fun once it's finished, so I would recommend everyone to stop by for the fun of it. Go ahead and bring your grandmother too. We got the right person for her."

"Like Mr. Frey," Alice added lightly which made the whole table laugh. She covered her laugh with the back of her hand as her shoulders shook, and she mouthed sorry to Daphne who waved that it was okay while Sharon was dying silently to the side, and Liam held in his laugh while looking up to the ceiling.

Mr. Frey was one of the older teachers in the academy who was a good person with a balding spot on his head with an interesting choice of clothing and diction. He didn't have a ring on his finger, so most assumed that he was single. Mr. Frey would appear out of nowhere more often than not. In other words, he was a force to behold, nonetheless. A challenge for a grandmother. Anyone's grandmother.