It was about a five minute walk from the bar to the parking deck that we used nearby. We were in the heart of the 'downtown' area. Even at this hour the roads were still busy and the sidewalks were crowded. I was still able to confidently walk beside Margo. My dominant female pheromones kept people out of my way. It came in handy when I needed it to.
"That bitch," Margo would complain to me about Riley under her breath. As if she could hear us even outside. Of course it wasn't physically possible. Something else was keeping her voice low tonight. I guess she just didn't want to take chances. "I can't believe she used that lame excuse as to why she was late. I hope I come in tomorrow to find her fired."
"Don't say that," I growled as I gave her an unpleasant look. "Riley is a good worker. You're just too hard on her." Odds are the cause of Margo not liking her is because she either didn't like she was a cat person... Or it had something to do with our assistant manager. And, Margo just couldn't stop being jealous.
"No, I'm not. You're too soft on her. She's a pathetic loser, I don't see what anyone likes about her. Her hair is flat like her ass." I sighed heavily as I tried to ignore what she was saying. Besides, Riley didn't even have a flat ass.
I rather liked Riley. She was a mix between Jennifer Aniston and Kathryn Hahn, facial wise. She was basic and pretty for that. I loved it about her. She had natural brown hair that she forced highlights into and it appeared lighter. Her skin was honey colored, in a natural way. Maybe that's what made Margo hate her? She went to tanning salons meanwhile Riley was just born tan. She had plain brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate and her eyebrows were straight and thin. Margo's cheek bones were distinct and she even had a slight butt chin. Her lips were a lot fuller, she had good genetics in my opinion. She was a little chubby, but it was more to grab.
"Go home, take a bath, and forget Riley Latimer tonight," I told her with a heavy sigh. I was done correcting her for one night. I wanted to do the same thing, but with Margo as the replacement of my worries. My night was just getting started.
"Oh I will." Margo would wave at me as she slipped out from under the umbrella. I slowed my pace as we were coming up on our separate paths. She made it under the shelter of the parking deck entrance and I tucked the umbrella to a close and shook the rain off immediately as I followed in pursuit. She would stop in front as she tossed her hair and freed it from a bad up-do. Her eyes would glance back at me before she began her walk toward her car.
"Bye Margo!"
I let Margo walk alone as I stuck my hand into my pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and got one out to smoke. I'd get the thing halfway sucked down before I would see her again. I waited for her vehicle to pull around where I waved at her goodbye. I was determined to finish my smoke break under the protection of the deck.
My back hit up against a concrete wall so I could lean and watch my surroundings. I caught a glimpse of a Rolls-Royce Spectre pulled through the drive to park inside and marbled at the paint job on it. It must have been customized, since I have never seen one like it. The windows were too tinted to see inside and spot who was driving it. That was probably the most interesting part about being stuck here for shelter.
I almost wanted a second smoke but my mind told me no. I felt like I was being watched and my hair on the back of my neck began to stand up when I heard laughter echo from the parking deck and start my way. It was a bunch of men laughing with each other. I could tell instantly by their scent I didn't want to be caught dead near here. My cigarette reached the butt and my break was over. It was good timing too.
I took the nearby alley to the next street over to grab some dinner at a popular restaurant, Fantomhide! Burgers & Shakes. My regular order was the BLT cheeseburger, add the mayo, and a side order of fries. It was a retro dinner that was decked out to make you feel like you were in the fifties there. Though, I never got a drink or a shake for that matter. Instead, I waited to get back to the bar. Since, I could get a free coke and drink it in the back.
I used the umbrella and carried my food in the same arm so I at least had a free one incase I needed it. My free hand held my keys attached to my pepper spray. I was a little wary after being exposed to those noisy men earlier. I made it onto the main street where the bar was located and felt a lot better as I found myself surrounded by people. I approached a towery man standing alone on the street by chance as he stood in my way. It was kind of good luck, I figured.
He had that lost expression about him. He was quite handsome and the rain musked out any scent I could make to tell if he was single or not. It was disappointing but I stopped to offer him directions. He happened to be looking for the bar I worked at, it was quite a coincidence. He was so hot I would have got his number if I thought it was worth my time. But, it was break time and I was hungry. I politely walked him to the entrance and waited for him to go inside before I went through the back.
I sat in the locker room and ate my meal completely at peace for the remainder of my break. Well, what little I had left. Before going back to work, I took a minute in the bathroom. I always keep a supply of miniature mouthwash in my locker so I can rinse my mouth and prevent a bad night from happening. I reapplied some light make-up around my eyes and admired myself in the mirror. I liked to think I resembled a young version of Keira Knightley.
My hair was toned on the ends and waved around my face in perfect measures. I always let some down around my face but the rest was up in a stylish bun with a braided back piece. I was a golden-champ at applying make-up but I didn't need any. My skin was naturally flawless. I liked dark eyeshadow and nude lipstick shades.
I wore a heart-shaped locket around my neck with a picture inside of both my parents. It was a going away present. I don't live in the same territory as them anymore. My eyes were amber colored like little balls of fire. They were really pretty in the sunlight. I took this time to check the ecstasy I got from Margo while still in the bathroom.
I pulled out the stash and held it up towards the light, my eyes squinting as I began to question what the hell she gave me. It wasn't that familiar to me. I opened a tiny bottle with a little dropper attached to the lid and smelled the substance inside.
My knees buckled slightly as things began to get dizzy. I held onto the sink for balance and it became clear to be what it was, wolfsbane. It was a powerful extract of wolfsbane. A herb that made wolves go into a frenzy if consumed. It was the most powerful substance on the black market.
My head cleared up as I came to my senses. I closed the lid fast and sighed with relief. Margo came through for me.
There was no cameras inside the bathroom and it was a good place to make the plan.
It would all go accordingly depending on what the party is like. I would get a good feel of the night. I would probably over serve them until they couldn't make their own choices or be aware of their surroundings. I could blame it on them if I get called out for it and say they pressured me into giving them too much. Who wouldn't believe the sober bartender?
I counted on Margo calling here later and convincing Nich to let us handle closing the place down. Knowing her, she'll be sending him subtle texts as we speak, and luring him into coming over to her place. Margo was pretty predictable. Especially since she wasn't going to have any fun without him.
I have to seduce that Alpha- somehow?
A rattle on the door handle alerted me enough to throw the ecstasy back in my pocket. I had locked the door but my head still moved to look and wait for the door as if it would open. I could hear a soft grumble from outside and I suspected it was coming from Riley.
"Hey! Are you in there, Claire? It's about to be 10! Not to rush you or anything- I am just letting you know. I have to pee. Can you hurry it up?"
"Actually done!" I told her as I went to the door and unlocked it for her to come in.
"Thank you!" She rushed past me and pushed me out into the hall before slamming the door in my face. I suppose she needed to go bad. I walked back toward the office to give a knock on the door and let Nich know I was back in business. When I reached his office I barged my way in after knocking.
"I'm back," I told him as I leaned up against the doorway. He was still in his chair and flicking a pen in his fingers while skimming over his part-timer list. He had just recently fired one and was probably working on filling in that part of next week's schedule. I guess he couldn't find a replacement in time. I was NOT picking up a shift to cover that though.
"Great! I think your party just came in and were seated in the last private room. You might want to confirm that with Riley just in case," he suggested.
"She went to the bathroom. I'll wait for her to come out."
"That's fine. I wanted to tell you it's got some important and high-class members attending the party, so please be as polite as possible. If they get too rowdy, feel free to come and get me and I'll settle things for you."
"I know, Nich. What kind of high class members are they?" I asked curiously to see if he'd open up and tell me or wait for me to find out.
"I thought Margo told you already?" He asked curiously before sighing and looking displeased it wasn't repeated to me. "It's Beta Devan Norwood's VIP party and there shouldn't be no more than ten attending. You'll have a crowded room." No Alpha Draegan? Did Margo lie to me or something? I should have fact checked her. She never lies...
"You're here!" I heard Riley say as she popped into the office to talk to us finally. "Your party arrived about fifteen minutes early. I put them in the last room because they were already so roudy. I got the tab open in the system and started for you. I even started them off with something to drink. You'll want to check on them soon, I'm sure they'll need another round by now. Oh and apparently not all of the party members are here yet. They're still coming in."
Of course they were. It was expected in some ways. I never knew a party to come at the right time. I might be out of here at the same time Riley is. My mind wandered to the stranger I met on the street and wondered if he happened to be a part of my party, since he did arrive early. He would be in the room we were talking about, if so. I should have asked, but I was in a hurry to go eat my food so I didn't think much on the matter earlier.