Looking at the snake at the entrance of the cave, I can almost feel the sweat dripping down my relatively speaking, massive octopus temple.
The snake, still not moving, is simple starting at all of the eggs in the hole it most likely just discovered for a nap, and I can almost feel the glee radiating off of it as it imagines the feast its about to have.
Luckily as god would have it, it would seem that the snake is distracted as it still hasn't noticed the ever turning-white me latched onto the roof of the cave.
Can I even fight that thing? Or should I just run away? What's its status I thought to myself, and suddenly the system replied.
Oh shit. Oh Shit. What should I do, what can I do? There is no way in hell I can fight that thing! I began panicking in front of the deadly lesser version of what I had originally hoped for myself to become. Skills! Yes, skills! That's what I can use! After seeing the skills section of this predator I remembered that my status had mentioned that I had a skill called [You have activated Camouflage] I thought to myself and suddenly I felt my skin wiggling. To be fair I'm not exactly sure what I expected when I asked the system to activate a skill which changed my skin color but I wasn't expecting worms in my skin dammit ! It took me great restraint to manage to not move and more important not shout (I would imagine its just blub blub?) so in order to do so I had to close my eyes to bear with the feeling of my skin wiggling involuntarily. When I open my eyes to my delight, my skin color had changed to the brownish green color from the rocks on the cave walls from my already brown octopus color, however, to my horror, WHERE DID THE PYTHON GO?! As I looked back at the entrance, the python had disappeared. Is it sneaking up on me? Is it some sadistic creature who enjoys troubling its prey?! Thankfully I spotted the Python not a moment later as it had simply begun approaching the eggs (I don't care about my octopi siblings) and was not in fact slithering towards me with a cocky smile. Now I don't consider myself as a sociopath, so naturally what happened afterwards was a bit disturbing. Thankfully (or maybe not) since its was only eating eggs, it didn't technically "kill" anything but rather it just simply swallowed them one after another. Also I didn't quite realize this because I had only seen part of it at the entrance but this thing was huge! It must have been at least 3 meters long, at least I think it was assuming the fact that I'm probably only a couple of inches long. I don't know what the hell I was even thinking having a thought of "cAn I fIgHt It?" HELL. NO. Thus for the remainder of this terrifying early thanksgiving dinner I spent clustered against the roof of the cave where I was born and thousands had died. ... ...[Camouflage has increased to Level 2]... ... Sometime later the snake had eventually left. Me being me was still hiding on the ceiling without moving at all (kind of proud of myself), but I was still terrified since I had no idea if it was ever going to leave considering how many eggs it had swallowed. However I guess after it had began to look like an 14th century pregnant peasant, it thought that it had eaten enough and finally left the grave site. Upon being left alone the first thought of mine was to check my status because I knew that I had gotten a level up for the Using my tentacles and waving them around like an orchestra instructors baton I commanded Status! I originally wanted to check my skills however my eyes were completely focused on my health instead! I'm starving? I mean, I knew that I was hungry but I thought that this tickling feeling was just my baby octopus body's tummy rumbling! I had no idea that it was the sound of me literally dying! In this case then what can I eat? Looking around the now much more empty cave all I saw were the same brownish green color and the remaining octopus eggs. Only a few normal eggs were left as some of the eggs were simply smashed by the Python's joy in finding such a meal. Such a waste! While I don't want to eat these eggs either at least I didn't just smash them! (not that I could) As much as I hate to admit it, I only have two choices. 1. stay here and eat the octopus eggs or 2. leave the cave and look for food, and obviously I decided to... SEE YA LATER SUCKASSSSSSS! I personally had no interest in cannibalizing my new siblings. I had never like octopus in my previous life so why would I like it now? I began to flap towards the cave exit whilst still sticking to the roof of the cave. After all I had, no idea if that despicable python was still waiting by the entrance or just taking a nap saving the rest of the food for later. Thankfully, after squirming around so much in an attempt to swim I am confident to say that I am now capable of actually going in a straight line! While I'm not very fast, nor very efficient, I certainly am capable, as my journey through the tunnel was going far faster than I originally thought it would be. The downside is that this tunnel was much longer than I thought that it would be and swimming through a long corridor with absolutely nothing around really doesn't help relieve the tension in my little octopus body. But wait! I can see it! The light! No I didn't die again! What are you stupid? The light from the end of the tunnel is what I can see! I'm so close, to freedom! to glory! To pow- I immediately shut up as I see a shadow fall upon the entrance of the tunnel. Thinking that my shouting has now killed me and imagining all of the horrible ways that I will die as this definite predator will rip my body limb from limb from limb (I've got a lotta limbs). The shadow passes however! False alarm! Maybe at least, I think to myself as I continue waddling to the exit and when I arrive. holy sh*t...