In the heart of the forest, Benjamin, our hero, was accompanied by his big brother Alexandre. "You have to be careful, Ben. These wild beasts won't miss you if you don't kill them on the spot, they are fearsome!", warned Alexander. As he spoke, an energy seemed to invade Alexander's body. "In this world, nothing is lost, all life forms hold an internal energy that can propel them beyond their limits, and when dead, a small part will come back to you, while the rest will return to you. universe," he explained. Benjamin was puzzled. "But where exactly, why and how?" he asked. "Nobody really knows, the great researchers of the capital say that the energy returns to the universe to create new things, but the energy that enters us allows us to rise and become stronger", added Alexander. Over the centuries, they have implemented a system of levels, rankings and ranks. "Can you be clearer?" Benjamin asked. "Of course! When awakened, each human being has 50 points divided into 5 areas: strength, agility, life, spirit and mana. For example, strength improves your strength, agility improves your speed and your flexibility, life represents both your lifespan and your state of health, the spirit represents the speed of recovery of the energy called mana or ether in certain regions of the universe, and the mana represents the power that you can accumulate in your body", explained Alexandre. "Are you beginning to understand better?" he asked his little brother. "Yes, it's starting to make sense, but what are levels?" Benjamin asked. "I'm taking care of it !" said Alexander laughing. "Levels are simple, each point added beyond 50 points represents your level. For example, I am level 10, which means that I have 60 points in all". "Alexander explained to Benjamin that the rank starts from level 10, called a "1 Star Class". At level 100, we speak of a "2 Star Class". Benjamin asked what the ranks correspond to. Alexander answered him with a warm tone of being less rushed, explaining that the ranks represent the number of recasting of one's being. Alexander continued by explaining that when one reaches level 10, one has the choice to continue to reach Class 2 or to reground one's being, which would accumulate more points. For example, instead of having 60 points as a rank 2 at level 10, one would have 150 points. Each redesign of his being allows him to accumulate more power. For example, a rank 1 has only 10 points, a rank 2 has 100 points, a rank 3 has 1000 points, and so on. However, each redesign of his being will require considerable energy to add points in one of the 5 areas of his person. For example, for a rank 1, it only takes 1 energy to go from level 1 to 2, but for a rank 2, it will take 10 energy to go from level 1 to 2, but which will increase by 10 points in one of the 5 domains of his person."