Chapter 8
A man sat in his big chair, he saw a pile of papers scattered on the table. He was holding his head with both hands which were hurting. He had never taken a day off for this long. However, why did the pile of papers on the table not decrease?
Someone suddenly knocked on the door of his room, the person then entered without the consent of the owner of the room, "Excuse me sir. I came with the files you requested." The woman immediately handed over a large brown envelope and took out the contents. There were a lot of photos.
"Does he already have a girlfriend?"
"I don't think so sir, they are just friends. However, it seems that one of them is showing interest in your lady." Hearing those words made him sad. He immediately shooed the woman away by throwing his hands out. The woman immediately understood what her boss wanted. She walked out with a 90-degree bow.
"Tu me manques mon cher. (I miss you dear)"
The man looked at one of the photos on the table, a beautiful girl wearing a school uniform with a long black mane sitting in the garden. She looked like she was watching the people passing by.
Do you miss me as much as I miss you? I think I'm going crazy now. Seeing you alone like that makes the scars on my heart even deeper. I'm sorry dear. I'll pick you up soon. I won't let you be lonely anymore. Please be patient a little longer. I will work even harder. Wait for me. Je t'aime pour toujours. (I love you forever)
Today Diana is going to see her psychiatrist. Ana doesn't want to delay her check-up anymore. Moreover, lately her hands often tremor, she is afraid that the disease is getting worse.
Ana hurriedly changed her clothes. She wore a black hoodie with matching black jeans. Not forgetting the earphones in her ears that she connected to her cellphone. She doesn't like to dress up and attract people's attention. She prefers to look natural with light powder and lip balm to cover her pale lips. Not forgetting to wear her favorite white sneakers. When she felt she was presentable enough, she left the house and walked. It took about an hour by bus and about 15 minutes on foot.
On the bus, he would only take a short nap while listening to music. He chose to sit on the back bench close to the window. He opened the bus window so that the wind could hit his face. Soon he closed his eyes to sleep. However, suddenly there was someone sitting next to him and watching his face. Feeling uncomfortable with the gaze of a stranger, she immediately opened her eyes.
His eyes bulged at what he had just seen, "What's Vendra doing here?"
Vendra just smiled at Ana's silly behavior. Her face when she was surprised earlier was adorable to him, "What are you doing? Where are you going at this hour?" Vendra took the earphones Ana was using. He plugged it into his right ear to listen to what Ana was playing.
"You asked me first, why are you asking me back?"
"I'm going to a friend's house for an assignment. Where are you going?"
"I'm going to a friend's house too, to do yesterday's assignment." Fortunately, Ana had prepared the right excuse if suddenly something like this happened. So, it didn't look like she was lying.
Silence. No one wanted to break the silence that was happening now. Neither Vendra nor Ana wanted to continue the conversation. Ana herself preferred to close her eyes to sleep.
Vendra heard the soft snoring coming from Ana. Vendra looked at her for a long time. You could see Ana's head tilted unbalanced. Immediately, Vendra held Ana's head to rest on his shoulder so that Ana's sleep would be comfortable.
The eyes opened little by little. The trees were waving and the large building seemed to be moving away from her. Ana immediately widened her eyes and looked around. She was afraid that she would miss her destination. As a result, Ana did not miss it and instead almost arrived.
"VENDRA!" Ana remembered her best friend. It turned out that Vendra had gotten off the bus first.
"Ah, thank goodness. I thought he was still here." There was a feeling of relief when she realized that Vendra was no longer sitting with her. Because Ana didn't want her friend to know where she was going.
The bus stopped right at bus stop number 13. Ana got off the bus and walked towards Doctor Alexandra's house. For about 10 minutes she walked past the skyscrapers. Before opening her doctor's house, she looked around to see if anyone had seen her or not. Feeling safe, he knocked on the door and then went inside.
The bone-white house was very refreshing and felt very cozy. The interior of the house was not much but was pleasing to the eye. The rooms designed for guests were relaxing. The fish pond at the bottom of the stairs was very attractive, the small garden near the pool made anyone feel at home in Doctor Alexandra's house.
"Hi, Diana! How are you? I hope you have a great day!" Doctor Alexandra welcomed Ana. She spread her arms to hug Ana.
Ana welcomed her doctor's hand with great enthusiasm, "Hi, sis. I'm not bad. but, it's okey haha"
"Why did you answer that? Tell me about it. I'll listen to your story hihi. But where do you want to sit? Here or in your office?"
"Just in my office."
"Okay, let's go, I can't wait to hear your story."
They both walked to Dr. Alexandra's office on the second floor. Many art photos were displayed along the stairs which Ana did not understand what the meaning behind the art was. Quite interesting and abstract. That was Ana's first impression when she was first invited to this house.
"You sit down first. I'll prepare your notes from last month." Dr. Alexandra went to her desk to look for the file she was looking for. Meanwhile, Ana sat on the luxurious gray sofa.
Ana just stayed on the sofa while waiting for her doctor. She did not want to disturb her doctor who was rummaging through the many important documents that were neatly organized. After finding the file, Dr. Alexandra approached Ana. Not forgetting to take a pen to record what her client had gone through.
"Are you ready Ana?" asked the doctor to confirm her client's readiness.
"Ready doctor." Ana replied firmly.