Chapter 12
"Ana! There's a friend looking for you in front."
"Me, who?"
The door knob opened to reveal a tall man with fine hair around his face. Not to forget the rows of white teeth lined up neatly displayed in front of Ana's eyes. Ah, let's not forget what the man was carrying. A bucket of white lily flowers.
"What are you doing here?" she couldn't control her surprised face.
"I miss you, An." the burly hand hugged Ana very tightly with the bucket of flowers he was still carrying.
Ana hugged him back, "I miss you too, Novendra."
Wow, Ana was very happy now. Early in the morning like this, the arrival of a handsome guest like Vendra must make her salting, hehe.
Ana released her hug and took the bucket that was handed to her. Ana inhaled the scent of lily flowers and smiled, "Thanks, Ven. I brought you flowers."
"You are welcome, babe."
"Ah, dude. Come on. I'm still here. You might not see me because you're in love!"
"Yeah, Nya. It's like we're seeing each other for the first time, isn't it babe?" Vendra winked flirtatiously at Ama. Wow, when did Vendra become this flirtatious. What the hell!
Ana shook her head at Vendra's behaviour, "Ah, come on guys. Do you want to go in or just stay outside?"
Vendra glanced at Ana with a sharp look, "I'm going home now."
"Come in or I won't let you here anymore!" Vanya ordered with his index finger pointing at Vendra's face. Not forgetting her glare.
Vendra's face was then bent and he let out a long sigh, with girls you can't complain. It would make things even worse. Moreover, Ana had entered first, following Vanya.
Slowly but surely, Vendra stepped into Vanya and Ana's apartment. Although he was lethargic and upset but whatever, his longing for Ana made him have to throw away his prestige. Pride will only make you die quickly.
"Sit down. Stay." Sinta said firmly. Vendra had just put his bum on the living room sofa.
Vendra followed Vanya's orders, he sat up straight and quiet. Vendra now looked like a cat being scolded by his master. Ana, who saw Vendra's behaviour, felt more and more anxious about the boy. Just a big body, his guts when it comes to Sinta are already shrinking.
"Vanya, you're going too far with my friend." Ana whispered next to Vanya's ear.
Vanya turned her head and chuckled, "Let it go, when else will you be able to do that guy. Where is the big body with little guts haha" Ana laughed along with Vanya. They both watched Vendra from the kitchen which was not far from where Vendra was sitting now. They wanted to see if Vendra really followed Vanya's orders. And it turned out that Vendra really did.
Ana couldn't stand to see how Vendra responded to Sinta's order, "Nih! Hahaha" his laughter sounded so loud, Ana looked very satisfied now. Likewise, Vanya came from behind with snacks and laughed out loud.
Vendra who realised this was confused, "What are you guys laughing about?" his forehead wrinkled and in his mind there was probably a big question mark.
"Wait wait. I can't stop laughing at how much you listen to Vanya. What the fuck, dude!"
"When else would I be able to do him An!" they both laughed together again.
Vendra put on his flat face. The soul of the fridge came back. Vendra crossed his arms to look at Ana and Sinta. Because they felt they were being seen by the fridge, Ana and Vanya stopped laughing. Their faces turned one hundred and eighty degrees pale. No one dared to start the conversation again. Both Ana and Sinta were silent. They were too scared to start a conversation when Vendra was silent like this.
"Sorry Ven. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's true. I was just joking. Right, An!" Vanya glanced at Ana intending to ask for help from her.
"Alright Ven, don't make fun of him back." Ana held his arm trying to seduce him so that Vendra wouldn't get angry again.
"Yes, I won't be angry. But you have to accompany me on a walk to a nice place today."
"READY BOS! I'll get dressed now." Ana hurried to leave Vendra and Vanya there. The atmosphere became very awkward.
"What are you doing here, Van, running away from Ana? What's wrong?" Vanya, who heard that, frowned.
"I didn't run away! I wanted to play here anyway. Why would I run away?"
Vendra sighed, "When have we been friends? From yesterday? No, we haven't. And even if you didn't run away, there's no way our friends in Indo would be busy looking for your nose bridge!"
Vanya turned her face away, she didn't want to see her high school friend's face. Vanya did not dare to answer Vendra's question. He felt no need to answer it, and also why Vendra had to take care of his life. He only wanted to accompany Ana here.
"Whatever problem you're facing now, you solve it nicely. Talk to the person you're having problems with face to face. Whoever it is. You're already a big boy. There's no need to run around like this. Or if you want to vent and you're not comfortable with Ana or me, go to a psychologist. It'll help you feel relieved that you've told me about your problems."
Vendra was still staring at Vanya who never turned to him. The heavy sigh was heard by Vanya. Until little by little Vanya dared to turn her head towards Vendra.
"I already think of you as my own brother Van." Vendra patted Vanya's shoulder and stood up to hurry away from Vanya. He wanted Vanya to reflect on what he was going through now.
Vanya had actually been in England for a few days. She escaped from Indonesia after meeting her boyfriend, Rasya. Vanya wanted to surprise her lover with her arrival which Rasya did not know about. However, when Vanya arrived at Rasya's house, he did not get a warm welcome. However, a meeting of two families between Rasya and Rasya's parents' colleagues. Vanya assumed that they had met to do something like, engagement? I don't know.
Vanya who saw that then smiled and returned to her house. Meanwhile, Rasya who was surprised by the arrival of his lover turned his eyes and ran to chase his lover. However, Rasya did not succeed in chasing him. Rasya rushed to Vanya's house and yes, Vanya did not want to see Rasya.
Until Vanya went to England to meet Ana and hitchhike here. However, he left with only his wallet and mobile phone. He brought no change of clothes and no permission from his parents. I don't know what Vanya was thinking at the time.
Even so, Ana did not want to ask why Vanya suddenly came to her apartment without a suitcase. Ana respected Vanya's privacy. If she didn't want to talk to her, so be it. The important thing is that Vanya is not sad anymore. Ana only told Vanya's parents that Vanya came to her apartment and asked Vanya's parents not to tell anyone. Let Vanya be here to calm her mind.
Where does Ana know about Vanya's problems? Of course from his friends who are in Indonesia. They were all worried about Vanya, who suddenly had no news. Vanya has switched off his mobile phone until now.