Chapter 11
Today was the day when all the Year 12 students were having fun. So were Ana and her friends because they had all passed 100%.
"Yeyy! WE ALL PASSED 100%" Viko proudly shouted very loudly in front of his friends.
"YAH! WE PASSED VIKO! WE PASSED VENDRA! WE ALL PASSED!" no less excited than Viko, Ana also shouted excitedly.
Vendra, who saw them shouting incoherently, just smiled at them. What a two-door fridge. He was not very interested in his graduation day. Whereas all the students were currently in the mood to scribble on their uniforms with pencils and signatures.
Likewise with Vanya's gang. They all look very excited compared to other gangs. Ana, Viko and also Vendra joined Vanya's gang because it was not fun if only the three of them celebrated something very memorable in life.
Actually Viko and Ana did not agree, but they were forced by Vendra. Because he didn't want to be the subject of Viko's own tricks later. The little boy couldn't keep quiet, especially now that all the students were having fun with the pilok they had brought. Viko's nosy hands will never be separated from his targeted prey. Who knows what Viko will do today.
"An, here I want to make a signature on your uniform!"
Ana smiled at Vanya's offer, "Yes. Vanya just sign on Ana's back."
They all took turns signing the white-grey uniform. They also took turns tracing their hands with colourful stamps on their uniforms. Hah, those were some memorable high school days, weren't they? Did you also celebrate your graduation with fun like them?
After finishing with the pilok-milok and autograph event. Vanya's gang and Ana's friends headed to the canteen behind the school. It looks like they will talk about something quite serious here.
"Where are you all going after this?" asked Vanya curiously.
"Go home!"
Suddenly Vanya glanced sharply at the two people who replied to his words. Basic rancid children. Even though that's not what was asked.
"What I mean is that you will go to college, what kind of work will you do?" Vanya emphasised his words on the words ogeb.
Sonia, who was still cleaning her hands from the stain, replied to Vanya's question, "I've already registered at UI."
"Muke gileee! Are you for real? Wow. My friend will meet Indo artists here!" Viko exclaimed with his hand holding Sonia's shoulder while shaking it.
Sonia already knew her friend's behaviour. So she let it slide. Besides, if she got angry, Viko would say something back and it would lead to a meaningless fight. It made Sonia lazy to bring it up.
"I just registered. It hasn't been announced yet. Just pray that I'll be accepted there. Let you have friends who hang out with good-looking artists."
"AMEN!" shouted her friends.
"Ana, where are you going?" asked Reza.
"Cie ilah kang mode want to act ya!" quipped Rasya while glancing at his other friends.
"Ana is going to Oxford University I think. But I don't know either. I've registered, but I'm not sure if I'll be accepted at such a prestigious university." Ana replied while wiping the sweat from her forehead.
"Don't overthink it! I'm sure you'll be accepted there, An. Don't worry. We all support you wherever you want to study." the colourful hand clap landed on Ana's shoulder. Ana smiled at her friend's encouragement. "What Vanya said is true. We're all here to support you. Cheer up, beautiful. " Reza teased with a wink that made his friends feel like vomiting when they saw it.
"Heh! Village duck! How dare you trick my friend!"
"Yeah, Vik. Just saying that."
Viko did not accept that his friend was teased by a snot-nosed boy like Reza, who was a village duck, aka a playboy boy throughout the school, "You dare ama gua? Come here! Face me first!"
"Don't be a hero. I'm going to cry." The rag that had been cleaning his muscular white hands was thrown in any direction by Vendra.
"Et dah buset! You're really annoying me. I'm your friend. You even demonised me in front of the enemy. You're not a loyal friend!" Viko clutched her mouth in annoyance at her fridge mate's words. It was better for her to keep quiet, rather than stabbing her in the heart when she said it.
They continued talking about where they were going to take their real lives. Vanya will continue her studies in Singapore, she chose to study there because her parents were doing business there and Vanya was forced to move to Singapore for several years. Rasya himself, who was Vanya's boyfriend, didn't mind at all. In fact, he is very supportive of his girlfriend. Although they have to LDR because Rasya lives in Indonesia and wants to continue his studies here. Maybe Rasya will study while working to take care of his father's business. Understandably, he was his papa's only child. The only heir to the family throne. So, like it or not, he must be able to run the business that will be inherited.
Reza himself will continue his studies in Thailand, he wants to learn about the 18 genders there he said. "There are 18 different genders there. Tomboy girls there are made into genders. Tom. That's the name of the gender. It's really unique, isn't it? That's why I want to continue there. You can imagine that there will be no bullying there. Because they have many genders and for sure they will really appreciate the differences." he said with enthusiasm.
Viko will continue her studies at UGM. There is nothing special about it because she has always wanted to study there. Yes, although the chances are small, especially for Viko with a mediocre brain capacity. But, even so he was very confident that he would be accepted there. He always persuaded his mum to pray for him to graduate from UGM. "My mum's prayers are everything bro. So, I will ask my mum every day to pray for her handsome son."
As for Vendra, he will be studying in America. There he will live with his grandmother. It has been planned for a long time that he will live in America to accompany his grandmother who lives there alone. It is possible that when he lives in America Vendra will be taught various things about the industrial world.
"After today, we will find different paths. And maybe today will be the last day we get together like this this this year haha"
"Even though we were just able to get together like this without debating at all."
"Some people come and go, guys. There's no way we'll always be together, right?" said Vanya with a sad expression but tried to hide it behind his smile.
At the end of the day, they all took a picture and hugged. Today would be the most memorable day for all of them. High school graduation day.