Two tall, well-built, and handsome men were walking to school. They didn't talk much on the way. Even strangers who didn't know them would think that they didn't know each other and just happened to be walking in the same direction.
Viko and Vendra were handsome, but they were not very popular. It was usually those who were handsome, from the wealthy class and had talent or were mischievous who became the school's most wanted. Maybe Vendra could be considered most wanted in his school or maybe not. He didn't really like hanging out with just anyone. Moreover, the girls at his school were not like chicks who liked to chase men. Almost all classy girls were in his school. Not all were from the wealthy class, but their personalities were what made them classy.
"Why aren't you there? Didn't you leave earlier, Ven?"
"The door was locked from the outside. Maybe Ana is in the restroom."
Viko nodded his head. Viko sat next to Vendra because today was their schedule to sit together. The three of them always took turns in choosing their seatmates. It had been an agreement between the three of them from the beginning of their friendship. Because the three of them were odd, so every day there was always someone alone. However, if any other classmates wanted to sit next to them, they would gladly accept.
The bell had rung, but Ana's nose was nowhere to be seen, "Ven, where's Ana? How come there's no nose bridge?"
"Yes. It's really unusual for her not to go to school. Is it possible that she's sick?"
"No way. You saw earlier that the door was locked from the outside. Not from inside the house."
"Yes, too. Maybe he's away again?"
"Who are you with? Do you have any relatives here? No, you don't."
"Yes, I know."
"Talking to you makes me feel bad. I'd rather chat Ana directly."
"Good morning boys" Viko and Vendra turned to the source of the voice. It turned out that the teacher had come carrying several thick books in his right hand. Viko decided not to ask her about her departure.
"Good morning mom"
The lesson was quiet and almost all the students were focused on what the teacher was teaching. Today was a math lesson that most students disliked.
However, students will listen to the explanation of the teacher carefully because the teacher has a beautiful face and a sexy body shape. Yes, who would want to miss such a beautiful, beautiful, and sexy teacher? Moreover, the way she teaches makes students understand easily with her various tips and tricks for students.
When it was time for break, all the students were enthusiastic to go to the cafeteria because they were hungry. Except for Vendra and Viko. The two of them did not move from their seats and instead focused on their respective cellphones, "You can't contact Ana, Ndra? How come it seems like my cellphone is broken or is there no signal?"
"I can't contact her either"
"What's wrong with Ana? I'm so nervous"
"Don't think weird!"
"Yes, I want to, but if she doesn't have any news, I'm also worried"
"After school we'll go to her house"
"Okay. Let's go to the restaurant. The worms in my stomach are already clamoring for rations."
Viko got up from his seat followed by Vendra. They both walked towards the canteen to fill their empty stomachs. Although both of their minds were worried about Ana, they covered it up. They didn't want to show the worry that both of them felt.
When school ended, they rushed home to Ana's house, "Anaaa" Viko and Vendra called her together.
"Ana! Are you home?" Viko banged on Ana's door loudly and repeatedly.
Viko's eyes peered through the front window of Ana's house hoping to see something from there. However, all she saw was darkness, "Ana! Ana! Are you in there?"
Vendra observed the state of the door, "The door is locked from the inside. Maybe Ana is sleeping."
"Shall we check inside?"
"That's okay. We'll come back here tomorrow. She also has her privacy and might need some time alone."
"But, what if Ana is in trouble? How do you know if Ana is inside?"
"There's no need to worry too much. Just pray that Ana will be okay. Let's go home."
"Are you really not going to check inside first?"
"No, I don't. I'll be here early tomorrow morning."
"I'm fine if you want to" Viko reluctantly agreed to Vendra's proposal. They both hurried to go home.
One morning when Ana was preparing her school supplies, someone shouted from outside Ana's house, "Puppy! Ana!" Viko shouted very loudly. She didn't care that she was visiting someone's house very early in the morning and the noise could disturb the other neighbors.
"Yes, Viko. Just a moment" Ana replied from inside.
When she opened the door Ana was very surprised, because her two friends were standing right in front of the door. They both put their hands on their waists with angry expressions. Ana immediately closed the door again.
"Ana's not home" Ana felt scared if she was stared at by the two people. Her heart beat quickly as if she had finished running a marathon this morning.
"So who opened the door? If you don't want to come out, Vendra and I will break down your door!" Viko threatened.
"It's open. But you can't look at me like that. I'll open it if you're not angry."
"Who's angry. We're not angry with Ana," said Vendra.
"No way, your faces look scary like a dracula that wants to bite Ana!"
"You're so handsome this early in the morning to be called a dracula! Don't make fun of me, we both won't get mad at you. Hurry up and open it! I miss Puppy already. We've made baby faces for you, so you won't think we're angry."
Ana peeked out of her window to look out and make sure that what Viko said was true. It turned out that Ana's two friends did not look angry anymore. They had also moved away from the door.
However, because Ana was still not very sure. Ana went back to her room and organized her books first. Let them wait outside the house, so that they can calm their anger first. After she was done, Ana looked for Puppy from the cage and picked her up.
"Puppy, later Puppy will come out with our mainstay moves! So that we both don't get angry with the two draculas outside, okay!" Ana whispered her favorite cat to cooperate. The cat only squirmed in Ana's arms because it didn't understand what Ana was saying.
Ana got ready to open the door. She first inhaled and exhaled slowly. Her heart was still racing. She ventured to open the door slowly.
"Puppy! You're finally outside too!"
Without a word, Vendra walked straight into Ana's house. Ana who saw that just smiled awkwardly. Meanwhile, Viko took Puppy who was in Ana's arms. Ana walked to the sofa where Vendra was sitting. Viko followed behind. The atmosphere became awkward and turned colder.
Moments later, Vendra and Viko stood up from their seats. Ana also wanted to stand up, but was stopped by both of them.
"Where have you been?"
"You're from home. I'm not going anywhere. Really. From the time I woke up until now, I haven't left that door" Ana's hand pointed to the front door of her house.
"Ah, you weren't feeling well yesterday. So, she didn't come in."
"Don't lie Ana!" Vendra raised his voice.