Chapter 1
A teenage girl was sitting in front of a mirror, styling her hair. She stared at the reflection of the glass for a long time and did nothing. Until finally a clear liquid came out of her eyelids and dripped down her cheeks.
"Ana, you have become your own version of the best woman. Cheer up!" Ana said while clenching her fist.
Slowly, her tears dried up on their own. However, she did not move from her seat. She was still looking at the reflection in the slightly cracked mirror. She stood up and looked around her room, remembering that nothing should be left behind.
"Ana, it's already six o'clock. Come out now or I'll break down your door!" said a man outside Ana's house.
"Ana! If you don't open the door now, Vendra and I will kill your favorite cat!"
Ana smiled at her friends' ramblings. She couldn't understand her two friends, they were so ignorant. How could they dare to break the door and kill Ana's favorite cat that they obviously loved.
Ana quickly left the house and put on her shoes. They smiled at Ana who left the house carrying a bag and a pair of shoes. She looked like an elementary school student who wanted to go play with her friends.
The weather this morning was beautiful, the sun slowly began to appear shyly. The clouds walked as if they were following the three of them on foot. The chickens were already looking for food. And the flowers that began to bloom looked even more beautiful. The three of them walked into the school which was still very quiet with students. There were only a few students who entered and the school gardener.
"Ana, you should sit with me. Yesterday you were with Vendra, so now you sit with me."
"Yeah-yeah, what a nag Viko! So what if Ana sits with Vendra again?"
"Well, Ana wants to sit with me, not you!"
"Ih, I don't want you to sit with me, period. You can't protest. You both know what the lesson with the teacher is like today. Vendra is already smart. What about me? You're good at making up excuses."
"Yes, Ana is ready to be handsome. You'll sit with Viko anyway. Take it easy," Ana said while holding Viko's arm intimately with a sweet smile on her face.
When they arrived at class, Vendra immediately went to sleep. It was his habit to always sleep when he got to class. Because they left early in the morning and he didn't get enough sleep. Meanwhile, Viko was playing games on his cell phone. And Ana looked out the window. Many students had started to arrive. It was quite noisy, and Ana could only watch from afar.
"Kring kring kring" the break bell rang.
The students rushed outside to fill their empty stomachs.
While the others scattered outside, Ana sat alone in the classroom waiting for all the students to leave. When the atmosphere was quiet, Ana took out the food and water she had brought from home.
All this time Ana only had 2 best friends, Vendra and Viko. The three of them have been friends for two years. However, they don't know many things. They only know what they see and what they are told.
Ana is still busy with her own thoughts. No one can guess Ana's thoughts. She can hide anything from everyone. Because she thought she could solve her own problems. There was someone coming.
"Heh you bitch!"
There was a group of students who came to her class. Her heart beat so fast, the spoon in her hand trembled. Her forehead began to ooze salty fluid as well as her hands.
"What were you doing yesterday with Rasya! Rasya is my boyfriend! Everyone here knows he's my boyfriend! Bitch!"
"You're stressed!" Sonia clutched her chest in shock at the arrival of the horde of students.
"You're the crazy one! I don't care if you're my friend or not. As long as he's still my boyfriend and you walk with my boyfriend. I don't accept it!" Vanya clenched her fists and kicked the table in front of her.
"I'm not walking with your cowo! There are many guys who want to be with me, so maybe your cowo is one of them"
"Lo mah not really cool to be a friend, make me overthinking ! Already ah. I don't want to act anymore if you're like that"
Sonia, Rasya, and Reza laughed at Vanya who pushed his lips forward. He looked very adorable in Rasya's eyes. How can you go from being angry to suddenly being sullen like that. Very moody.
"You started it, why are you now pouting like this, how pretty am I" Rasya pinched both of Vanya's puffy and pink cheeks.
Suddenly someone came over, "Are you okay?"
Because of his sudden presence, it made her heart beat very fast. Plus there was a pair of hands gently stroking that delicate finger. She immediately removed her hand from the grip.
"Vendra surprised Ana!"
Vendra wiped the sweat off Ana's forehead with both hands. Ana was sweating profusely. This was a common occurrence when she was around people. She was nervous, Vendra thought. She shouldn't be that nervous.
"Thanks Vendra" she quickly moved his hand away from her temple.
The group of students went back to chatting. However, Vanya was intrigued when he saw Vendra doing something romantic with the girl in front of him.
"Hi Vendra. Umm hi too, what's your name?" Vanya was curious about the name of the woman beside Vendra.
"Oh hi, Diana. Diana Noviaputri"
"I'm Vanya Candraditama. This is my boyfriend, Rasya Surya Pradita. For the one behind you, you already know Sonia Elangga. The one on the other side is playing with his cell phone. His name is Reza Adiputra. Don't get close to him, he's a village duck."
"Village duck? Does that mean dirty? What is it?"
Vanya laughed at Ana's words. Reza does look slovenly, doesn't he? Even though he was a guy who could be considered quite handsome compared to other students. But Vanya said that Reza was a slob?
"No, Reza is not a slob. This handsome guy is said to be a slob. He's a playboy, there's not just one girl."
"Ah, I thought. hehe"
The sweat on Ana's forehead poured out again. Her heart beat twice as fast. Muscles all over her body tightened and her head started to spin.
"Duh, where the hell is Vendra. He said he was going to the toilet, but he hasn't been back for 15 minutes. Did he get sick?" Viko monologued.
The atmosphere of the cafeteria was very crowded and crowded. Almost all the tables were occupied. Viko was alone in the cafeteria. No one dared to sit near him. It wasn't that he was a bad boy or a delinquent. But, they were lazy to deal with her pretentious attitude.
When she was done with her food she got up from her seat, "Oh yeah! Diana isn't in the restaurant. Can I buy you some food? Uh, I'll ask her first! Uh, just buy it directly! What if Diana already eats?" she tapped her finger on her chin while thinking.
She decided not to buy food for Diana, "Eh! My drink. Forgot again."
He put his hand in his pants pocket. With a cup of drink in one hand. Viko walked alone in the corridor back to her class.
When she got to the front of the class, Viko observed something. There was a group of students there with Diana and Vendra. Seeing Vendra touch Ana's forehead made her chest tight, "What the fu*k?" she muttered in front of the entrance. He felt confused by his own feelings. Seeing Vendra's treatment of Ana made her a little sad and disappointed. Until suddenly Ana fell to the floor. Viko threw away the cup of drink in his hand and immediately ran towards Ana.