Chereads / True incognito / Chapter 17 - Chapter 16: Therapy (One year ago)

Chapter 17 - Chapter 16: Therapy (One year ago)

Dave looked at the nearly empty room and whispered to himself, he looked at the therapist who seemed calm and for some reason had this huge amount of black aura eminating from her.

"Dave Rolterdore" the lady said as she tapped her pen softly on her lips.

"I'm Penny and I'm sure you know why you're here.

"Yes because you need someone to test your therapy skills on" Dave said referring to himself as a lab rat.

"Dave, I'm only trying to help, look around what do you see" the therapist asked.

He was so close to saying Nothing but he decided to keep things interesting.

"A pink room with two deranged psychopaths in it" Dave replied cunningly as he referred to Penny as a psychopath.

"And honestly from one psychopath to another you are a good actress if I do say so myself, I would love if you'd teach me your ways" Dave continued as he looked at the mirror.

"Ha, ha really funny, sarcarsm gets you nowhere do you know that" Penny snapped back nearly loosing her cool.

"It certainly got me here, look at those paintings really fancy" Dave said mockingly.

Penny decided to ignore his remark and almost immediately she pulled out a tablet. She scrolled through some contents and quickly hid the tablet away from Dave's sight.

"Did you receive a call, did you have another breakup, you see I know teenagers don't go through breakups without tears so I guess

my question is do adults go through pain alone" Dave asked as he took the initiative to get her to yell bit Penny just saw this as a perfect opportunity to lecture him. She tossed a huge amount of well combed hair backwards and looked at Dave.

"No adults don't have to go through pain alone, that's why I'm here, to help you understand adulthood, life has so much to offer"Penny said as she smiled and calmly returned to her previous siting position.

"So why stick to one?" Dave asked as he found her soft spot. Like any other therapist he had visited he knew each of them had their respective weakness and for her it was her love life. She seemed angry any time anyone brought up that sensitive question.

"Because attachment is key to better understanding, I understand your problem is trust and hey you have someone to talk to now" Penny answered as she opened her arms for a hug but Dave threw her answers back at her.

"And you're problem is commitment, you're afraid you're getting attached to the wrong person aren't you? Don't worry you have someone to talk to" Dave said as he copied her iconic smile and opened his arms the same way she did.

The remark made he angry and to his surprise she just sighed and looked at him. She didn't give up. WOW.

"Reflect on something" Penny said as she tried to massage her face.

"The mirror that's something to reflect on" Dave replied as he looked at her slightly annoyed appearance.

Penny stood still and yelled at Dave non-stop. She yelled and yelled and yelled until Dave's bodyguards came in to see yet another mad therapist. The boy had done more magic than the voodoo master they met on Halloween night.

Dave looked at the raging woman and smiled as he studied her face. Her once warm welcoming appearance had changed to wild and angry look she wore at the moment.

"I'm gonna mow you down" she erupted like a volcano and Dave stayed unaffected like some lava resistant metal.

The bodyguards were getting tired of their young masters dirty tricks Everytime he would turn the table by making them angry.

Even the psychiatric hospital wouldn't accept a mad person like him. They would casually say he needed further treatment or something more complex.

The bodyguards dragged the mad woman away from their young master and for a moment they hesitated to touch Dave who looked like he had not just received the yelling of a lifetime. The dude was good at identifying deranged psychopaths but he was bad at accepting the fact that he was one.

He called his bodyguards and almost immediately they excorted him to his ride leaving Penny still ranting.

"So no luck" Josaphine asked as she noticed the tense atmosphere in the spacious car.

"What can I say learnt from the best besides the world hasn't built a place big enough to contain me" Dave said casually as he opened a book to read.

"Not yet" Josaphine replied as she looked over to the now distracted Dave. She shook her head from side to side slowly as she looked at the confused bodyguards.