Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of the road a black carriage with two black horses was racing away from where they had kidnapped the girl.
It was not stopping, every step Elician took it still felt like he wasn't doing enough. He had been chasing the speeding black chariot for more than an hour. He still couldn't move faster. Besides, how can he beat a horse in a chase. Those black horses were no ordinary animals,they were faster than all the other horses.
Nobody knew where it came from or how this happened,all we know is that Lacey has been abducted by who knows who. Elician wasn't sure of what he was doing. Racing with his legs was not making him go any faster and the carriage was moving in the distance.
He wished he saw this coming. That way preventing this from occurring wouldn't be any problem. Now all he has left to do is to move faster than he did previously.
" Huh, this is not working!! I need a boost!"
Elician stopped suddenly, all his oxygen has been used so far. His lungs were aching,his feet were hurting and his eyes….
🔥 Started glowing 🔥. It looked like his Eyes were hell itself. Then slowly something inside him acted weirdly: it was fire. He was no longer breathing the cool iced breeze we call oxygen. No!!! He was inhaling something different, something special. It was no other than mana. Mana started flowing out of his spine area, at the exact spot that housed his birthmark.
One of the four men stuck his head outside the moving chariot. Then In Front of his very eyes, came a blur of what looked like a flash of light-glowing as it moved, approaching the chariot. He blinked a few couple of times but he saw no dream. It was moving twice as fast as a moving horse zooming it way towards them. Then the lights went out.
" Guys I think I saw something moving at us." said one of the men.
" What? "
" It was moving twice as fast as a hawk."
" Then there's no time to explain visions, we must succeed in this task or else her Awfulness will kill us all '' Saying this they gave that mysterious two horses something…
They started moving ten times faster than before. Lacey couldn't stop screaming at how they were moving this fast. But Lacey had other things to be concerned about other than worrying about the speed. Things like why they have kidnapped her in the first place?, how she was going to escape?, what the men want from her? Or what she would say or do that will lead to her escape. Her mind flooded with a stream of ideas as the chariot sped its way into the dark woods.
She felt like they were flying around. She had never been kidnapped before. Well if she had… she wouldn't be alive in this story anyway. For it seemed, she wasn't sure whether Prince Charming will come tonight and save the day as she always heard in love stories or things will just go ugly. The men had tightened both her arms and eyes in a very beautiful way. It had been done in a way that: when she tries to panic,it will make it even harder to escape.
A sand mixed with sweat Air…. and a mountain....
Hold on for a sec… It wasn't any mountain of dust, and it wasn't a storm of fog or something because this is a forgotten friend of yours moving his way as tongs of smoke followed him by. His little feet were flaming hot with fire making the ground beneath scream as it got burned by that intense heat. Around the mouth area,was what seemed like flames and it was emanating from the throat. Elician couldn't understand why he was able to do that. He was literally breathing like a legendary dragon. And that wasn't the case,all his life he thought he had powers but this is a miracle on its own. But now is no time to describe his emotions for he wasn't having any right now, not in an instant.
All that was going through his head was guilt. He left her in the middle of the road and then this happened. He was sure most people saw them leaving the castle, And if he didn't retrieve her safely and sound like a good boy, his mother would be beheaded then. The thought of losing mom made him stronger, faster and empowered.
Within just a blink,he neared that speeding chariot. Then all the sinister Ways to torture them started flooding his brain cells.
Elician was burning hot as he ran in the air.His flaming legs made him look even more freakish. With enough courage and confidence.
The flaming powerful force made him move upwards, his body was floating fifteen feet's up in the sky and with his knuckles glimmering hot in fireballs, he aimed at something, the target was no other than the horses.So that it would stop moving making his job way more easier while he punish them.
🦸 His arm elevated with force as he was about to shoot the fireball 😱🤯😈... Then suddenly a silhouette of a figure appeared in the dark clouds..
Elician felt a hard fierce punch coming right towards his face. It happened in a way that he had not predicted. Who would think this through. He was fifteen feet up high and a punch has forced him downwards.
Elician felt a very warm sensation in the atmosphere as he crushed against the floor like a tree.
Then his flaming feet and knuckles simply died....