With a gleeful smile he aimed the fireball at them,then out of nowhere a fierce- hot, strange punch interrupted his actions. His body could not withstand such a strong impact. Only if he knew this was coming, would he stop it from happening.
Elician couldn't think of anything aside from how it all happened. His little body slammed through the ground with a thud.
His heart triggered with fear and his body's momentum acted making him to roll his body a little bit then he somersault to jump back up quickly to his feet as pain surged through his body.
Surprisingly, when he looked up in the sky, his gaze landed on a powerful twirling wind in the clouds. It was as if it was going to uproot the trees nearby at any instant. Then inside the clouds was a bolt of lightning and thunder clasped and his eyes turning around to see his attacker, he felt a loud noise surging through the ground beneath him. It was the lighting that struck the trees nearby. Then something heavy landed on the ground with such a strong impact on the ground. / gum/
Elician eyes didn't blink. looking at what seemed like a man flying around like Peter Pan as dark clouds shields all over his body. Blinked a few times and looked closely in the midst of the dark fog was like a (Son of man), clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His hair was white like wool, and his eyes were glowing hot like clouds. His face was blurred. He had no feet,it was just an energy beneath him as if they burned in a furnace. The air became fragile as if the air would snap out like a piece of stick. It suddenly became both flaming hot and freezing cold. Elician didn't know whether to cry or laugh. His mere presence was emanating an Aura that made his testicles shrank for the first time in a very long while.When he saw him,All the grass beneath him fell at his feet as dead.
Elician :wow...W,who are you, what are you…what…do you want with me!
( It didn't respond)
It started walking gracefully like a celestial Being. It didn't talk or say anything, all it did was attacking swiftly:
He sent cobalt blue tons of lightning.
It stroke Elician's ribs like a an arrow.
Then a tingling and spine popping ran through his organs forcing a shrieking sound out of his mouth. It lasted for half a minute.
His body couldn't hold him up. His kneel gave up strength then it easily crushed the floor. 🧎
what are you doing to me.. they will get away.."
( He said, expecting something like an explanation but didn't get any.)
" Hey I am talking to you" Feeling weary, he forced himself up again.
" Then you don't know who you are up against then" He tried to cast fear into him but failed. After the treats,his own mind started believing in that warning and not the other way around.
He ignited his fingers ✊ with flames.🔥🔥🔥
" Eat this!" He Heaved it at the being.
It traveled through the air and as it was about to burn it, the being grabbed the flaming hot fire like a ball then it easily consumed it. Then the flames simply died inside of him.
Looking at this Elician's body started shaking like a dangling breast." No!This cannot be happening… Just leave me alone!!"
He then sent two more fireballs at the figure. This time it was hotter-larger and stronger than the previous one. Well this time he got lucky, he Couldn't catch it. The flames went directly at him then he phased through it like a ghost. Elician couldn't think of anything…
" You cannot burn me'' It started like a real person would do. His voice sounded like the flowing of snow. Elician couldn't discern whether the person behind that fog was a male or female.
Elician:" What have I done to you!!!' he yelled.
It started punching him. He was moving so fast that Elician couldn't fully feel the pain of the fist at one spot. Every knock forced him to move backwards. As his punch landed on his stomach section, he spat blood then Adrenaline rush made him retaliate the attack.
Elician' two kicks landed on the chest level of the figure using a spinning wheel kick.
Those two kicks did a number on the Being that was just attacking.
The kick forced his devine body to fly halfway through the air. Just as its body was about to hit the ground, it disappeared out of thin air.
A smile appeared on the sad looking small face of Elician when his attack made such an impact on the Being.
" Huh, finally … "
He started running with his weak body again on the same road that the kidnappers took. He walked for what seemed like a minute and all of a sudden,the peaceful sky turned cloudy again.
The being materialized In the air.
" C' Mon!! What have I done to you… You demon!!!"
The figure looked down on him with pure disdain. He gasped for air then suddenly he started pulling in the air around the area towards his direction. Elician's flaming fist burned out instantly. Elician gasped for air but no oxygen entered his lungs. " Pp.please you are killing me" After he finished saying those words, his lungs started screaming for air. His heart started working slowly. He tried to hold on to something but the powerful force of the wind continued sucking the air around the area. Due to pain, Elician couldn't feel he was flying in the air….well not technically…. something stronger him was pulling his body upwards. When the figure looked at the pale suffocating face of the boy, he stopped.
Elician felt the air rush through his face as he was falling 4 ft high. His body thrashed face- first on the floor with a " Tah" sound. Luckily for him he didn't break any bones. Yet all his body parts was aching tremendously. He didn't even noticed his tattered filthy clothes.
The nice black leader velvet has been turned into rags.
" I have what I need", said the being.
Standing up Elician became furious. He was no longer going to fear him. That being had wasted all the chances to save Lacey. And if he doesn't end him for good this time, this will get out of control. He glared at him with hell empowered hatred.Looking at the figure, killing intent drew in his eyes.
🔥Lucifer 🔥 finally emerges:" If you won't leave me alone then be my guest to the evil reckoning that I will unleash upon you.
🔥🔥 From the pits of Samba🔥
🔥🔥 The demons dungeon 🔥🔥
🔥🔥It's hell itself 🔥🔥
🔥🔥I make it my pack to bind thee🔥🔥
🔥🔥🔥 Fire🔥🔥🔥
A storm of fire formed around the figure with in a second. This time, Elician could fell the pain surge through the figure as it burned into ashes. Luckily we want be seeing him again, also we thought…..
Elician heart felt at peace the moment The he redrew the Lucifer side inside his heart.
" Now I can finally burn those pig's…" Saying this he activated his flaming feet…" wait…What? What's wrong with my powers…..