Eva yawned as she turned to the other side of the bed.She stretched her arms and dropped her legs onto the carpet on the floor.
She brushed her teeth and had a quick bath. Eva looked through her wardrobe and decided on something quick and simple. A sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans.
She brushed her hair , put on her glasses and gave herself one more look in the mirror before she started carefully down the stairs.
Her full name was Eva Saunders, the foster daughter of William and Betsy Saunders. Eva was adopted by them when she was just five years old. They were always so nice to her and now it was as if they were her biological parents.
But lately, Eva had been noticing something about her mother.
She came downstairs and went to the refrigerator to get some orange juice as her mom made waffles for breakfast.
"Good morning , mom." Eva said to her mother as She sat on the stool close to the counter waiting for her meal to be ready. She held a novel in her hand and was flipping through while sipping her juice.
"Morning." Betsy said a bit preoccupied with what she was doing.
Eva stared at her mom back as she whistled a popular tune and moved her body to the rhythm as she mixed the batter and turned it in the waffling iron to heat up. She worked as a real Estate agent for Dousbeys & Co and was dedicated to the job as she was with everything with her life. She always struggled to be on top and that was what earned her a huge promotion a week ago.
But Eva wasn't looking at that.
Eva was seeing how She and Betsy looked so alike.
Too Alike?
She bit into the waffles and looked back at her mom.
They shared the same blue eyes and soft but thick hair. They both used glasses and had the same smile. Any where they went people always spoke on how much they resembled each other. Even William marvelled at this but her mom always shrugged it off as mere coincidence.
Betsy turned around from her cooking and saw Eva watching her in deep thought.
Her husband had already gone to work but she had the day off. Betsy snapped her finger in front of her daughter's face. "Earth to Eva." She dropped two waffles on the plate before her daughter.
Eva looked up at her.
"What's wrong?" Betsy asked.
"I'm just noticing how much we are alike , even my friends seem to notice it too.." Eva replied with her mouth half full of the delicious waffles,
Betsy gave a hearty laugh. "We are mother and daughter , what else do you expect?" She laughed again.
"But this is different! We have the same eyes, Same laughter, We both twirl our hair when we are absent minded and we both use glasses! I may fall asleep in Chem. classes but I am always wide awake in Biology." Eva declared.
"Wait , you sleep in what class ..." Betsy was about to speak but stopped herself and spoke.
" We've spent a lot of time with each other Eva so it is only natural that you may have copied some of my habits. And wearing glasses doesn't prove anything. There are a number of women in the world that use glasses and they aren't your mothers." Betsy squatted and held Eva's face in her hands. "Have I ever lied to you?" She questioned.
"No". Eva said meekly.
Betsy continued. "So trust me Eva. I may not be your real mother by blood but you are my daughter with all my heart. You know that right?"
Eva was about to answer when Betsy immediately stood up and ran to the kitchen to remove the burning waffles from the waffling iron that she had set on the counter.
Eva smiled at the sight of her mom blowing her burning fingers and putting them underneath the tap to cool off.
Outside her home, John horned impatiently. Eva couldn't blame him .
He had a schedule to keep.
Eva shoved her school books properly into her bag and zipped it up. She walked briskly but stopped at the door post to give one more glance at her mom , with arms folded smiling at her little girl.
She stepped into the passenger side and shut the door . Eva gave a friendly punch to John and rested her head against the window.
Eva wasn't the kind of girl to settle for only words.
She had given herself a challenge ...
And she was going to fulfill it no matter what.
But for now ...
That was just going to have to wait.
TODAY was going to be an awesome day and she just knew it.