Chereads / The Founders of the Shadows World / Chapter 33 - The Light and the Shadow

Chapter 33 - The Light and the Shadow

Was it the end of the world? Or the beginning? Was something before? For sure, it was something after. If time was a cycle, then, he was the reminiscence of the forgotten past. When he opened his eyes, there was nothing at all around him, and the only thing he could see were the stars in the far, intense darknesses. The silence was oppressive. He was only two eyes watching in front of him, turned in the emptiness and contemplating the universe. He couldn't turn away in front of this magnificent view. Like hypnotized, he stayed immobile and observed. He was here. Alive.


At the beginning of our part of the universe, there was nothing. A ball of rock was flying in the immensity of the galaxy. It appeared that this little ball of rock became bigger with time but it was too close to the sun and nothing could grow on it. Nothing could survive.

The ball was a land of eternal fire, too close to the Sun. And yet, a creature was born. His skin was tanned by the sunshine. His long blond hair was falling in his back between two wonderful wings and blue deep eyes were piercing the horizon in front of him. His face was looking like the humans we now know, he was a magnificent creature. All his entire being reflected the light and he was like a sun himself. 

He was pure and bright in the middle of this arid world.

He was alone in this world and he was flying all over his land. The rock was not turning around the sun and half of it was in the shadows, facing the immensity of the eternal night. He was intrigued about this other side. 

After what he felt like an eternity exploring and flying in his sky, he came closer and closer to the border of his territory to explore the other side. And then, on the horizon, he saw a creature like him, flying. They saw each other and they both came closer to the border, one was the shadows and the other was light. 

The shadows moved his hand forward. The light did the same and they touched each other. Even if they were opposites, they were similar in many ways. 

The shadow also had legs and arms, he had long raven hair, deep black eyes, and two astonishing dark wings. They felt for the first time the feeling to touch another being, to touch a sibling. 

They recognized each other, the light smiled at his brother, the shadow. They watched each other like in a mirror in awe of the other, touching each other with the tip of their fingers. They stayed like this together feeling a love that only they could share. They were the only creatures similar in the universe, alone together, trying to understand each other. The light was beautiful, the shadow was admiring him. He was watching him with the eyes of a child who didn't know how to react in the presence of something majestic. The shadow was curious to discover this brother while the light slowly grew a feeling of absolute supremacy.

This was until the first creatures with intelligence were born. 

As time passed, millennials, it felt like a simple blink of an eye for the two eternal creatures before other beings joined them. They were born in the shadows' part of the world. At first, they were little, and with the generations, they grew, they became intelligent. They were tall and strong enough to resist the cold, their body was covered with dark blue skin, and they had tails and hoofs. On the top of their head were two long and massive horns.

The shadow was spending most of his time walking with them, eating and sleeping like them. Even if he didn't need all these, he was fascinated by them. As they were walking, he felt a hand in his, this sweet little hand was the second touch he knew in his eternity. The feeling of the skin from another being. The feeling of touching a child's hand, fragile, trusting, and the sensation of wanting to protect this weak creature with all his soul. He felt important.

He saw in her eyes all the love and admiration he had for these creatures as she was giving the same unconditional devotion to him in return. 

She grew up to be an adult slowly, with him, she discovered her world while he enjoyed watching her evolve. The only moments when he left her to go to see his brother at the border were always heartbreaking for her, she never knew if he would come back. She watched him flying away and each time she tried to run after him. When he was away, she sat on the spot where he let her, waiting for his return. 

She didn't talk but her cries and her joy to see him coming back were enough for him to understand how important he was to her. The light in her eyes for him made him feel like the most important creature of the world and to her, nothing else mattered more than him. The stars shining in her eyes with her lovely expressions made his brother's light look less beautiful and the shadow started to admire him less and less. 

The shadow was sensible, he was touched by her innocence much more than he was touched by the growing jealousy of his brother. 

They evolved for a long, long, time until the moment they developed language. If their first form of communication was not very elaborate it was enough to transmit ideas. 

The shadow was following them everywhere and the light was furiously jealous to see his brother having companions. The shadow was passing less and less time at the border and the light started to feel neglected and alone. He couldn't accept that some creatures could be more interesting than him. 

She turned out to be an individual smarter than the others. One who became their leader by her kindness and compassion. She was there from the very first beginning, she was the one who invented almost all the words. Her desire to understand him made her build their language. 

The shadow was enjoying these creatures, he stayed with them, learning to speak with them. The first culture was born. He admired them for what they were. He respected them and even if he was incredibly more powerful than them, he had an infinite love for these people. 

They were not his only gift, the shadow side of the world slowly welcomed other forms of life that were less evolved, the first animals, while during this time the light side only had an arid land and every form of life was dying or deadly, such as the first reptiles.

In the shadows, the language evolved and they started to name themselves, the first names and the first concept of identity. The idea of being an individual entity, every emotion they felt could finally be explained, and they slowly evolved into a tribe, in a society, the first one. 

She was named Zuline. They became the Jessadians. She named him Zarkhaïm and the light became Archanium. They were numerous, they became stronger and more organized. They always had the faculty to feed from the darkness but they slowly integrated hunting and gathering in their diet, making them even stronger. 

Their tribe became a nation, their number didn't stop increasing and they were covering half of the world. At their peak, they were around one hundred thousand individuals. They were living simply but happily, they developed comforts such as tents, and clothes, Zarkhaïm was sharing their ways of life, and he was learning with them. He enjoyed every aspect of their lives. He was happy amongst his people.

As the communication became easier he started to enjoy the company of Zuline more and more. They were talking for nights, sitting together like a father and his child, exchanging points of view and developing their mind. He told her about the stars and she told him about love. Most of the time she was sleeping on his knees. They were inseparable. The emotions they were learning together were the most precious gifts he could ever imagine receiving. 

Archanium on the other hand was left alone in his land of fire. At the border, Zarkhaïm shared with him with excitement all that he was learning, he taught him the language of the Jessadians. He told him about Zuline and their warm night sleeping together in the moonlight after talking about everything but he didn't understand that Archanium was more and more envious. 

He was a creature of the light and he was prideful, he didn't accept that his brother of the shadows was beloved by his people while, himself, he had nobody to rule. To him, they were superior beings and they must act as such. They could be only two, separated from the inferior creatures, they must rule and dominate.

He tried to approach the shadows but this was not his place. All creatures of the darkness were running away from his glowing aura. Zarkhaïm was naïve, he had a simple candid mind and he loved what was around him. He loved his shadows and the emotions such as hate and jealousy were unknown to him. His life was only about cuddling and laughing. He didn't understand the intentions of his brothers and even less his plans.