Chereads / The Founders of the Shadows World / Chapter 35 - The God's era

Chapter 35 - The God's era

In the North, the number of attacks increased largely. Each time Zarkhaïm was trying something to appease the tensions, he was failing. What Zarkhaïm represented was too scary for the men to even listen to what he was saying. This was hopeless.

Humans started to have different points of view. Some of them were scared of Archanium, others were outraged about their blasphemy. In front of the statue, one day, a man brought the dead body of a Jessadian. Zarkhaïm was stunned. That was the first murder of a Jessadian, the first murder in the world.


Zuline was in an incredible state of rage, she was about to burn their cities and if she didn't promise to never get involved, all these weak humans would be dead already. 

The situation was getting worse and worse, Zuline, as the leader of the Jessadians didn't break the promise but she had a very hard time keeping herself. She used the shadows to make cliffs and left only one way open to her shelter, she pushed all the most dangerous creatures from her land into this path and the access to the dome became the most deadly area of the world. Nobody could exit or enter anymore. The path became the land of many night creatures. If he didn't approve of her methods, she didn't break her promise and the dome became safe again. 

Zarkhaim decided to help him use the shadows to soothe their damaged souls after their deaths so that all those who fell in this passage would return to defend him as creatures of the night. And so the first demons and ghosts were born. Zuline gathered more and more shadows, using the fury of the men who died there to give birth to ever more bloodthirsty creatures. 

But the humans were attacking more and more often and the number of corpses became countless. The path was renamed the "Death Entrance" and stories about the land of the dead appeared in the world. The curious men were dying from the expeditions, trying to pass in vain only to bring the dead body of another Jessadian from the North but not only. 

A civil war began between the ones praying Archanium and the ones not praying enough. It was a massacre, the humans had gone mad and were fighting amongst themselves. Zarkhaim couldn't understand why, the situation dumbfounded him.

After this century was over, Archanium moved a wing. The population had dropped by half in this city. He stood up and went to find his brother Zarkhaïm, he was content with what he did while Zarkhaïm was crushed. 

Archanium came strolling, enjoying his victory.

"Never doubt me again, little brother. I am the most powerful creature existing."

Zarkhaïm didn't want to fight, he stared at his brother in rage and despair. He was experiencing feelings he never thought would have existed, Zarkhaïm was broken. He, who only wanted to live in peace with his people, felt like he had the blood of all the lost lives on his hands. 

"Archanium. Don't you feel anything for what you did?"

Archanium laughed at these thoughts.

"I am almighty and my word is law."

Zarkhaïm didn't know how to answer this. He was wounded deeply by the whole situation. This was at this moment that Archanium took the upper hand over Zarkhaïm. Archanium was cruel and heartless while Zarkhaïm knew compassion. Zarkhaïm was the one looking like a terrifying creature, his heart was not beating in his chest, and his skin was cold but he was the one with a soul while his brother, although being a magnificent creature, was a real monster.

Soon after, Archanium built the Golden City in the sky, opposite of the Shadows dome and the Death entrance. The Golden City was astonishing and bright, in his image. The floor was white like marble, there were Golden palaces all around the main central one. 

Archanium appeared in the dreams of his priests and he showed them the Golden City. He told them to build temples all around the world in his glory and that when a human would prove his total devotion, this human would be rewarded by ascending to the statute of god. This human would come to live with him in the Golden City, gifted with eternal life to be adored forever under the protection of Archanium. 

This is how Archanium built his fame and this is how everything started. The gods became the defenders of the world of living, protecting humans by their only presence from the vile night creatures. 

A man heard him, a man devoted more than the others. This man gathered a few people and convinced them to go to live in the middle of the desert. They left their comfort and everything they had to live in this arid land, believing that being where the sun was the most present would allow them to be closer to Archanium. They were not wrong, Archanium had a particular affection for these men, he enjoyed seeing them struggling in this terrible zone only for his entertainment, and he enjoyed seeing them pillaging all around as they had no other way to survive than attacking the travelers to steal their resources. 

These men were brutal, they had cold hearts, and they were in his image. They became his favorite humans and to encourage them Archanium decided that his first created god would be the man who led them into this place. This man ascended to his new position, to stay forever with his god. 

Archanium created his people in the same way Zarkhaïm did. He used the power of the sun to make them in his image. Eternal, beautiful, and worshiped. The age of the gods started. When the men were praying to the different gods to obtain protection and love, they gave all their valuables to them in the hope of maybe seeing them one day appearing in their dreams. 

The age of the greedy gods had begun.