Chereads / The Founders of the Shadows World / Chapter 36 - The wild element of the tribe

Chapter 36 - The wild element of the tribe

She roared happily and Men around her answered her call, they ran to the village with excitement. This was a beautiful day. Soon, people heard their laughter as they were coming, they knew what it meant. It was not the first time they were attacked. 

Zaelia grew up in the sun tribe of the desert, Archanium's favorite people, and she has repeated all her life that the life of the non-believers was worthless. 

She didn't care about the damage she was doing, she kicked open the first door she saw and stepped inside. She attacked the first figure that appeared in front of her without mercy. After that, she saw a woman protecting a child in her arms. Zaelia just killed the man of the family. She lowered her head on her hands and noticed the blood on her skin. The woman and her children were crying in front of Zaelia, watching terrified at the body of the man lying on the floor miserably. 

She gave a rapid look at them and she had a cold expression, she was there for the loot, not to have compassion. As long as they didn't intend to stop her, she would not need to harm them. She opened all the cupboards she could find and filled her bag, she left when it was full without even looking at them. 

She was strong, her muscles were valorized by her sun-tanned skin. She was wearing a linen white shirt and clear brown trousers. She was born in the desert and she was a great element of her tribe. They were living in tents, and the lack of resources in the middle of the desert exposed them to rude conditions, but they always managed to find everything they needed by doing raids into the villages all around. 

If they were all strong warriors, she was different. Her mind was built differently. She was thinking strategically, she was making plans and she was using tricks. Until now, they never used such things, they were only pillaging and ravaging lands around. Her people were killing everyone in a blind killing spree. She was the one who told them to hold back, she was the one calculating the dates between the raids to let time for the villages around to rebuild. Her actions were planned for many months. 

For this, she was admired and listened to. On the other hand, she also was the most charismatic in her tribe. Her proportions were perfect and if her face was naturally handsome, her confidant and arrogant expression made her incredibly gorgeous. She was the kind of woman who knew her talents and who was unstoppable. 

She exited the house and took the horn at her belt, she blew it to sound the retreat. Her group gathered rapidly and they left. They ran into the desert, and the man at her left cheered, all the group joined in a burst of voice. She was in the middle and she was joining them in their exclamation. From afar, in the village, they could be perceived as hyenas happily hunting, their laughter was carried by the wind and transported in all the villages around alerting them that they were coming back home victorious.

She came back to the tribe and the elder, Zephira, congratulated her but she didn't seem happy. She was feeling intense frustration. She did her first raid six years ago when she was only thirteen years old, even for the criteria of her tribe, that was a very young age. She always had been a prodigy and she felt stuck in the position of a simple sacker for too long. In the evening she went to her tent and threw her material in a corner angrily. She sat on her fur mat on the floor and watched the bottle of alcohol in front of her. She grabbed it and lay down watching the ceiling of her tent. She stayed in silence, drinking, watching, thinking. 

She was dreaming bigger than that. She felt in her heart that if Archanium considered them as the chosen people, then, they should not be content with what they had. They should improve. They should become stronger than just rascals from the sands. She sighed at her thoughts, she was considered a heretic for such foolish ideas. 

It was known that a few humans had ascended to the rank of a god and were living in the Golden city in the sky. So far nobody could see it with bare eyes. If the actual leader of their tribe wanted to ascend, to her, this was the true aberration. She was convinced that a true servant of Archanium, a true warrior of light should not act on purpose to have a reward. Deep in her heart, she was sure that their leader was just another greedy man who wanted a rank higher than humans like tons of them before him. 

She laughed a bit thinking about this Golden city filled with people obedient to Archanium only to keep their place, shaking in fear at each of his moves. She had this image of him as a powerful and charismatic god. The kind that could erupt volcanoes and collapse the mountains. If they said Archanium was the absolute light, she knew he was considered as the fire who burns cities without utter motives. He was cruel and arrogant. It was known that the first man who came to live in the desert ascended and became the first god at his service, putting them in the position of Archanium's favorites. They were proud of that fact in her tribe and since then, every leader had the hope to ascend, they were the sun people, the ones living in the pure land of the light.

For Zaelia this was impossible to understand. What was the glory in becoming a god and living eternally? What was the challenge? To leave the world and live in the Golden city sounded like a punishment to her. She wanted to serve Archanium, yes, but she wanted to serve him in a way he never saw before. Something he would notice and remember. For sure, she would never accept becoming a god. She wanted the honor to die serving the light. She wanted to give her life to him, to give her last breath to him. She wanted to fight until the very end. That was her vision. 

Of course, each time she talked about this with anyone they mocked her, even the elders ridiculed her. They were telling her such sentences as "You will see one day, you will grow up". She hated them, she hated the fact that she had to remain silent. She hated to see them so peaceful in their tents with their routines. Only Zephira never judged her, the elder was always listening to her even if she disagreed with her. Zephira was caring for Zaelia, she saw her potential from the very beginning and always supported her in every choice she made. 

Zaelia was sure Archanium didn't expect his chosen ones to turn so lame with time. Many years passed since the first one ascended and nothing happened since then.