Return of the dead-03
Althea Zoella Castellanos Silvermoon
/"Zoe, there must be something really going on back home. We cannot contact anyone. And the ones, outside of the kingdom, we managed to contact so far doesn’t know anything either./"
/"What about the preparation on our return?/" My heart thumps, slow and loud, already knowing the answers to all my questions.
/"Unfortunately, all the aircrafts have been shut off by the kingdom. Including route via the sea./"
/"It sounded like a war cry./"
I exhale a shaky breath, as my eyes stares at the vacant space ahead of me, brewing thoughts of hopelessness in my head.
/"I need to return home, Alex. No matter what./" My decision firm as we all sit in silence. But what now?
There really was no way back home. What was I going to do? But what could I do anyways? What power did I hold?
/"A portal./"