Arminthe sat down on the silver chair on her balcony staring at the stars as they were all together in harmony, though separate from each other, they all carried out the same function together; beautifying the night skies.
Arminthe could remember the tales her mother told her and Adrienne about the stars, how they all worked in harmony to perform the most beautiful work of art, reminding them always how each star had a role to play and how both of them were like the stars, and as siblings let alone twins, they were meant to work together for one goal to be achieved and yes, heeding their mother's words, they didn't just achieve goals, they conquered. Realms, Kingdoms, Courts, Continents, anything that could be mentioned; they conquered it all. They made the battlefields their playgrounds and armies were toys to them, Kings and Lords were bent to their will and they made themselves the most feared yet the most loved! They were like gods in the eyes of Faes and any other creature known or unknown. They were wonderful, courageous and with all that, they won the heart and respect of the people.
But now, things weren't the same as before ever since the blight had revealed itself. There were fights, animosity and wars going on around them and it was something they didn't notice on time and even if they did, they couldn't stop no matter the amount of power they had, it was something beyond them, beyond what they knew from their decades of experience. It was like a pit, a deep pit of darkness, an abyss where all manners of evil were born from, it was something she couldn't comprehend up till now ever since she came back from it, she shudders at the memory of how she had fallen and fallen and fallen into the black smoke that caused her temporary blindness and the wind that blew her around like an autumn leaf, her toes curled up in her shoes as she remembered how she struggled to feel the floor that terrible night, how the invisible hands kept clawing her body, her sweat felt like blood at that moment from every part of her body, she could remember those voices how they rang in her head up till now 'darkness never fights darkness' she knew what they meant but didn't want to believe it, not yet though...
"Someone's still awake" she heard Syria calling from her room. She turns her view to the entrance and saw her standing there with her left hand resting on the frame, her emerald eyes glowed like a rare green moon in the darkness that covered her slightly from the room, she stepped forward and her heels made a clicking sound on the marble tiles, her red dress flowed like a river behind her as she walks in.
"Are you alright?"
"Why yes, I am still awake..." Syria drawls like she was bored. She sighed heavily as she took her seat few spaces from Arminthe.
"No wine?" she looked surprised as the table in between them was empty.
"Yes, tonight is certainly not good for me Syria".
"Same as me." her grim voice echoed.
Arminthe turned to her and saw how she looked ahead in pain and loss, she surely knew how Syria was feeling at the moment, after all she had loss her mother as well but somehow their losses weren't comparable, she had lost her mother and killed her bastard of a father together with her brother while Syria and Terisan had only each other after their parents death in the war and now that Terisan herself is dead, she was all alone.
"I'm sorry Syria" Arminthe said as she turned to Syria.
"It's alright, your not the one that killed her".
"But I'm the sister to the man that let her killer live." she could feel Syria vibrating in anger at her words from where she sat.
"It's his decision to make not yours, his the high Lord after all." she lowly growls between clenched teeth.
"Oh my darling Syria, you've forgotten how well I know you."
A long silence drawled, the whispers of the cool wind sang in her ears and her thoughts wondered off, suddenly she peeked into Syria head and saw something surprising.
"You didn't let him mourn her?!" Syria turns to Arminthe and looked at her with a 'not bothered expression' and continues to look forward.
"Of course I didn't! he doesn't deserve it!"
" can't be serious. He loves her just the way you do".
"If he did love her like he says, he would have taken action, instead he just releases her because of some lame prophecy..."
"A lame prophecy that will save your life" they heard his voice from the room. With graceful steady steps, he walked into the balcony with his expression unreadable.
"Syria, go to the guest halls, a room is being prepared for you" Arminthe said with a frown
"Alright... good night" Syria responded grimly while standing up, glaring at Adrienne, she left the room for them.
"Why are you here?"
"To meet you, I have a question"
"Really? now you want to meet me in hopes of answering you? tsk!"
"Arminthe put that aside."
"And why should I? you went counselling with the eye without me and you expect me to just put it aside?"
"Is that why your angry? because I didn't go there with you" he shook his head at her "come on I didn't do anything bad".
"Adrienne! you did, you went there without me but with your friends, how do you expect me not to be angry?! we do things together always!"
"Ugh Arminthe, don't paint me now as the villian you've done it too, when you went to fight the blight yourself, you didn't remember then we did things together".
"So, your carrying out your revenge right?!"
"No, it's not worth it, I have other things to do as well, by myself."
"Like deciding to keep that girl alive and cause problems in the courts, right?!" he frowns at her.
"No, but I have no choice. She has to stay alive till I want her dead and that's final."
"You're such a betrayer Adrienne! You're forgetting how we were before..."
"Stop it Arminthe, stop! You betrayed me, when you knew all about this before me yet you decided to keep me in the dark like some blind fool, your the one bringing difficulties between us Arminthe, not me!" she stands up in a haste, her eyes like a void as she glares at him.
"Adrienne if you start to make decisions on your own without me again, you'll know what real difficulty it is I swear it!!". Adrienne just stares at her for a moment and walks away but before leaving, he turned to her and said.
"Sometimes, I wonder if it's really you that came back from that pit or just a void of darkness that appears in your form." and with that, he left the balcony leaving Arminthe standing there like a statue.