"Ahem, yes, you're right, I'm kind of rushed up," the Ancient Vampire said.
Hope had already calmed down by that time, but she did not move away from her mother, both were already sitting on the couch.
"Since everyone is finally assembled, then we can start," I said, staring at the four in front of me.
"Oh, come on already" Freya was tired of waiting.
"Mom, Dad, Aunt Freya, and who is this?" Hope's pretty face frowned at me.
"Honestly, we don't know anything about him ourselves, except for his name, of course," Hayley looked at me so expressively, go tell her everything.
"Nice to meet you, Alex" I introduced myself to her, I still need to observe etiquette and all that, and it's not difficult for me.
"Now I will tell you what I know about you and your future, but before that, I would like to ask the last question, do you want to know the future? After all, if I tell you, then this may not happen," I decided to clarify with them one last time.
"Wait, what, the Future?!" Hope exclaimed.
"Oh, yes, that's it, well, do you agree?"
"Well, then maybe briefly?" Freya said.
"Okay, I can do that. Let's start, perhaps, with Niklaus, according to the primary timeline, he is dead, Hayley is also dead, Freya is married, and Hope has become a legendary tribrid, but her life is not sugar" since they wanted it briefly, then they got it.
"And... what?! There's no way I could have died!" Klaus exclaimed.
"Got married...really..." the Witch began to whisper something under her breath.
"A tribrid...? But doesn't she have to die to become one... No, no, no, it can't be," Hayley said worriedly, and the Wolf Cub is the only one who is worried about her daughter.
Hope just clapped her expressive eyes.
"Tell me everything ... and in detail, please," the Little Wolf said, looking at me seriously.
"Oh, the lady's wish is my law," I said and began my story.
"Therefore, to save Hope from the curse, Klaus decided to sacrifice himself, but, to be honest, he was not the only one, Elijah joined him. And then, breaking a stake of white oak, they aimed at each other's heart, talked about life, how long they had lived and pierced themselves, scattered ashes to the wind," I finished speaking.
A contingent of my listeners, especially girls, already had tears in their eyes.
"Dad!" the daughter of an ancient vampire rushed into his arms.
"But...how do you know all this?" Hayley asked, wiping away her tears.
"As I said before, but okay, I repeat, I don't belong to this world, okay?" I asked.
"Yes...but this does not negate how you know about us" indeed, it does not negate what kind of observation.
"Oh, okay, well, have you figured it out, have you ever read the novel "Twilight"?"
"Yes! This is one of my favorite novels!" Hope said too hastily.
"And mine!" the Wolf Cub and the Witch added in unison.
"Fine, you can assume I'm from there," I said.
"So that's why you shone in the sun!" Freya shouted, well five points to you.
"Yeah! That world is quite real, and I am proof of that, and just as "Twilight" is just a novel here, so the whole story with you exists there," I lied without blushing, of course for my good.
"I see."
"It makes you think," Freya replied, and Klaus nodded in agreement.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked, interrupting their thoughts.
"Hmm, and about what?" Klaus, who had been silent before, asked.
"It's simple, Hope...give me the tribrid blood..." I decided to try my luck.
"No!" I did not expect such a sharp refusal.
"Huh, it's easy for you to say, you're Klaus, you can not only drink blood but also eat ordinary human food, unlike me."
"Can you at least think about it?" come on luck, don't let me down.
"Klaus, I think it should be decided by our daughter," she reassured her man.
"What do you think of that, Hope?" Hayley asked, turning her head to her daughter.
"I don't mind, after all, you helped us," the girl smiled at me.
"Thank you, you will help me a lot," I also replied with a smile and continued:
"Freya, I'm going to need your help with this, since technically I'm not human, so something might go wrong, can you develop some kind of transformation ritual or something like that?" if everything works out, then not only me but also my girls will be able to enjoy food again, like ordinary people.
When I said that, the Witch's eyes lit up, I think if the situation hadn't been the way it is, the girl would have been reading various folios or grimoires right now, or whatever else books with spells and other magic tricks are called.
"Oh-oh, I will take it with great joy! When to start?!" she asked me emotionally.
"Let's leave everything for tomorrow, today we should all have a good rest," I yawned for decency.
"Yes, you're right," Hayley understood my hint, and then continued, "Hope, baby, take Alex to the guest room, I hope you don't mind staying with us today." she asked me, to which I nodded.
"That's great," she smiled wearily, it was not an easy day for her.
A moment later, a young girl was showing me the way to my temporary apartment.
"I used a barrier that suppresses any noise, so now we can talk," Freya said after finishing the spell.
"Do you think he's telling the truth?" Klaus asked.
"I don't know about the future, but he saved me," Haley said.
"And I'm grateful to him for that, that's why he's not dead," the vampire said, frowning, "but a moment later his face smoothed out and he continued, "And yet, he's an interesting person, you have to be a vampire who can teleport.
"Although he said that he was a vampire, not like you and the others, energy, he does not have the same energy that is inherent in vampires at all," the Witch added.
"It's all very interesting and entertaining, of course, but the priority is to save Elijah, or rather to return his memories to him," Niklaus said confidently, "and I think it's worth calling my sister, Rebecca, for this.
As soon as two people entered the room bequeathed by dark curtains, which were the Ancient vampire Elijah and a female vampire.
After the doors to the large room were closed, a man's deep voice rang out in it:
"I believe you are Antoinette," the man said, turning to face her, and walked with a relaxed gait towards her.
"This meeting is an honor for me," he extended his hand to shake hers.
"Thank you for the invitation," the one who was now known as Antoinette politely replied.
"I'm flattered to meet Elijah," The vampire also shook his hand.
Then, after a little greeting, the man turned around and went to the table where the candles were placed.
"So, it's time for vampires to take the highest step in the food chain of the city, and cleanse its population of geeks," blowing out a lit long match, he said.