Chapter 17 - 17

The sooner I get used to my new powers and maybe help stop Elijah, the sooner I'll get back to my girls and mom. Heh, it's only been a couple of days, and I already miss you. matter how you look at it, I love them very much, I'm stuck so to speak for the rest of my life, and I'll have it oh how long. In the future, for sure.

But let's not get discouraged, I still need to test the acquired and improved abilities after the ritual.

And also, upon returning to the Michaelson house, I will need to consult with Freya about magic, after all, I am now a Tribrid.

It would be nice to learn how to shamanize magic, and in order to make girls and mom of my race, magic will also be needed, if it was so painful to go through this process with stabilization and supporting charms, then I really don't know what will happen without it.

Therefore, the question of magic needs to be solved, after a short walk, this is what I should do.


"And so? What's that supposed to mean? Sulpicia?!" - Aro said sharply, his eyes fixed on the woman.

Over the past few days, the situation has escalated. The endgame is just around the corner. The relationship between the couple has become so heated that it burns no worse than the strongest flame.

The woman herself wondered about "what went wrong in her life?", but how many flickering thoughts did not flash through her head, she did not find a reasonable answer. And it really upset the vampire.

"You betrayed me!!!" - he raised the tone of his voice to a new level. - "How could you do this to me?!"

Still, from someone, but from his own wife, he did not expect such betrayal, yes, he called it betrayal.

"Betrayal?! This is ridiculous...remember what purpose we had in the beginning of the Volturi vampire clan formation?" - The vampires have been starved and scorched by the rising sun for days now.

Her voice was already low and hoarse, but as majestic as before. He has not lost a drop of pride, even in the current situation. And only today her husband himself came to her.

"The vampire clan... yes, I remember... but apparently you forgot what it was created for...!" - He did not plunge into memories of the past and expressively threw up his hands in the direction of Sulpicia.

"… " - the woman there was only deep silence in response.

Suddenly, Aro's gaze changed and became more wild and cruel than it had been before. A grimace of anger and rage appeared on his face.

"Since the conversation is not going well, then don't blame me for the next one, you made that choice yourself." - With a leisurely gait, he began to pace to the place of the vampire's imprisonment. The woman's view of this move has not changed in any way.

"I'm going to have to dig into your beautiful head, dear wife." - He spat out the last words maliciously.

Taking the named one by the chin, he lifted her by the head so that Sulpice's gaze was directed directly at him. There was no fear in them, only undisguised hatred, and the fact that he saw it in her eyes only inflamed his anger more.

"Well, well, well... let's see." - he grabbed her head with his other hand. Concentrating and as if on a whim, he activated his own ability. With one touch, he can read thoughts for the entire life lived by a human (vampire).

With every second of using the ability, Aro's eyes became bloodshot, but it seemed much more. If the vampire had been human, his face would have changed and turned bright crimson.

"You... that bastard again! So I wanted to deal with him soon, but what I saw... hehe will have to deal with this freak soon!" - rather abruptly removed his hands from his wife's head, as if afraid of getting burned on her.

After falling silent, he left the cell in which Sulpicia was languishing and went up the stairwell to the surface. Noticing the nearest passing subordinates, he ordered them to notify about Jenna's visit to the "throne" hall.

"Good! Mr. Volturi! It will be executed!" - A couple of subordinates answered in unison, and hurried to quickly execute the order of the clan leader.

And Aro slowly went on, straight to his abode of government, where they used to sit proudly on throne chairs together with Sulpicia.

"Sir...!" - the person indicated above bowed deeply. Jenna was Aro's secretary, as well as a very ordinary mortal person. That connected the Volturi with the human world.

"You came…Jenna. I know it's not really your path, but I have a task for you. Will you take it?" - Aro said calmly, measuring the girl with his gaze, as if there was no trace of his former ardor.

"I'm ready! Sir! No matter what needs to be done, I will do it!" - the secretary answered too cheerfully and energetically, she was very pleased that her master decided to entrust some work. This meant that he trusted her very much and Jenna would try to justify this trust with all her diligence.

"That's commendable, Jenna." - the vampire answered, and the girl's cheeks wanted to burn, that's how pleased she was to hear her master's answer.

"So, I give you the right…"


Looking at the destruction, the broken trees and the deep claw incisors left on them, it brought me horror... and delight! It is not for nothing that the quote "Power intoxicates" existed both in the past and in this world, but personally in my case it did not intoxicate me, rather it made me very happy.

Since now I have the power, a lot of power, which should be enough to deal with such vampires, and indeed people like Aro. I'll have to make some noise there on my return.

Okay, you can reflexive later, but now about what I learned. Becoming a Tribrid, I not only became a cross between a Primordial vampire, a werewolf and a witch. Also, as for the werewolf, I will call the full transformation a wolf, since the transition stage is suitable for the werewolf. No longer a man, but also not a wolf.

I don't know what influenced the appearance of such a form of transformation, but thank you to the higher ones if they are there and watching me. Yes, I know how to be grateful. After all, the explosive power when I take the form of a werewolf increases significantly and even slightly exceeds the brute force of vampires, so this is an incomparably good plus.

I got used to the forces, but I haven't figured it out yet. But I don't think that this is a big problem, since a fight is planned soon, where I will most likely take part. It's not always the same for others to have fun.

"Well, I hope I didn't attract anyone's attention while I was having fun here. Although...not that fallen trees are anything super abnormal in this world." - I mumbled aloud, before teleporting back to Mikaelson's house.