"It's pretty good, it's a nice setting, I like it," I said to Hope as I walked into the room and looked at it.
"Earlier, there were much more residents in this house, but after that...you probably know yourself, some rooms have been converted for guests," the girl finished crumpled.
"Yeah, I see," I said awkwardly.
There was an awkward silence in the room. M-yes.
"Listen...I... would like to...thank you again for saving my mom," the girl finally decided to say, which she had been thinking about for a very long time.
"It's not worth it, really. Consider it something like fate, Lady luck has turned to face you," I answered simply, trying to reduce the degree of tension that was hovering here.
"Okay, thanks... She breathed a sigh of relief."
After that, we exchanged a few more phrases and, saying goodbye, Hope flew off to her parents.
If something like this happened to my mother, then most likely I would also hang around her to spend more time together.
Well, as long as I'm left alone with myself, then I can do meditation.
By the way, it is not particularly important for her to take any poses, the main thing is to focus and dive into the depths of her consciousness.
After I closed my eyes and inhaled several times, I was already inside myself, yes, no matter how strange it may sound.
The bookcases filled with books greeted me with the same atmosphere.
But there was also something new in this setting, a new bookshelf appeared.
Well, let's get started...
Since I didn't really remember the name of the ritual after which Elijah's memory returned. Then all this fell on Freya's fragile female shoulders.
In this difficult task, she was helped by Hope and Rebecca, who arrived relatively recently and looked at me strangely, did she like it ...?
Heh heh. I hope not, even though she looks pretty cute on her face and figure, but what's going on in one of the Original Vampires' head is a mystery even to me.
While everyone was preparing to catch Elijah and set him on the right path, I wondered how my family was doing there, whether everything was all right there...?
"Get up...Come on, get up." Emma stirred up the girls, and they pretended to be asleep, although they themselves had not seen dreams for a long time.
"We don't want to..." they mumbled. For Emma, their appearance was more than depressing.
"Ay...! What are you doing?!" unable to stand such a look, Alex's mother charged Tanya's soft spot with her palm, without having time to really open her eyes and be properly indignant, the same exclamations followed from Irina and Kate.
"You're acting like children...If Alex said he would be back soon, then so be it...my son would not lie, and you yourself know that he will do everything possible and impossible for this." Emma smiled, putting her hands on her hips and standing in a proud pose, lifting her nose.
"We know..." the girls' downcast look was replaced by smiles, and they themselves froze as if remembering something for themselves, which made the smiles only more beautiful.
After a few minutes, the girls finally came to their senses, and each had their own thoughts on this, but there was still a common one, as soon as the guy returned, they would visit the poor guy, so Alex did not yet know what he had to go through on his return home.
Now the women of the Denali family were sitting in the living room and drinking tea....blood, of course, animal blood.
"So what did you want to tell us when you tried to lift us up in such a vulgar way?" Tanya asked calmly.
"Carlisle called..." not only Tanya, but Kate and Irina were also surprised. And the surprise was not because Carlisle called, but because they didn't even hear his call, that's how much they were immersed in themselves that they stopped noticing their surroundings.
"And what did he call about?" Tanya was the first among them to wake up, as the oldest of the sisters.
- He invited me to his place to celebrate the fact that his "kids" had gone to school, and suggested that we celebrate by hunting animals together in the woods. - Emma replied mundanely.
- Ha-ha, what's the hundredth time his "kids" have gone to high school? - Irina laughed, and her sister picked up on it, and Emma only raised the corners of her lips.
"I think it's not that important, and yes, I have already agreed, so we are already expected to visit, well, it will be useful for you to unwind. - "Like i me," Emma thought to herself.
"Mm-hmm okay, okay, when do we move out?" Kate chimed in.
"Preferably... right now." Emma said.
The girls creaked, but agreed, and before they went, they decided to dress up a little...
"Well, since everyone is ready, then we can go. " Emma said with a sigh, as she did not expect at all that "dressing up" would take so long, a couple of hours.
"Interesting...how would my son react to this ..." Alex's mom thought for a couple of seconds.
A few minutes later, in the forest, four blurry spots could be seen rushing across it.
A whole day passed and the capture plan was ready, and by the way, not only that, the clever witch Freya found one interesting ritual in the family Gremoire, which should stabilize my process of transformation, otherwise I would not like to turn into a mindless monster later, there are so many of them in this world.
And yes, transformation will require not only this ritual, but also another special spell that will have to act as a catalyst and start the transformation process.
"Well, are you ready?" Freya asked me when I was standing in a magic circle surrounded by candles.
"Yes....but a kiss on the cheek would give me confidence." I winked at her, oh, how I miss the company of my ladies here.
"In...Have you seen it?" Yes, that's right, I've just been sent.
Well, it doesn't matter.
"Okay, then let's get started." I nodded to her.
Soon the witch's voice was heard, firm and precise, reading out the spell, the girl seemed to enter a trance state.
And in the circle in which I was standing in the center, candles began to burn brightly, showing that the spell was beginning to take effect.
"Come on! Drink the blood soon!" Freya, who had recovered from her trance, shouted to me.
Well, with God. I open the bottle, immediately feel a pleasant aroma reaching me through my nose, empty the glass bottle in one gulp.
At the same time, the witch was busy with the main part of the ritual, and I, in turn, began to notice small changes in myself.
It seems...everything works.
"Hmm... and I thought it would hurt more, at least in movies it's always like that, so I knew I shouldn't trust them..." - I didn't have time to finish my own thoughts, as my body cramped.
"Nngh." a strangled moan of pain escaped me.