It was hours later that I woke up . Or days later , I didn’t know anything anymore.
I opened my eyes to be met with another pair.
Green eyes.
My vision was partially blocked by the swell in my eye but I'm pretty sure I didn’t need a full vision to know who that was .
I could be blind, and I would still know who that was .
“Hey Rosie?” Zack speaks .
“ Hey.” I try to speak, voice hoarse, throat hurting . Slowly , I lift my head from the pillow and groan .
“ You won’t be able to move for a while.” He speaks to me .
“ Your dad was here a while ago , he said he’ll back in a few.” He smiles an uneasy smile ; I found it hard to do the same . He had a black eye and half of his T-shirt is soaked with blood . “How?” I only ask because it hurt too much to form longer sentences .