Chereads / The Big O: The Final Act - Act 38: The Promise / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Time is Running Out

The Big O: The Final Act - Act 38: The Promise

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Time is Running Out

Dastun began combing the underground network of the old subway tunnels with a team of undercover MPs over the next few days. Now with the sun out, a little community had grown inside them, mainly for the black market. Big Ear told me if you needed robot parts, questionable sources of ammunition, or wanted to find someone questionable, the subway was where you needed to go, not seedy bars.

Beck had accepted a contract a few years ago to map the tunnels and had been successful for the most part. There were still some areas that hadn't been mapped yet, in part because some areas were inaccessible due to cave in or the signal from his device wouldn't reach Yumi, from what he told me. Even with this information, most of the people dwelling in the subway, stayed close to the entrance. In terms of the deep underground, something had happened during the fight with Big Gamma and the underground where we had discovered the facility charging Big Gamma had disappeared. The areas were only accessible now through old maintenance access points for the grounding points that anchored the domes. But with the domes gone, they were just used as maintenance tunnels.

Dr. Plebanski's words weighed heavily on my mind. At some point, I was waiting for when the call would come from her, asking for my word to administer the antidote to Dora girl. Dorothy's condition, while it had been stable since the emergency operation, was once again starting to deteriorate. I didn't go home until late, when I knew the kids would be in bed. And even then, I lingered on the porch when I returned home, feeling the weight of the decision that would be coming.

Dale called early Thursday. Norman had taken the kids out to the market square in Electric City, to get ready for the upcoming Sun Festival, leaving me alone in the house. A quick shower and shave, I threw on fresh clothes, and was heading back to the Speakeasy. Big Ear had information on a possible accomplice.

Roger once again entered the Speakeasy, declining the beer this time from Dale, and making his way straight into the back where Big Ear was located. Roger sat down.

"That was fast," said Roger.

"Something in your eyes didn't sit well with me when you told me someone you knew was affected by Sampson's poison. I'm going to say, since I haven't seen her in a while, it's your wife."

Roger didn't say anything, looking at Big Ear from the side out of his sunglasses. Big Ear continued.

"I won't sell the information. Even I have my standards."

"Thank you."

"One of my informants told me there's a young kid running around. Apparently, he runs errands for Mr. Sampson and one time let it slip who his guardian was."


"From what my informant has gathered over the dealings with this kid, it seems Mr. Sampson provides for this kid, although it's bare minimum. Apparently, the kid could use some new shoes."

"So, what does your informant get for the kid?"

"Stuff that comes from the outer reaches of the territory in the new mines they've discovered up in the mountains up north along edge of what has been marked and mapped."

"That's expensive. I've heard through my own various sources, transportation is the issue when getting the materials from the mines back down this far south. The issue is fuel. It's apparently 100 miles between the last fuel station and the mines. Of course, trucks burn a lot of fuel, especially when they're loaded heavy."

"Correct. So naturally, the question would be, Negotiator, how's Sampson paying for this material?"

"Drugs, like you suggested? What's the material he's been purchasing?"

"Nitride. Phosphorous Nitride."

Roger's eyes widened.

"But that's… regulated. It's supposed to be anyhow. There's a plant near the mines that makes it since it's far away from the city and doesn't pose a risk…"

Oh no. It can't be. Sampson's figured out how to make the poison into aerosol form, and phosphorous nitride is used in controlled explosions. Meaning, he's creating a bomb. He just needed to confirm the effects of the poison. Dorothy was just the test subject to see the effects. That's why he tried to keep her at the building.

"Negotiator? You look like you've seen a ghost…"

"Sorry… just a lot on my mind. How much of the nitride has been purchased?"

"It's been over a year, small amounts. Enough to not warrant a full search into why it's missing."

"So, it's been wrote off as loss by the company. But…"

"Over a year though, Negotiator. Sampson is planning something big."

"Where's the drop off points?"

"At first, it was the tunnels. Now they've switched to the harbor, near the fishing district."

The southwest point of city, where the wind could blow the gas and cover Paradigm, if it's there.

"Is there another drop happening soon?"

"My informant said there would be one tonight…"

Roger stood suddenly. "Do you have a description of what the kid looks like?"

Big Ear nodded. "Green knit hat, yellow and white striped shirt, shoes that've seen better days. Kid's about 5'4-5'6, skinny, has blonde short hair, fair skin, and green eyes."

"Thank you. I need to get going."

"FYI, there's still change on the books."

Roger nodded. "Keep it, consider it a gift."

Roger ran out of the Speakeasy, heading for the Griffon. He climbed inside and radioed for Dastun, starting the car.

"Dastun, Dastun! Come in!"

"Dastun. Wait, Roger? What's going on?"

"Where are you?"

"Manning the search for the tunnels, near 42nd St. and Clarkson Ave. What's going on?"

"Ugh… I'm close. I'll meet you there." Roger shut off the comm and began heading to Dastun's location as quickly as he could. If Dastun was manning the search, that meant there were ears nearby. He couldn't risk Sampson getting tipped off, not when they were so close to getting him, and not with such a heavy threat hanging over the city. But Roger didn't think long on the information Big Ear had told him when the video comm link in the Griffon turned on. It was Dr. Plebanski.

"Roger… we've done it. We figured out the antidote."

Roger slammed breaks. "You… did what?"

"The antidote, Roger! We figured it out… but… like I told you a few days ago…"

The time had come for Roger to make the decision and it couldn't had come at a worse time.

"Dorothy's condition? How is it?" he asked, softly, trying to keep the strain out of his voice.

"It's deteriorating slowly. We can't really wait. She still has strength, and that's what we're counting on to get her through this… where are you? I think you really should be here for this…"

Roger gripped the steering wheel, tightly, gritting in his teeth. He lowered his head, looking at his feet, ignoring the honks from the cars behind him as he was blocking traffic on the street.

"Damn it… damn it… damn…it…"


Roger growled and took in a deep breath.

"Mary, I have a lead, and… things are bad. The city's in danger. We might have the guy, and he might have weaponized the poison into a bomb…"

"Then I'll wait until you get here…"

"No… we've waited long enough. Administer it… give her the antidote."

"Roger… please. I know it's a lead, but you really need to be…"

"Mary… what do you think Dorothy would've done?"

Dr. Plebanski sighed. "She would've saved you, and the city."

"Right. Tell her… I love her. But, if we lose this, there's a chance we could lose more than just Dorothy. So… please… be there for her, for me…"

Dr. Plebanski nodded. "Understood. And Roger?"


"Be careful."

Roger nodded and the video link disconnected. Roger put the car in gear, the tires screeching loudly as he drove to Dastun's location, a look of wrath etched in his face.


Roger screeched to a halt, knocking the car out of gear, and scrambling out of the Griffon. Dastun saw Roger and ran over to him.

"What the hell, Roger? You alright?"

Roger shook his head. "I needed to tell you in person. I just got some info, about Sampson's accomplice. Description is a green knit hat, yellow and white striped shirt, shoes that've seen better days. Kid's about 5'7, 5'8, skinny, has blonde short hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Apparently, his errand boy has been buying material from one of the plants in the city that purchases phosphorous nitride for demolitions. He's been making purchases for over a year… so, our worst fears are confirmed. Sampson's weaponized the poison. He must've wanted to see the effects. It would explain why he tried to keep Dorothy that day in the building."

Roger was breathing hard, bending over. Dastun grabbed his shoulder.

"Roger, are you alright? You're out of breath."

"I'm fine. But there's a drop off tonight, southwest point of the city by the fishing district, in one of the warehouses. We need to find them… and stop them. This is our only chance."

Dastun nodded. "I'll radio Michaelson and Batter. They'll want to know what's going on. Sounds like that Greater Good clause came in handy. I'll have to thank Dorothy for that idea."

"If she survives. Dr. Plebanski is administering the antidote right now. It could go in either direction."

"What the…? Then why are you here? You should be with her, Roger!"

"No, we need to stop this guy! Besides, if something goes wrong with the antidote, there's a chance if we find this guy, we can find information to use to help Dorothy."

"Roger… I got it from here. Go and be with your wife."

Roger shook his head vehemently. "NO, Sampson is my client. I have questions for him."

"Roger, you're not a military police officer anymore."

"And I have a contractual obligation that needs to be fulfilled. Dorothy would've saved me and the city if the roles were reversed, and you know it!"

Roger stood, his chest rising up and down quickly. He was glaring at Dastun and Dastun was returning the glare. Finally, Dastun sighed.

"FINE. But you follow my lead. I'll have Webster's unit on standby. In the meantime, since you did mention the possibility of a bomb, I'll have my team continue searching the tunnels, just in case.

"If it's remote detonation, Dastun, then it probably won't be in the tunnels. The signal won't be able to reach through all of that concrete. The southwest part of the city is probably where it's at because the wind comes from the southwest. It would be able to blow the poison over Paradigm."

"Even so, we don't know if he has amplifier on the bomb. We'll rule everything out before we make a final call."

Roger nodded as Dastun got on his radio to get a hold of the President and Vice President.


Hours passed and it was now late. Dastun and I made our way to the fishing district in the southwest part of the city. Even Dastun agreed that more than likely the bomb was here, considering the direction of the breeze from the sea. However, Dastun has always been cautious by nature. Every so often, he would get radio calls, ruling out sectors of the subway tunnels. Sitting in the car with Dastun took me back to my MP days, minus having a wife and kids.

Dr. Plebanski radioed me in the early evening to inform me that Dorothy had responded badly to the antidote, through convulsions and plummeting heart rate, but thanks to Dr. Plebanski's quick thinking, they stabilized her for the time being. It was hard to tell if the antidote was working after the bad reaction. Dr. Plebanski said that it was now up to Dorothy, and anyone listening to our prayers to keep her safe, and to bring her back to us. I'm not a fatalist by any means, but the decision that I had to make weighed heavily on my mind, though I tried to push it out.

It seemed the past few days were catching up to me as Dastun woke me up a few times, asking about strangers near the docks, but they didn't match the description Big Ear gave me. I now remembered why I hated stake outs, but perhaps with recent events, it seemed my annoyance with them had found a new level.

"Hey, wake up. That's the fifth time you've dozed off. Roger, you ought to go home."

Roger shook his head awake. They had been moving periodically throughout the night between the stakeouts. With Roger's car being black, it was hard to see, especially when parked in the shadows. Roger stretched and yawned.

"I'm fine. What time is it?"

"3 a.m."

"No sign of him?"

Dastun shook his head. "We might've spooked him with all of the movement from earlier."

Roger shook his head. "No, something like this… it's too important for this doctor. Among the other things you shared, these doctors are obsessed with their pet projects."

"Fair point."

Roger stretched again and leaned back.

"Did I miss any phone calls?"

Dastun shook his head.

"The Doc hasn't called. So…"

"No news is good news…"

Dastun took the binoculars and began scanning the warehouses. In actual truth, Roger was deeply worried Dr. Plebanski hadn't called once with an update, which meant she was busy. Roger pushed it out of his mind as Dastun spoke.

"Roger, I have to ask. Why are you so hung up on this guy? I know he hurt Dorothy, but this is a side of you…"

Roger shook his head. "I need to know why he came after us. I thought it might've been to use us to get access to his research, but I don't think that's it, taking into account what you said earlier. Apparently, he was looking for me too. He targeted us, Dastun. And… this was the one time… I should've said no…"

Dastun set down the binoculars and looked at Roger.

"What do you mean, 'No?'"

"He wanted to meet with us last Friday, but it was the same day as the tourney. I didn't feel good about the call, and I was going to turn it down, but Dorothy… Dorothy overheard me talking that he was looking for someone and… Dorothy wanted to help…"

Dastun now finally understood why Roger had been working himself into the ground. Dastun sighed.

"Hindsight is 20/20. What is it your butler is always telling you? Have faith? Well, now I am. You can't change what happened, and had you not taken this case, who knows what would've happened to Paradigm and your family, seeing as the Sun Festival is starting today. Dorothy's strong. She'll pull through."

Roger nodded, leaning on the steering wheel, and sighed. But then a movement of shadow caught his attention. Roger remained still.

"Dastun, pick up your binoculars slowly. Straight ahead, high noon, 1:00 position. Can you verify the shadow? He's sticking close to the dark, so I can't see."

Dastun picked up the binoculars slowly and zoomed in.

"That's him. That's our guy."

Roger inhaled deeply and quietly stepped out of the car, followed by Dastun.

"I lead," Dastun whispered, and he pulled out his pistol, and they both crept over to the location where Big Ear's informant and Sampson's accomplice were talking.

"Man, hurry up. The cops have been crawling all over here, all day!" Roger heard the kid say loudly. Roger and Dastun took cover behind large crates to avoid being seen, creeping closer, and straining to hear the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah… I got the fertilizer, but this is IT. Company is now putting in a sign out policy so nothing more can be missing."

"What the… this isn't Mr. Sampson wants."

"It's all I could get and he's lucky to have gotten that. That's it, kid. Tell the Doc, he's on his own."

"I can't do that! He'll kill me once he sees this. We spent all that time, moving everything from the underground to the staging point, and he'll lose it."

"Not my… WHAT THE…"

Roger and Dastun broke their cover, closing in on the pair. The dealer bolted to his left and Sampson's accomplice took off to the right, with Roger in pursuit.

"ROGER!" yelled Dastun, but Roger was faster and kept running after the kid. Dastun groaned and grabbed his radio.


Dastun took off after the dealer in the dark.